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Saint Louis police officer murdered

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posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Fools

And Kim Gardner just released everyone who was arrested!

This is the justice system the communists want. Arrest your enemies while allowing the real scum to go free.

Looters and rioters are not being prosecuted

That's hilarious. That'll make the police abandon their employment. That's what they should do. Let Kim deal with them up close and personal. Maybe they can talk feelings over a nice cup of Starbucks.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Fools

Your link has been removed. Can you please provide an alternate one?

It's the sad video of Ret Police Captain Dorn bleeding out on the sidewalk when peaceful protester's looted his pockets for whatevers.

So, you too ignorant to know the difference between a looter, and a peaceful protester?

I used to know the difference until the PC crowd happened. Now nothing is what it is suppose to be.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Fools

Your link has been removed. Can you please provide an alternate one?

It's the sad video of Ret Police Captain Dorn bleeding out on the sidewalk when peaceful protester's looted his pockets for whatevers.

So, you too ignorant to know the difference between a looter, and a peaceful protester?

I used to know the difference until the PC crowd happened. Now nothing is what it is suppose to be.

I feel you on that

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

This reminded me of a social conversation that we set up in the community. We had a black guy, white guy, asian guy, and it was hosted by a native american guy. When it was pointed out that blacks have more programs available that are solely for black people, while everyone else has to allow black people to apply for their benefits, the black represented started to cuss out the host as racist and left the conversation.

So how do you have an open conversation with people if the side that keeps demanding it, gets pissy when questions are raised. Now to be fair this only is a reflection on that one person and not the whole black culture as a whole, but when the person who so demanded that this conversation take place, acts out when questioned, then how does a conversation begin?

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 03:40 PM
Apparently too many officials feel antifa is on par with the police. Both are protected when they commit crimes.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 03:52 PM

When it was pointed out that blacks have more programs available that are solely for black people, while everyone else has to allow black people to apply for their benefits, the black represented started to cuss out the host as racist and left the conversation.
a reply to: Guyfriday

I don't have the full context of the conversation, but from what you said it sounded like alot of blaming type language. so maybe thats why the individual got flustered?

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

This is for everyone to chew on.

All of this is over the death of one black man.

How many black men have died during these riots?

David Dorn's life matters! Sadly he is dead because of the same people rioting, and he is a black man trying to defend his community.

So if black lives matter, why is this okay?

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

I challenge you to find "anyone" who thinks it's ok, it's not ok.

There have been some cops shot, some civillians by police as well. None of it, is ok.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

The discussion was about how black people have a hard time getting into college due to costs and the black guy was trying to say that black kids have to get into college through sports or just not go at all. That's when the whole thing fell apart by the the asian guy pointing that black kids have access to more scholarships then any other race. The black guy then turned around and told everyone there at the discussion that this is why black people have it so bad, and why can't you people understand that black are still living in slavery.

The host (who was a native american) repeated this by pointing out that native americans have to provide scholarships for tribal members only, but that black people had to be included in those scholarships to due to a lawsuit. The black guy (who asked for this discussion to begin with) stood up and said that blacks are the most disenfranchised group of people in america and that everyone in the room was racists (though the words used are very against T&C) then walked out of the room. Those of us that were there, waited for about 15 minutes, but the black guy never came back. So we ended the discussion. The consensus was that black people need to clean up their own communities before crying about race relations. This meeting only represents issues in the community that I live in, but after telling my black friend about it, they said that it's the same if it was all blacks in the room. Nobody wants to accept responsibility anymore for their actions in the community. Seems to be the same issues in most communities from what I can see, it's just that the black community are better at adapting to it them most. Then we had a drink.

It wasn't so much an issue of "blame Language" but rather seemed to be an issue of personalities. I don't get how a person can demand a sit down discussion then get pissed when having to answer a question. How do you have a hard conversation about race when one side refuses to address issues in their culture?

posted on Jun, 4 2020 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Yeah I dont know, I know all constructive conversations have to have a foundation of common ground and then you can start bridge building.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Fools

Of course they don't care. Antifa, BLM, and other socialist/communist violent groups, and even most democrat leaders, don't care that two of the police officers involved in the accidental murder of Floyd are part of minority groups. One of the officers is BLACK, and the other officer is Asian, which destroys the narrative that this accidental death was caused by racism...

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: American-philosopher

The discussion was about how black people have a hard time getting into college due to costs and the black guy was trying to say that black kids have to get into college through sports or just not go at all. That's when the whole thing fell apart by the the asian guy pointing that black kids have access to more scholarships then any other race. The black guy then turned around and told everyone there at the discussion that this is why black people have it so bad, and why can't you people understand that black are still living in slavery.

