posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 04:37 PM
UPSTAGE was going to be used for ABM around important military sites like the never built MX missile silo complex.
as seen in this picture is the whole UPSTAGE system heading towards a MARV and using little jets to re orient its self and could withstand something
like 600G's lateral change and here is a pic of that system that was controlled from the ground.
the thing I find funny about upshot is that it is a lifting body that would fit with some of todays models
here is a high altitude shot of the 'warhead' separating
and a launch
all of this was done in the 70's and early 80's and if we could intercept MARV's back then and a controllable hypersonic warhead(granted for a short
time) gives a rather interesting view at the real progress in hypersonic development.
the US plays in the media like we are playing catch up to China and Russia. Putin brags about basically advanced MARV warheads and China is all happy
about their carrier killer HGV and playing with ideas that the us was doing before I was even born.
With the material and computer modeling we have today I don't know what the big deal is, we have being doing this for almost 50 years
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5-4-2020 by penroc3 because: spelling