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Dogs on leads please

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posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 07:39 AM
A lot of people in the UK are now taking walks and bike rides much more than they would have bothered to in times gone by. That's nice , especially for families .
As it turns out there's quite a few more dogs that are coming out and getting excercise that wouldn't normally have. Also good.

You can tell this because it's a sunday again and normal semi rural footfall is way up .

The little dogu that gets a walk everyday anyway and sees what's going on locally has been meeting lots of his quadraped companions , off their leads .

Now dogs and cats can carry coronaviruses and pass them on.
Dogs and cats get into beds with humans , on the sofas, lay on surfaces , and we all pat the dog , etc .

This means that dogs especially should be socially isolated as much as possible or is fair to them . They can pass microcultures between them and onto the owners between households.

Dogalogs has just met several who want to sniff him up and down and huff in his face meaning they want to play. We don't want to have to tell every dog owner it's a zoonotic virus and they've just increased our and their own chances of getting infected , by quite a lot.

So cutting short can we make it clear that dogs are best put on leads and kept on leads for the time being. If you want to tire them out get a ball and play at home.

It's no good us taking careful steps to avoid infection if our canine companions are going to likely undo what efforts we've made already.

The government advice already has been looking to keep dogs on leads.

They made it clear yesterday that overzealous police officers clamping on park visits is wrong ( perhaps they ve got nothing better to do : didn't they have a backlog of unsolved cases before this? Yep ) get on with it then . You used to say you don't do crime prevention only reactionary force , what's going on , do some proper work .

So , we ve made it clear that all parks are open yesterday , good ,
But can we make it specifically clear that all dogs should be on leads please.

edit on 19-4-2020 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

Sick and tired of wrestling with aggressive dogs that are not on a leash, i keep mine in a leash, always.

It always comes as a surprise to the other dogs owner, that there is not going to be a dog fight, instead its me giving hell to the mutts.

And since my encounter with a big Akita, i always carry a knife.

I pity the fool who is going to let their dog attack me or my property.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

There are rumors of rumors that the Joggers may have found some spiked meat treats in a Park in an unspecified keep you pets on Leashes....I had to buy a new one for my Tom Cat and its not popular.


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