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Satan IS real

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posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 07:18 PM
I have a sense of intuition of Satan being real. An ancient story of a person exiled from an Entheogenic society for breaking from their conciousness and the lifestyle of being completely abstinent later rendered Satan a winner against all senses of banishment.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 10:13 PM
Satan is real, and he works for the department of motor vehicles.
Or maybe the IRS, still trying to nail that one down.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 01:11 AM
people that think they are christian actually worship satan. literally

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: Drucifer

I find the idea that there’s an evil being influencing people quite lazy. It completely allows for people to pass the back on to something else. ...

The teaching regarding Satan as presented in the Bible, does not absolve men from their responsibility in the badness, but rather it shows that the prime initiator of all badness is Satan the Devil, and that wicked men have willingly carried out his wishes. To shut one’s eyes to the existence of the Devil is to ignore the real cause of badness. Making it easier for Satan, his demons and these wilfully wicked men to use his “system of things” (Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 4:4) to mold your behaviour and attitude “according to his own disposition” (John 8:44) and induce people to do that which is bad, sometimes even making them think they're doing good (by giving people the impression that that which is bad, is actually good, and that that which is good, is actually bad, see Isaiah 5:20).*

People may twist that idea for the purpose you described, but according to the teachings found in the Bible, no one can rightfully excuse his own bad actions by blaming the Devil.​

“And there is not a creation that is not manifest to his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.” (Heb 4:13)

*: “And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Rom 12:2)

Isaiah 5:20,21

Woe to those who say that good is bad and bad is good,

Those who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness,

Those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Woe to those wise in their own eyes

And discreet in their own sight!

“among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers”. (2 Cor 4:4a)

“Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to* [Or “accept.”] my word. You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. Because I, on the other hand, tell you the truth, you do not believe me. Who of you convicts me of sin? If I speak truth, why is it that you do not believe me? The one who is from God listens to the sayings of God. This is why you do not listen, because you are not from God.” (John 8:43-47)

Context in playlist:

He is a liar! (part 1 of 2)
edit on 3-11-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 02:27 AM
What utter crap! If there were a Satan, he wouldn't be evil, god would be! The devil is nothing more than a prison warden who runs hell for god. God is the evil #er who sends people there for not kissing his arse and revering him. Sounds a bit like Hitler or stalin doesn't he? Lol @ the childish notion of god and jesus. I don't need a book written by some crazy monk a thousand years AFTER the said events took place to tell me what is right or wrong. If you need that book for those reasons, then you truly are a sad disillusioned individual!

GOD IS NOT REAL!!! reply to: St0rD

edit on 3-11-2020 by NotSoBigG because: Religious idiots!

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 02:30 AM
In answer to your name- lt isn't in your brain, that much is true! reply to: whereislogic

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: whereislogic

The star of agreement is from me. Although I see Jehova's witnesses as devil worshippers.
My understanding comes from David Vose and his YT channel. Being a former JW he's put a lot of energy into debunking this sick cult

It's easy to listen to and fix your logic at least a bit

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: St0rD

yeh and god made everything and , god know all as it was his plan , so god made satan to destroy the world , so thank god for satan

i dont think god or satan are real , i just think they are metaphors for the duality of existence , light and dark , sort of like the hermetic view

we cant have one without the other
i think its all about choices , we can at any point make a choice and that choice however small will always have an affect of sending you in a direction , the direction of dark energy and the direction of light energy
, the pendulum swings both ways and knowing this one can fix themselves within the swing of the pendulum

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 04:13 AM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
a reply to: whereislogic

... Although I see Jehova's witnesses as devil worshippers.
... debunking this sick cult

Thanks for the demonstration of Isaiah 5:20,21 (or having been convinced by those described there), but the irrelevant name-calling isn't very convincing (irrelevant to my comment describing "The teaching regarding Satan as presented in the Bible").

Regarding the article below, remember, cult is a synonym for sect.

