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Project "Virus House" German ww2 a-bomb project

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posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 12:44 PM
Does any one have any facts, pics, web pages about this? Im very intrested in the subject! plz help!
These are best that i have found on the subject but i really like to have something better, pictures etc..
And oh c'mon!!1 Give me something!?! If you know about this subject! I know that over 70 have viewed this

[Edited on 18-7-2003 by Uninen]

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 05:40 PM
There was a show on the history channel abou the american bomber and they talked about the bomb the nazis were trying to build.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 04:44 AM
About german a-bomb.. a He-177 was modified to carry this device.. that did not supposedly exist?
I have some book that actually has a picture of this plane.. Unfortenatly i dont have a scanner so i could share this with you..

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:04 AM
So nobody doesnt know anything about this?

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:06 AM
The best information about the Virus House and their bomb is on that website.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:54 AM
Just downloaded it.. maybe it will be intressing to read.. dunno.. try it.. its free..

Page 334.. intresting.. a would be german nuclear reactor.. In hands of SOE operatives..

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:58 AM
There isn't much on the subject. You aren't going to find the pictures you are looking for. There aren't any.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 10:30 AM
The Manhattan Project was run by Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, a German who had fled the Nazi's.. So in fact the little boy and fatman were A GERMAN bombs.. as the Albert Einstein who "invented" the possibility of a such weapon was allso A GERMAN..

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 10:43 AM
The existence of the technology is proof in itself that it would have been discovered one way or another. Your comment about the Jews was stupid, unbased and ignorant. A "certain Austrian corporal" was responsible for the deaths of close to 30 million people in World War II, and 6 million innocent Jews. You are no better than the compliant Germans who supported Hitler and looked the other way when his henchmen were murdering millions.

And the self destructive nature of the human condition is by no means exclusive to Jews

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 11:01 AM
Sorry my comments were out of line.. but it was not German who made the invasion of Poland a WORLD WAR it was the Britts and french..

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 11:22 AM
The Germans invaded Poland in order to exterminate the large Jewish population, and expand the German Reich. Two years later they used Poland as a springboard in their invasion of the USSR. Conquering Europe was always the Nazis' aim. They wanted an empire similar in size to that of Rome, and they wanted to kill the entire Jewish population of Europe.

Britain and France honoured an agreement with Poland that they would fight on her side should she be invaded. If they had not, Hitler would have still invaded Europe. Thankfully, he did not manage to conquer the continent because the Allies stood up to him.

Hitler was a power crazed madman, and also an accomplished military strategist, as were many of his followers. The Nazis caused the World War, not the Allies. The Nazis were in no way justified or right. They were the bad guys, France, the UK, the US, Poland and all the other allied nations and resistance groups, were the good guys. There was no Jewish conspiracy. The Jews were a political scapegoat, a common enemy for the Nazis to rally against. Nothing more.

I notice your location is Finland. Is your favourable view of the Nazis something to do with the fact that they fought alongside your people against the Soviets?

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 01:06 PM
I aint no nazi..
My avatar is just a Big joke if you may.. but i realy think that ww2 was won by inferior and weaker side.. the allies.. but things are better that way.. but had there not been any nazies i really think that Germans would have won the war.. cause many of the great mistakes on the german side were made by Hitler himself (As in: Calling off air-assault on united kingdom.. cause in 2 last weeks the jagdfliegers frei jagd "free hunt" tactics were causing britts more causualities than their aircraft production could replace.. or the trapping of 6th army at Stalingrad.. and the whole battle of Kursk..) all of witch were quite fatal errors.. were made by orders of Hitler..
But this is way off from the real subject witch was the "Project virus house" ..

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 02:20 PM
Project Virus House...would that include the Nazi project of distilling "Heavy Water" in the Hydroelectric plant in Norway?

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 02:32 PM
"Project virus house" Includes everything about German nuclear projects/research.. Anything..

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 05:02 PM
Yeah still looking for facts.. and pics about this.. For gods sake post something!!! This is very intresting matter.. belive me.. or at least.. HELP!!!

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 03:06 AM
And now i post it:

"There are indications that Japan had a more sizable program than is commonly understood, and that there was close cooperation among the Axis powers, including a secretive exchange of war materiel. The German submarine U-234, which surrendered to US forces in May 1945, was found to be carrying 560 kilograms of Uranium oxide destined for Japan's own atomic program. The oxide contained about 3.5 kilograms of the isotope U-235, which would have been about a fifth of the total U-235 needed to make one bomb. After Japan surrendered on 15 August 1945, the occupying US Army found five Japanese cyclotrons, which could be used to separate fissionable material from ordinary uranium. The Americans smashed the cyclotrons and dumped them into Tokyo Harbor."

Funny how Germans who "didnt know what they were doing" should send to Japan after their own defeat: "560 kilograms of Uranium oxide destined for Japan's own atomic program. The oxide contained about 3.5 kilograms of the isotope U-235, which would have been about a fifth of the total U-235 needed to make one bomb."

More at:

Again i bust the Allies for a lie..


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