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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Some nations halting the vaccine after a couple of deaths, while the uk carries on regardless of 197 certainly raises one eyebrow. The msm keeping quiet about it raises the other.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Not sure if you saw this new thread:

If you go to the link above, the second link in the OP goes directly to Dr. Vanden Bossche's pdf. (I couldn't get it to link it directly here)

I know you're super busy, but there just isn't anyone else whose expertise I trust to ask about this.

I would really appreciate your take as to whether this doctor's concerns are truly as alarming as they seem...
...should people be making an effort to get the word out on the potential for these vaccines to cause such devastating Covid-19 mutations as he describes?

If so, how can we 'dumb down' the info in this pdf, so as to make it more easily understandable to the greatest number of people?

Thank you so much for whatever time you can spare!

edit on 12-3-2021 by lostgirl because: still trying to fix link

edit on 12-3-2021 by lostgirl because: still trying to fix link

edit on 12-3-2021 by lostgirl because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-3-2021 by lostgirl because: I give up

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

The man is a subject matter expert, he’s drawing quite a bit from influenza though which is very different than coronavirus. He’s correct with his escape mutation theory but he’s not mentioning that escape mutation will happen in natural infection and it will happen if we prime the innate immune system the way he is suggesting.

We are extremely lucky this is not the flu. Imagine increasing the death rate, the rate in which it spreads, decreasing incubation time to a day, and it spreading through all population groups. That’s the flu and it puts a kink in vaccination programs. Basically you declare defeat in areas where it is spreading and focus on unaffected areas because it incubates and spreads so quickly. The flu also mutates more quickly and can jump species easier, at least the ones we interact with.

He’s talking about it spreading in kids easily because we vaccinated the older populations, that’s tough to do with its current target ACE2 unless CD209 binding affinity or strength is increased because it has the best affinity for ACE2 but can use one or the other, or both to enter cells. If it gets better at CD209 that’s still lung tissue, but that’s also blood vessels and other tissues, plus a route of spread and it won’t get rid of its ACE2 target because it will lose that evolutionary edge and be wiped by our immune system if it can’t find a target. What if immunocompromised older or vulnerable populations have a mutation that spreads in their cells and they share? That is an escape mutation. If it gets better at CD209 that could also be an escape mutation since we focused on ACE2, but the body may have antibodies to both.

Priming natural killer cells is a good idea, recent research shows that they can be trained to recognize molecular patterns in specific pathogens and remember them. Covid suppresses dendritic cells. Natural killer cells and dendritic cells, along with macrophages, stimulate, regulate, and activate each other. These are all antigen presenting cells that present antigen, antibody generating proteins, from pathogens to T cells that kill pathogens in cells (cytotoxic T cells - Cell based immunity) or T helper cells that stimulate B cells to produce antibodies to kill pathogen outside of cells (humoral immunity). What happens if those molecular patterns change that decrease recognition with the innate response? That could be an escape mutation if you think about it.

Same thing with natural infection, instead you produce antibodies for the entire virus, which could result in less or more effective immunity. Escape mutation could happen here if a mutated virus can outcompete the older virus and spread in the host and then others. With it spreading through a population the chances of mutation increase.

We have to vaccinate, we better pick a solid target, and it will die down either naturally or more quickly with a vaccine. Pathogens mutate, it’s why we evolved such a comprehensive immune system. Escape mutations will happen no matter how we proceed, just like medications will drive mutations so the pathogen can survive. It’s important to keep your immune system stimulated and your microbiota (gut bacteria) diverse to have the best outcome.

Escape mutations are normal, otherwise these seasonal respiratory diseases wouldn’t come back every year. Don’t stress too much about us creating a monster. We would need to drive the evolution of that pathogen through specific pathways for many generations in a controlled environment and then expose to different hosts and other factors to cause that many changes. It’s extremely unlikely and we would need a perfect storm of events for it to occur naturally.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Wow, thank you so much for that detailed response - can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to lay all that out!!

I feel much better about the whole thing now!

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: lostgirl
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Not sure if you saw this new thread:

If you go to the link above, the second link in the OP goes directly to Dr. Vanden Bossche's pdf. (I couldn't get it to link it directly here)

I know you're super busy, but there just isn't anyone else whose expertise I trust to ask about this.

I would really appreciate your take as to whether this doctor's concerns are truly as alarming as they seem...
...should people be making an effort to get the word out on the potential for these vaccines to cause such devastating Covid-19 mutations as he describes?

If so, how can we 'dumb down' the info in this pdf, so as to make it more easily understandable to the greatest number of people?

Thank you so much for whatever time you can spare!

I found the last paragraph in the document to be of interest.

If we, human beings, are commited to perpetuatng our species, we have no choice lef but to eradicate these highly infectous viral variants. This will, indeed, require large vaccinaton campaigns. However, NK cell-based vaccines will primarily enable our natural immunity to be beter prepared (memory!) and to induce herd immunity (which is exactly the opposite of what current Covid-19 vaccines do as those increasingly turn vaccine recipients into asymptomatc carriers who are shedding virus). So, there is not one second lef for gears to be switched and to replace the current killer vaccines by life-saving vaccines.