The Manipulation of Information (Awake!—2000)


Some people insult those who disagree with them by questioning character or motives instead of focusing on the facts. Name-calling slaps a negative, easy-to-remember label onto a person, a group, or an idea. The name-caller hopes that the label will stick. If people reject the person or the idea on the basis of the negative label instead of weighing the evidence for themselves, the name-caller’s strategy has worked.

For example, in recent years a powerful antisect sentiment has swept many countries in Europe and elsewhere. This trend has stirred emotions, created the image of an enemy, and reinforced existing prejudices against religious minorities. Often, “sect” becomes a catchword. “‘Sect’ is another word for ‘heretic,’” wrote German Professor Martin Kriele in 1993, “and a heretic today in Germany, as in former times, is [condemned to extermination]—if not by fire . . . , then by character assassination, isolation and economic destruction.”

The Institute for Propaganda Analysis notes that “bad names have played a tremendously powerful role in the history of the world and in our own individual development. They have ruined reputations, . . . sent [people] to prison cells, and made men mad enough to enter battle and slaughter their fellowmen.”

I.e. doing bad (sometimes thinking that one is doing good). Going back a bit in the article:

Making Generalizations

Another very successful tactic of propaganda is generalization. Generalizations tend to obscure important facts about the real issues in question, and they are frequently used to demean entire groups of people.

The real issue in question in my comment was "The teaching regarding Satan as presented in the Bible" and the important facts I mentioned about it. Demeaning an entire group of people as "devil worshippers" and a "sick cult" (in your eyes, as you put it; but there was a bit more reason for you to express that opinion than merely expressing that view wasn't there? Given the rest of your comment attempting to convince others of one's being right about that), is rather distracting from the real issues and important facts discussed in my comment.

Playing on the Emotions

Even though feelings might be irrelevant when it comes to factual claims or the logic of an argument, they play a crucial role in persuasion. Emotional appeals are fabricated by practiced publicists, who play on feelings as skillfully as a virtuoso plays the piano.

For example, fear is an emotion that can becloud judgment. And, as in the case of envy, fear can be played upon. The Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail, of February 15, 1999, reported the following from Moscow: “When three girls committed suicide in Moscow last week, the Russian media immediately suggested they were fanatical followers of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Note the word “fanatical.” Naturally, people would be fearful of a fanatic religious organization that supposedly drives young people to suicide. Were these unfortunate girls really connected with Jehovah’s Witnesses in some way?

The Globe continued: “Police later admitted the girls had nothing to do with [Jehovah’s Witnesses]. But by then a Moscow television channel had already launched a new assault on the sect, telling viewers that the Jehovah’s Witnesses had collaborated with Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany—despite historical evidence that thousands of their members were victims of the Nazi death camps.” In the mind of the misinformed and possibly fearful public, Jehovah’s Witnesses were either a suicidal cult or Nazi collaborators!

Hatred is a strong emotion exploited by propagandists. Loaded language is particularly effective in triggering it. There seems to be a nearly endless supply of nasty words that promote and exploit hatred toward particular racial, ethnic, or religious groups.

"sick cult" definitely qualifies as "loaded language" to promote and exploit hatred toward a particular religious group.

Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda! (Awake!—2000)

... Propagandists relentlessly force you to hear their view and discourage discussion. Often their real motives are not apparent. They sift the facts, exploiting the useful ones and concealing the others. They also distort and twist facts, specializing in lies and half-truths. Your emotions, not your logical thinking abilities, are their target.

The propagandist makes sure that his message appears to be the right and moral one and that it gives you a sense of importance and belonging if you follow it. You are one of the smart ones, you are not alone, you are comfortable and secure—so they say.

How can you protect yourself from the types of people that the Bible calls “profitless talkers” and “deceivers of the mind”? (Titus 1:10) Once you are familiar with some of their tricks, you are in a better position to evaluate any message or information that comes your way. Here are some ways to do this.

Be selective: ...

Use discernment: Discernment is “acuteness of judgment.” It is “the power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another.” A person with discernment perceives subtleties of ideas or things and has good judgment.

