John D. Boswell is a filmmaker, composer, and editor from the pacific northwest. He uses the synonym MelodySheep and his documentaries has gotten more
that 200 million views online - pretty impressive.
His latest project, The Museum of Alien Life, is a portrait of how life may evolve other places in the universe, a collaboration effort featuring high
quality 3D graphics - all for FREE on YT here, highly recommended:
I watched this yesterday, great content as usual. I highly recommend everyone checks out the entire youtube channel. There's some very interesting
videos on there. A really great one that details the timeline of the universe stick out in my memory, as well as a few good songs.
Great vids but much theory which could be or is likely poop because our level of physics is still primitive and a whole new reality on physics could
one day emerge (if some of that hasn't already done so but in secret).
What I saw of the video was good but I could not watch it for long because of the overly loud music as compared to the speech. Someone doesn't
understand the meaning of background music.