Note the highlighted line. What does that mean, exactly? Is that referring to the current COVID-19 vaccines or the NK cell-based vaccines producing asymptomatic carriers?

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

He’s saying that the current vaccine strategy will cause us to become asymptomatic carriers of Covid and the only way to stop it is to prime the innate immune system using his method. Both types of vaccines will neutralize virus which will ensure mutations cause it to attempt to escape identification through changing its structure. It’s random chance.

I’m not sure of his angle, because he contradicts himself a few times in the article, it’s almost like an op-Ed or opinion piece. He also said that the same vaccines will drive it to move through other population groups instead of the vaccinated or it will become more dangerous in vaccinated people and kill them instead of being asymptomatic. It can’t be all these, if that starts happening it’s something else.

It’s almost like something one would write for school or a project, the man has 2 doctorates I’m curious what his angle is with all of this. The virus is behaving normally and currently we are doing fine. Until the next pandemic at least, hopefully not the avian flu.

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: Rich Z

He’s saying that the current vaccine strategy will cause us to become asymptomatic carriers of Covid and the only way to stop it is to prime the innate immune system using his method. Both types of vaccines will neutralize virus which will ensure mutations cause it to attempt to escape identification through changing its structure. It’s random chance.

I’m not sure of his angle, because he contradicts himself a few times in the article, it’s almost like an op-Ed or opinion piece. He also said that the same vaccines will drive it to move through other population groups instead of the vaccinated or it will become more dangerous in vaccinated people and kill them instead of being asymptomatic. It can’t be all these, if that starts happening it’s something else.

It’s almost like something one would write for school or a project, the man has 2 doctorates I’m curious what his angle is with all of this. The virus is behaving normally and currently we are doing fine. Until the next pandemic at least, hopefully not the avian flu.

Well... should be 100 years of peace from now on. Unless we speed things up with our ill ways and living out of balance.

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: flice

I wish, we’re at a tipping point with antibiotics and bacterial infections. Alternate drug targets are in the pipeline but with staph, clostridium, and TB doing what they’re doing, we could see a nasty resurgence and be thrown back a century with our treatment options.

We’ve also destroyed our gut microbiota, if you have any health conditions or are obese/overweight this is most likely the case. That’s causing most of our problems since we lose those genes and functions of microorganisms that help us and that we evolved with for thousands of years.

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: flice

I wish, we’re at a tipping point with antibiotics and bacterial infections. Alternate drug targets are in the pipeline but with staph, clostridium, and TB doing what they’re doing, we could see a nasty resurgence and be thrown back a century with our treatment options.

We’ve also destroyed our gut microbiota, if you have any health conditions or are obese/overweight this is most likely the case. That’s causing most of our problems since we lose those genes and functions of microorganisms that help us and that we evolved with for thousands of years.

Well I'm one of those cases tbh... dunno what to do about it. I had antibiotics two times for Staph Aureus, but keeps coming back. So doc wasn't too keen on the whole antibio anymore. Best I can do right now it wash hands and rinse with 5% salt water.
The gut thing... man. The worst part... I know it. So much of what we ingest is down right bad for us, but from a "human" point of view, with everything else going on.... it's not that I don't want to change habits.

Too add on top of this; have you noticed a rise as of late in ADHD both amongst kids and grown ups?
Sure, paying more attention to this disorder will uncover more cases, but I have this feeling that there is something wrong with something in some or a lot of the areas of what we consume. Not just food or water.

So all in all, if there is a tipping point like you say, maybe we are even closer than you say, or we have past it already.

Oh god... here comes the "theory of everything" thoughts xD

GDPR is coming a good time isn't... "protecting privacy" is pretty much the same thing as preventing accumulation of big data, or in short, controlling data. We will be relying much more on the data that we are being allowed to see by those who control it.

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: flice

I’ll try to find them but there are some good Ted talks about this and the influence on behavioral issues. Many of our neurotransmitters are supposed to be produced by the gut microbiome/microbiota. Microbiome is the gene pool of the good bacteria, microbiota is the colonies of good bacteria. We are supposed to have a diverse array of them, ten times the number of cells we have but with our diet, antibiotics everywhere, what we are exposed to daily, and how clean we are, it’s destroying us.

Good data to look at is what happens to children when they move to the west, tons of health problems and changes. Older people seem to do better because of established colonies. C section delivery is causing problems, no exposure to vaginal organisms. No breast feeding is causing problems, no exposure there to healthy organisms. Then without exposure to prebiotics, roughage and high fiber plant materials, we have additional problems.

Another good point is zoo animals and how they are getting our current bacteria and developing cancers and other conditions. When they are exposed to fecal matter through transplantation from wild or other organisms, they recover. Obesity, developmental, autism, diabetes, behavioral, and other problems can be caused and cured in pathogen free or gnotobiotic animal colonies. They expose them to unhealthy colonies from someone that expresses disease and they get that disease. When exposed to healthy bacteria colonies from a seemingly healthy individual, those symptoms disappear.