Using discernment, we will be able to recognize those who are merely using “smooth talk and complimentary speech” in order to “seduce the hearts of guileless ones.” (Romans 16:18) Discernment enables you to discard irrelevant information or misleading facts and distinguish the substance of a matter. But how can you discern when something is misleading?

Put information to the test: “Beloved ones,” said John, a first-century Christian teacher, “do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions.” (1 John 4:1) Some people today are like sponges; they soak up whatever they come across. It is all too easy to absorb whatever is around us.

But it is far better for each individual personally to choose what he will feed his mind. It is said that we are what we eat, and this can apply to food for both the body and the mind. No matter what you are reading or watching or listening to, test to see whether it has propagandistic overtones or is truthful.

Moreover, if we want to be fair-minded, we must be willing to subject our own opinions to continual testing as we take in new information. We must realize that they are, after all, opinions. Their trustworthiness depends on the validity of our facts, on the quality of our reasoning, and on the standards or values that we choose to apply.

Ask questions: As we have seen, there are many today who would like to ‘delude us with persuasive arguments.’ (Colossians 2:4) Therefore, when we are presented with persuasive arguments, we should ask questions.

First, examine whether there is bias. What is the motive for the message? If the message is rife with name-calling and loaded words, why is that? Loaded language aside, what are the merits of the message itself? Also, if possible, try to check the track record of those speaking. Are they known to speak the truth? If “authorities” are used, who or what are they? Why should you regard this person—or organization or publication—as having expert knowledge or trustworthy information on the subject in question? If you sense some appeal to emotions, ask yourself, ‘When viewed dispassionately, what are the merits of the message?’

Your comment fails quite badly on these fronts.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

Context (playlist)

That's the same playlist I linked earlier at the end of the comment you were responding to by the way.

Regarding the video in your comment more specifically*, I've heard it all before, to me, it's quite obvious what is going on and why these types of accusations are so numerous in a system that has Satan as its god:

“Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake, ... for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you”, Jesus Christ told his disciples. (Matthew 5:11,12)

“What has been is what will be,

And what has been done will be done again;

There is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

*: in my previous reply, the terms "rest of your comment" (in the middle) and "your comment" (at the end) includes the video you linked.
edit on 3-11-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 05:13 AM
Well done, you've just found out what religion has been telling us for 2000 years +
We already know

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: St0rD
What a terrible thread. Satan isn't real, and you didn't see him. Nobody is just going to take your word for it. This belongs in the religious nuts forum.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic

originally posted by: Drucifer

I find the idea that there’s an evil being influencing people quite lazy. It completely allows for people to pass the back on to something else. ...

The teaching regarding Satan as presented in the Bible, does not absolve men from their responsibility in the badness, but rather it shows that the prime initiator of all badness is Satan the Devil, and that wicked men have willingly carried out his wishes. To shut one’s eyes to the existence of the Devil is to ignore the real cause of badness. Making it easier for Satan, his demons and these wilfully wicked men to use his “system of things” (Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 4:4) to mold your behaviour and attitude “according to his own disposition” (John 8:44) and induce people to do that which is bad, sometimes even making them think they're doing good (by giving people the impression that that which is bad, is actually good, and that that which is good, is actually bad, see Isaiah 5:20).*

People may twist that idea for the purpose you described, but according to the teachings found in the Bible, no one can rightfully excuse his own bad actions by blaming the Devil.​

“And there is not a creation that is not manifest to his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.” (Heb 4:13)

*: “And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Rom 12:2)

Isaiah 5:20,21

Woe to those who say that good is bad and bad is good,

Those who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness,

Those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Woe to those wise in their own eyes

And discreet in their own sight!

“among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers”. (2 Cor 4:4a)

“Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to* [Or “accept.”] my word. You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. Because I, on the other hand, tell you the truth, you do not believe me. Who of you convicts me of sin? If I speak truth, why is it that you do not believe me? The one who is from God listens to the sayings of God. This is why you do not listen, because you are not from God.” (John 8:43-47)

Context in playlist:

He is a liar! (part 1 of 2)

If that helps ya stay on a good path, have at it. Myself, however, know very well what is right and what is wrong and certainly don’t need to rely on anything but my brain and common sense to get through life. It’s worked out rather well for 38 years.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
Satan is a construct of the church when some people started getting interested in worshiping Pan. That is why he has horns and hooves in most descriptions.