The host (who was a native american) repeated this by pointing out that native americans have to provide scholarships for tribal members only, but that black people had to be included in those scholarships to due to a lawsuit. The black guy (who asked for this discussion to begin with) stood up and said that blacks are the most disenfranchised group of people in america and that everyone in the room was racists (though the words used are very against T&C) then walked out of the room. Those of us that were there, waited for about 15 minutes, but the black guy never came back. So we ended the discussion. The consensus was that black people need to clean up their own communities before crying about race relations. This meeting only represents issues in the community that I live in, but after telling my black friend about it, they said that it's the same if it was all blacks in the room. Nobody wants to accept responsibility anymore for their actions in the community. Seems to be the same issues in most communities from what I can see, it's just that the black community are better at adapting to it them most. Then we had a drink.

It wasn't so much an issue of "blame Language" but rather seemed to be an issue of personalities. I don't get how a person can demand a sit down discussion then get pissed when having to answer a question. How do you have a hard conversation about race when one side refuses to address issues in their culture?

As a whole, the leaders of the black community tend to be pretty inarticulate. That's poor leadership. Not bad people.

I don't know how to help them get better leadership, though.

The real problem for black people trying to get into college is that so many of them grow up attending really crumby grade school and high school systems that all have bad reputations with the colleges.

They also end up getting really crumby high school educations overall (which means the colleges are wise to turn them away, since they will be ill prepared to make much out of their time at college). Not always because they are bad students. Sometimes it's just a horribly under funded school district.

Now if this "leader" of the black community had been smart enough to explain that, it could have been a more interesting discussion.

Giving someone a really crumby high school education is about the most efficient way to disenfranchise them.

I think the main problem here is that being "a leader" in the black community is kind of like being president of Mexico. It's not a job that very many smart people want.

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 12:14 AM
link 38 officers killed 2019 .
people killed by police 2019 1001
I could get more facts like how many of the deaths had a gun but that would NOT fit your narrative .
Yep a cop get killed this one was black if he had been white you would not have made this thread .
100s of protesters NOT LOOTERS some shot some beat some gassed some tazed the list could go on for pages .
Cops running protesters down again i could post HOURS of videos with this . AND yet NOT one Building saved from looters for 3 days .
Difference between a cop and any other person is they took a job in which they may get killed .
The reporter they took a job in which they film presidents doing photo opps and get beat downs by well watch the videos your self .
Criminals get killed who cares not me . Woman men children protesting --- looters looting - either cops ignoring it or gassing but NEVER the right people .

I could list the WHITE cops injured as well but again that does not fit your narrative .
The black man no matter how smart faces people like you who will find ways to make it seam like its ok because some blacks dont care . some whites dont care when like this thread when its a white cop or this thread would have the other officers listed who wile not dead got shot stabbed cut and so on .
I promise you this mans family Black or white CARE the same way ever family who family member got killed by a cop when IN custody cares . Black white red yellow green they care .

You know this site is not much more then a lets find ways to show how bad blacks are you dont even realize just because every blak is not looting over this that does not mean ever black does not care .
Or that By even making a thread like this it does LITTLE more the encourage MORE racism .

look a black cop is dead and blacks dont care well here Look a white cop is dead and whites dont care when asked why they point that blacks dont care about blacks .
this thread is nothing more then blacks bad . No wonder we have problems from it .

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 12:17 AM
Both sides ONLy care about the narrative they are pushing mean wile people die people get beat people get tazed sometimes out of the 100s sometimes its a cop and cops well they come in every color as well

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: seeker1963

I challenge you to find "anyone" who thinks it's ok, it's not ok.

There have been some cops shot, some civillians by police as well. None of it, is ok.

But in many cases one's poor decisions can lead you down a path that gets you killed with no real justification other than you made bad choices to put yourself in a predicament and the person who killed you did the same. We can say a gang member makes bad choices and one day they are shot and killed by another person making bad choices. Floyd's case is the same with the only difference that the family can not only hold someone to blame but also an organization accountable.

Good cop, bad cop... good person, gang member...Not really seeing much difference here other than people die that do not need to die, but their personal bad choices sure helped them down that path.
edit on 6-6-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: midnightstar
Both sides ONLy care about the narrative they are pushing mean wile people die people get beat people get tazed sometimes out of the 100s sometimes its a cop and cops well they come in every color as well

There is a serious problem with a number of police departments (not All), so I hope if anything this wokeness to Floyd will make real changes in the departments that really need it.

That is about all we can wish for as Floyd was not a good person in any sense of the word, but the police need to not to be a mirror of the community they work in, but then we are talking about humans, so good luck.

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: Fools

Is it normal that I cant view any of these news articles hosted in the US , each one says not available in Europe Economic Area

had to use my VPN to view them

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Fools

Is it normal that I cant view any of these news articles hosted in the US , each one says not available in Europe Economic Area

had to use my VPN to view them

Could be that whoever hosts their site has your country blocked? I have no idea.

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