posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 06:14 AM
Everyone knows what "heavy water" or deuterium oxide is. Heavy hydrogen water has the same chemical formula as ordinary water, but instead of two
atoms of the usual light isotope of hydrogen (protium) it contains two atoms of the heavy isotope of hydrogen - deuterium, and its oxygen in isotopic
composition corresponds to oxygen in the air. The formula for heavy hydrogen water is usually written as D2O or 2H2O. Externally, heavy water looks
like ordinary water - a colorless liquid without taste or smell. Not radioactive, it is used as moderators of neutrons in nuclear chain reactions.
Its application looks even worse than its name.
As an amateur and connoisseur of natural elite alcoholic beverages, I was interested in the question: what will happen if ethyl alcohol is dissolved
in this heavy water and its content in the solution is brought to 40% by volume? Will we make "deuterium-vodka" - "heavy vodka" on heavy water?
And how safe will it be to drink it in small quantities?
Let's try to figure it out.
First, I must say that heavy water is sold in chemical stores, it can also be ordered on specialized websites, and it costs about 85 thousand rubles
(about 1200 US dollars) per 1 kg. Those. even if we dilute ethyl alcohol in this water, we get a very expensive finished product. It will literally be
a luxury one. To get a 0.5 liter bottle of "heavy vodka" with heavy water, you need to spend at least 26 thousand rubles (about $ 360). And taking
into account all excise taxes and other taxes, its price will exceed all reasonable limits.
In this case, ethyl alcohol dissolves in heavy water as well as in ordinary water due to the formation of hydrogen bonds. When ethanol is dissolved in
heavy water, as well as in ordinary water, a slight increase in temperature is observed precisely because of the formation of new hydrogen bonds.
Scientists agree that, without harm to health, a person can drink several glasses of heavy water at a time, which will be excreted from the body in a
few days. In medical practice, cases of treatment of high blood pressure with heavy water with a daily dose of up to 675 g are even described.
This means that if you get "heavy vodka" on heavy water, then the most toxic component for the human body will still be ethyl alcohol itself, and
not heavy water and the deuterium it contains. The use of such "heavy vodka" is an additional burden on the body compared to ordinary vodka on
ordinary water, because the elimination organs will have to rid your body not only of alcohol decomposition products, but also of deuterium.
Safe use of such "heavy vodka" can be considered only its intake in small quantities, no more than 50 g per day. However, due to the high cost of
heavy water in comparison with the cost of ethyl alcohol, it is unlikely that anyone would think to open the production of "heavy vodka". Plus, such
an alcoholic product most likely will not be able to obtain a safety certificate, and therefore will not be sold.
I want to remind you, dear members of the forum, that the use of alcoholic beverages brings satisfaction and even benefit only in moderation, strictly
individual for each person)))
Maybe some of you have recipes for exclusive drinks from natural raw materials? Please share.