The church says "Don't even look at that. It is evil and you will burn for worshiping that".

All organized religions are created by man. Satan is man made.

Man's interpretation of evil can take many forms. The fact that it's a part of every civilization that's ever existed demonstrates how man has always become aware of and tried to interpret evil or "Satan" as viewed from their perspective. If one person encounters "Satan" or a negative force, It will be talked about within the entire village. Over time, we know how that can develop and change. Combined with our own experiences it resonates with many pretty quickly. We accept religion as we do politics, we're not really 100% on board with everything, but they represent most of what we want or believe so we roll with it. Personally, I believe we're here, in a very diminished form of our true selves. Our "energy" has always been and likely always will be, just as Einstein claimed that energy cannot be destroyed. We step from one form and existence to another. Why? Wish I knew. Is it a punishment or reward, I don't know, but the idea that nothing exists outside of our knowledge is laughable and dismissing Satan is exactly what an enemy would want you to do.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 03:20 PM
I was never a religious person but you know what? After seeing the DNC convention, seeing how these democrats act, seeing how they really deceive everyone more than I have ever seen in my life I am starting to believe there is some sort of dark forces or energy controlling these folks. When I see liberals LITERALLY barking at trump supporters, acting like they are the victim when they are the aggressor, acting like complete irrational animals, wishing Trump dead, wishing harm on everyone that doesn't conform to them no matter how illogical their ideas sound, I really do believe something has got a grasp of them. Satan? Devil? I don't know. What I do know is these people are PURE EVIL. PURE PURE EVIL.

Just the other day I saw a Trump train on the highway driving the opposite direction, the lady in front of my aggressively gave them the middle finger and almost swerved into the median and when i passed her to laugh, she gave me this most evil look like she was possessed or something. Seriously odd.

posted on Nov, 4 2020 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: Drucifer

... Myself, however, know very well what is right and what is wrong and certainly don’t need to rely on anything but my brain and common sense to get through life.

A common attitude in this system of things, promoted by Satan according to the Bible. Which fits quite nicely with the claim that Satan is the god of this system of things (as quoted earlier). Therefore it's not surprising for many people to feel that they can decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong and they especially don't need God to tell them, or decide that for them. It goes right back to how the Bible describes the situation with Satan, Adam and Eve concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and bad:

Then one day a serpent spoke to Eve and asked: “Is it really so that God said you must not eat from every tree of the garden?” Eve answered that they were prohibited from eating the fruit of only “the tree that is in the middle of the garden,” the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, ‘that they would not die.’—Genesis 3:1-3.

Who was this serpent? The Bible book of Revelation identifies “the original serpent” as “the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9) Did God create Satan the Devil? No, Jehovah’s works are perfect and good. (Deuteronomy 32:4) This spirit creature made himself both the Devil, meaning “Slanderer,” and Satan, meaning “Resister.” He was “drawn out and enticed by his own desire,” the desire to be in God’s place, and he set out to rebel against the Creator.—James 1:14.

Satan the Devil went on to say to Eve: “You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad.” (Genesis 3:4, 5) Satan made eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad seem appealing. In essence, he argued: ‘God is withholding something good from you. Just eat from the tree, and you will be like God and will be able to decide for yourself what is good and what is bad.’ Today Satan is still using this line of reasoning to keep many from serving God. ‘Do your own thing,’ he says. ‘Just ignore what you owe to the One who gave you life.’—Revelation 4:11.

Source: A Satisfying Life—Why So Elusive?

