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In the end you become the mistake.

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posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 12:24 PM
People love you for how you make them feel, for the power you give them, for the sacrifices you make and it's never enough as long as they have you under their thumb.

They'll never admit a God and won't change but yourself.

In the end you become the mistake they can't deny and there will be nothing left, the only thing left to hope for, that their screams will die.

These people need to be confronted with theirselves.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

That made me contemplate and i am still mentally chewing that.

Hmm... Did something happen to you recently, in your social circles, or have you felt like this for a longer period of time?

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 12:57 PM
You nailed it....

fabulous....plowing deep...

precisely put.....that's what I deal with at the ranch where everyone gathers....they're all younger by 25 years....

I reach them one at a time, telling them Jesus needs em for public the Millennium there will be more people on the Earth than now......
edit on 7-9-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 01:56 PM
Never give.

Never take.

But Always Share, when you can.

Never lead, never follow.

But welcome Companions for the road is long, and sometimes hard.

Never lead another by the hand,

But by your example.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

"For by grace you are saved, through faith, and this is not of yourselves..."

Your philosophy omits the motivation of the love of the Creator for His creation.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 01:58 PM
To a very great degree, this depends on the space that you allow people around you to occupy in your life.

Loving, caring, being kind always brings with it, in this world, the possibility of loss, of taking a risk on somebody and of being abused or taken advantage of. It is incumbent on you to decide where the line is that you will not allow people to cross, then to firmly say, "Here and no more," when they attempt to transgress it.

My mother is a very giving person. I cannot count the times I've told her, "Mama, don't do it, don't help, don't lend, don't go," and she's ignored me because "they needed her," or her money or her house or her time. Then I'm the one she comes and complains to when they piss on her. I finally told her that I didn't want to hear it, that I'd tried to warn her many times and she wouldn't listen, so I could do nothing about it after the fact.

A drug addict relative - niece by previous marriage - was planning on returning to town once. My mother was about to offer her a place to stay. This woman has a history of taking advantage of people. When I found out, I called her sister and told her that if the woman came to live with my mother, I would contact local law enforcement, inform them of her record and ask them to keep an eye on her so that my mother wold not be taken advantage of. The woman backed off and did not come. Pissed off the sister. Pissed off my mother. Probably pissed off the junkie, but I couldn't care less. My mother could not but say, "yes."

In short, if you let people piss on you, you can't complain about being all wet.

Draw the line. Establish your boundaries. Learn to say NO! when you need to, and live life.
edit on 2020 9 07 by incoserv because: what's it to ya?

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 07:49 AM
Hi my name is Dumbass and I'm your mistake.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: Out6of9Balance
People love you for how you make them feel, for the power you give them, for the sacrifices you make and it's never enough as long as they have you under their thumb.

They'll never admit a God and won't change but yourself.

In the end you become the mistake they can't deny and there will be nothing left, the only thing left to hope for, that their screams will die.

These people need to be confronted with theirselves.

Nooo..."The Child...becomes Father to the Man". Everything full circle.

Death is a transition only...and certainly the only single thing we all can bet on getting.

No mistaking the inevitable...and that's no mistake.

So, chin up!🤙

edit on 8-9-2020 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 07:20 PM
Shouldnt such a matter be left up to God if this is merely about Athiests?

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