It’s crazy but without having what we evolved with, maybe even parasites, we develop all of these behavioral, autoimmune, cancer, and other conditions. This is new research and now they are using Koch’s postulates to determine why using gene sequencing. His postulates are extremely outdated so we instead analyze genes and virulence factors and use a microbial and genomics based set of postulates derived from his original postulates. Now they work for viruses and other organisms as well, including bacteria we cannot grow in culture. Combined with using compounds and molecules from bacteria from these sources, we can cure pretty much anything and prevent the development of resistance because plants and microorganisms have evolved ways to target pathways that the pathogen cannot alter without losing its ability to reproduce.

It’s still early but we need it to continue moving forward or elective surgery and other important healthcare protocols will become a thing of the past. Plus getting a cut will be a death sentence again. Interesting times, you can see it in real time because pharmaceutical companies deem research with classic antibiotics no longer economically feasible.

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc
I got confused here.
Are you saying the adenovirus or the mRNA is the better for older adults?

I absolutely do not trust the new technology.

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

They should both be fine, there is much more research behind the adenovirus vector, but people can make antibodies to the delivery system as they respond to the adenovirus. I was trying to figure out why or how these alleged blood clots were happening. They tried to use an adenovirus that we should not recognize but I suppose there could be similarities in structure which could impact effectiveness of the vaccine. They’ve been used in gene therapy studies for decades. DNA goes in the cell, into the nucleus, does not incorporate, transcribed to RNA, translated to proteins. I would be curious about splicing and alternative splicing and other variables but I would have to research that.

The mRNA vaccines go in the cell, cytoplasm, translated to proteins and expressed. RNA should be more short lived than DNA. Don’t know how long the DNA persists.

These are two great articles that explain a few different aspects of both.

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 11:40 PM

Guy Campanile producer 60 Minutes March 7, 2021

Antidepressant used to treat workers at horse track following COVID outbreak
Sharyn Alfonsi reports on the unusual path fluvoxamine, a drug commonly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder, has had to becoming an early treatment candidate for COVID-19.
Breaking News truly: 60 Minutes broke this story regarding Fluvoxamine: 60 cent pill successfully treating Covid-19. Share this remarkable info. Woman doctor accidentally discovered this then synchronistic monies procured, studies were done, voila.

Take 13 minutes to get enlightened.

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 04:18 AM
I have no idea how to post a link here to Facebook so I'll post the whole thing.
It's a video that is being whipped down everywhere so this chap recorded it on his phone.
It's a news item on American tv showing the CDC figures for C19 deaths in the US. Only 6% of the total figure died of C19, the other 94% died of underlying, pre-existing diseases.
On top of that, in March your new government is paying Dr's via Medicare (?) to declare C19 deaths.
Facethingy linky


posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

They’re devastating numbers for the vaccination effort. Paying doctors to report non Covid death as a Covid does indeed suggest a motive for doing so, since that is a hugely costly endeavour.

Those leaping to the conclusion that it’s in order to ‘genocide’ us can be forgiven for doing so. Without more info it’s a possibility. But the other suggested narrative in the video’s comments, that big pharma was hated after the opioids scandal and is now loved for saving us from Covid is perhaps a more probable motive.

However, I can’t see such a massive psyop being perpetrated simply for better PR. Number one motive is and always will be $$$£££€€€...

What always puzzles me is the contradiction in believing the MSM is bought & paid for and always lying to us and then taking something said on MSM as proof of anything.

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: McGinty


posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 08:03 AM
Local 30 something healthcare worker died 4 days after her second shot. They said non covid related. Her husband looked into the camera and asked them to tell her children that.

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: mikell
Local 30 something healthcare worker died 4 days after her second shot. They said non covid related. Her husband looked into the camera and asked them to tell her children that.

Yes it's unreal isn't it, people play theoretical pingpong on the should i /shouldn't i quiz but in reality the vaccinated is about to be the MAIN pandemic, the true agenda is the vaccinated not the virus or the vaccine but the vaccinated as their the ones with the pathogenic priming and the true incubators...- the ones who die from the vaccine as sad as it is are going to be looked back on as the lucky ones.

Alot of people think the antivaxers are going to be the problem but in fact it will be the superspreading vaccinated that will end up being the problem in the end.

The lengths that have and will be gone to in order to find the true spiritual christians that walk this earth is disgusting, why true spiritual christian??????? - as only a true spiritual christian is atune to the voice of don't no matter what the persuasion, this is persecution of Christians at its finest.

Real spiritual christians! - not the millions walking around thinking or pretending their christian of which i am certainly one of the later but i have been given the chance of redemption and have taken it, i have warned constantly since day 1 not to take the vaccine.

(Let the inevitable rock throwing begin.)

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: mikell

Sadly, I believe, and it is my unqualified opinion, but I am expecting to see a massive spike in adverse reactions and deaths and long term health problems from this in next 6-12 months. What we are seeing now is just the beginning.


posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 10:01 AM
BBC Up to their old tricks. Spinning government propaganda of lies and deception.

Quick, Hurry. Get the Vaccine or you will become a super spreader and no-one around you will be safe.

Ps, The Vaccine has been rigorously tested?... Yeah, On You!.

What happens if you don't get the Covid Vaccine?

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