Molecular Machinery of Life (playlist)

After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit (Ge 2:17; 3:5, 6), Jehovah said to his associate in creative work (Joh 1:1-3): “Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad.” (Ge 3:22) This apparently did not mean merely having knowledge of what was good and what was bad for them, for the first man and woman had such knowledge by reason of God’s commands to them. Furthermore, God’s words at Genesis 3:22 could not pertain to their now knowing what was bad by experience, for Jehovah said that they had become like him and he has not learned what is bad by doing it. (Ps 92:14, 15) Evidently, Adam and Eve got to know what was good and what was bad in the special sense of now judging for themselves what was good and what was bad. They were idolatrously placing their judgment above God’s, disobediently becoming a law to themselves, as it were, instead of obeying Jehovah, who has both the right and the wisdom necessary to determine good and bad. So their independent knowledge, or standard, of good and bad was not like that of Jehovah. Rather, it was one that led them to misery.​—Jer 10:23.

Source: Knowledge (Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2)
edit on 4-11-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2020 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

You sound like a lawyer. It comes from the devil.
I was watching David's playlist about JW to find something just for you about the masonic founder and fake end of the world prophecies and boy, the first three vids are only about his family being disfellowshipped for his elder father's beard. It IS sick.
You cant leave. Are you allowed to watch it or they can see you?

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
a reply to: whereislogic

I was watching David's playlist about JW to find something just for you ...

Digging for dirt you mean. “A worthless man digs up what is bad; his speech is like a scorching fire. A troublemaker causes dissension, and a slanderer separates close friends.” (Proverbs 16:27,28)

... about the masonic founder and fake end of the world prophecies and boy, the first three vids are only about his family being disfellowshipped for his elder father's beard. It IS sick.
You cant leave. Are you allowed to watch it or they can see you?

I can watch whatever I feel like watching. Besides, if it really was so easy to get disfellowshipped, why would you say I can't leave? That's self-contradictory. Either one can get easily disfellowshipped just for having a father with a beard or one can't leave, you can't have it both ways; even though the reality is that neither description reflects the reality of the matter. And none of it is applicable to me, there's nothing for me to leave (one probably shouldn't make assumptions about me for just agreeing with their teachings and using their explanations of bible teachings).

I also know better not to take anyone who claims Charles Taze Russell was a freemason seriously. They clearly have no issue with lying or repeating lies because they can't be bothered to check up on them, all because it's 'tickling their ears' as per 2 Timothy 4:3,4 (i.e. just what they wanted to hear).

Was Charles Taze Russell a Mason? No, he was not! (blogspot)

Lies, Lies!

Certainly, the handiest trick of the propagandist is the use of outright lies. Consider, for example, the lies that Martin Luther wrote in 1543 about the Jews in Europe: “They have poisoned wells, made assassinations, kidnaped children . . . They are venomous, bitter, vindictive, tricky serpents, assassins, and children of the devil who sting and work harm.” His exhortation to so-called Christians? “Set fire to their synagogues or schools . . . Their houses [should] also be razed and destroyed.”

A professor of government and social studies who has studied that era says: “Antisemitism has fundamentally nothing to do with the actions of Jews, and therefore fundamentally nothing to do with an antisemite’s knowledge of the real nature of Jews.” He also notes: “The Jews stood for everything that was awry, so that the reflexive reaction to a natural or social ill was to look to its supposed Jewish sources.”

Source: The Manipulation of Information (Awake!—2000)

2 Timothy 4:3,4

For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome* [Or “healthful; beneficial.”] teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.* [Or “to tell them what they want to hear.”] 4 They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories.

David Vose is just tickling your ears with false stories that you want to hear, that are pleasing to you*, just like your other guru (teacher) whose website is linked in your signature, Alex Jones, who is in the conspiracy theory entertainment business. And you're buying into it rather than getting your information from the beneficial teaching of the Bible and when someone says something about bible teachings, “carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” (Acts 17:11). *: making you feel good (about yourself, see the part I quoted concerning propaganda before with the phrase: 'you are one of the smart ones'), perhaps even 'awake', as some people in the conspiracy entertainment business put it when they contrast it with and elevate themselves and their target market above those they derogatively refer to as "sheeple" (name-calling, check, loaded language to play on the emotions, check, making generalizations, check); compare with the article about propaganda, read the part about playing on people's pride on the first page, which I skipped before under the section "Playing on the Emotions" (you can check off fear, hatred and pride as emotions being played on by the likes of David Vose and Alex Jones, and similar types on the Infowars website or so-called truth seekers on youtube, such as Mark Dice who also parrots that lie about C.T Russell being a mason and other similar distracting nonsense about what they refer to as a New World Order, when there's nothing new about it, nothing “new under the sun” here either, as Eccl. 1:9 puts it).

Clearly you haven't realized what the man in the video below has realized yet:

He still doesn't quite get it though, especially the things the Bible teaches about this system of things, the various beasts mentioned in Revelation, and Babylon the Great. But at least he understands now that the Alex Jones-types are not waking anyone up to what's really going on. The real conspiracies and deceptions one should concern themselves with (coming back to the topic of Satan and his system of things, and one of his main tools of deception, false religion, Babylon the Great):

He is a liar! (part 1 of 2)
The Pagan Religious Roots of Evolutionary Philosophies and Philosophical Naturalism (part 1 of 2)

Or in the order that they appear in the playlist:

One myth leads to another (my ATS thread)
One Myth Leads to Another (article, page 1)

All part of the evidence for Satan's existence and activities in “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9)

A synonym for the “false stories” mentioned at 2 Timothy 4:3,4 is “myths” by the way. The Greek word translated there is myʹthos.


What can we conclude from this brief review of myths that are still taught by many churches? These “tales [Greek, myʹthos] artfully spun” cannot rival the simple and comforting truths of the Bible.​—2 Peter 1:16, The New English Bible.

Therefore, with an open mind, do not hesitate to compare with God’s Word​—the source of truth—​what you have been taught. (John 17:17) Then, this promise will prove true in your case: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”​—John 8:32.

Source: Myth 6: God Approves of the Use of Images and Icons in Worship (last page of the earlier linked article)
edit on 5-11-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Thank you for your kind words.

A lot of people want God to be their imagination and not what the Bible says he is. That's an idol and I can't abide it.

I tremble for a lot of these posters as they have replaced the truth with a lie and vain imagination. They will stand at judgment as arbiters of their own destruction having leaned on their own understanding, which is pride.

I fear for these people. I love them and so warn them. Your words are an incredibly encouragement, so thank you very much!

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

Just like brother David you can leave easily but then say bye bye to your own family, friends, your only connections and your job. He was born into it so he knows better. On top of that in your programmed mind it means leaving the only true cult in the universe and God himself of course. It's a corporation using Bible to keep you in.
Reading your stuff is like one of those magazines. It sounds like a program. Like a schooled brain doing math with words. Artificial intelligence picking up random verses from the Bible proving one another. Like Buddhist monks memorizing the whole Tipitaka but in a sick way. You can prove yourself whatever you want just like you can make any word from the alphabet. It's basically not far from kinda voluntary psychosis.

Come on, look at what they celebrate. They move around a glass of wine but no one is allowed to eat the symbolic Jesus but priests AKA elders. What a symbol of rejection of Jesus! What a sick joke of satan! Just like what Roman catholics were doing for ages. Poor slaves enjoy their little "earthly hope" only "observing" it while keeping Jewish lunisolar calendar and Jewish law of their cruel Jewish god from beneath.
That's the realization of Dave's studying Bible over and over. It's the same book. They were meddling with your version to mislead you but it's there.
You think it's the ultimate truth when it's the ultimate lie. Jesus was not afraid to be associated with a prostitute. He didnt stone her or disfellowshipped her.
They are clearly from devil. Devil's witnesses counting people who rejected Jesus for him.
You cant learn Jesus or understand God. You either have his spirit and love or you are dead inside. Studying cult magazines or Bible twice a week and keeping the old Jewish laws will grant you nothing. Jews didnt understand it, the Seventh day evangelics keeping sabath like crazy dont understand it, muslims dont understand it

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