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Hidden Racism

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posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 06:05 PM

Yes, there are scriptures in the bible that portray women as second-class citizens. "man is the image and glory of God, but the WOMAN IS THE GLORY OF MAN" would be one of them

"...the woman is the glory of man." This statement by itself does not portray women as second-class in my opinion, but does the opposite of demote, Glory:something that demands/receives/secures praise, honor, renown; admired great beauty and splender. Nor is it my view that woman should be second-class citizens. I was using that verse to support and exemplify my belief that my(white) races' glory(physical appearance) is/are white women.

Sad how so many people base their worship of CHRIST on what PAUL wrote. Paul hijacked Christianity. He was the Tony Robbins of his day.

Think and say what you will of Paul, I'm obviously not going to convince u to think better of him.

Notice that Jesus did not say this nor did he ever reduce women to an inferior position.

I totally agree that he did not say anything, or make any action to reduce women to an inferior position.

You are not a Christian. In any case, even if you prefer to worship Paul rather than Jesus, why do you make the verbal additions of colors to the language of that scripture?

So quick to Judge from only an assumption? I am Christian, I worship Only Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. I don't worship Paul. LOL

Why did I make verbal additions? Your answer is in my first post on this thread.

Also, anybody new who comes in and starts posting on ATS regarding race and how race-mixing DEGRADES the human race is due to be flagged as one of the white-power twits that have been trying to degrade this whole forum. Do some reading Einstein and you'll find that race-mixed people are some of the better humans out there.

I did Not say "race-mixing DEGRADES THE HUMAN RACE", if I did I would be calling myself a "degrade." Again, I'm sorry for not making myself clear, what I ment by, "Racial Integration=impaired state due to breakdown of Racial Integrity" is that race-mixing weakens racial integrity. Weakened racial integrity does not degrade the human race, it creates problems for the human race to deal with among the forest of other problems present.

This is from my first post,"So, to teach that Race/nationality/ethnicity is just skin color and reduce everything that is associated with that color's unique culture to a handfull of silly insignificant celebrations as a tiny footnote in life, is to create a void in that persons' sense of belonging, Racial Integrity. What fills or tries to fill this void called insecurity at a young age besides Religion/faith? Pop-culture which is a very poor substitute, which only distracts from the problems of insecurities and doesn't give the solution."
I'm not a white-power twit lol I'm mixed race and I said I was proud of my Native American heritage if u read my first post on this thread again.

Do some reading Einstein and you'll find that race-mixed people are some of the better humans out there.

Why are u confusing me with Einstein?

Ur taking what I said "Glory of white Man" the wrong way. I was referring to physical beauty, not some person, people based on character or accomplishment. Nor any technological advancement attributed to a race or person as "the Glory." I'm aware of the many mixed-race people that make a difference in every area of life, they have my respect and those I know have my friendship.

[edit on 13-3-2005 by Cherubimsfire]

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 10:01 PM
Ones desire to remain within their own race and culture is natural...not racist. This natural tendency preserves the gene pools.....which are all unique within themselves.
Food for thought........
If the racial mixing continues in America.....within 50-60 yrs. all will be one color.....brown skinned, hazel to dark brown eyes..... How boring if all looked alike.

I am not a racist.....I don't make excuses... nor do I need to apologize for my desire to date/ marry within my own race and culture.... to me this is the natural thing to do. I hope some day people will stop feeling guilty for wanting to stay within their race and realize that their desire to do so doesn't make them a racist.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by ms_Bhavn
Ones desire to remain within their own race and culture is natural...not racist. This natural tendency preserves the gene pools.....which are all unique within themselves.

I am not a racist.....I don't make excuses... nor do I need to apologize for my desire to date/ marry within my own race and culture.... to me this is the natural thing to do. I hope some day people will stop feeling guilty for wanting to stay within their race and realize that their desire to do so doesn't make them a racist.

But what about a mother being willing to "disown" their child for the child's choice to date/marry outside of her race? Isn't that racism? If a mother can't look past the skin color and see the person inside? In my mind it is. If someone can't look past the skin color because they are so close minded that they just "believe it's wrong" because "they weren't brought up that way," how are they any different from the segragationists of the past? If they follow blindly along in what they were taught as children, never stopping to think that the world is changing?

Just my thoughts,


posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 09:18 AM
I understand your point... and yes.... I believe not being able to accept people because of their skin color is racism. I can't imagine a parent disowning their child.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 11:34 AM
Well, you should take a good close look at the western media on how they sabatage Asian people's images perpetuating stereotypes. It is true especially for Asian men in particular, while women are overly sexualized.
The result can be seen in the society on the percentage of Asian/White interracial couples - over 85% of them are white men/Asian women combination. While interracial relationship is widely accepted to white men but only to white men in particular. It is still a taboo if a white girl finds herself in love with an Asian guy. The media made sure this taboo is very well alive. Hmmm... why do westerners so afraid of Asian men? how I wonder...

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 01:18 PM
My wife is Chinese, and I simply don’t see it as a mixed race relationship. Well, I know by definition it’s a mixed relationship, but it simply doesn’t get thought about. Now, I should say that our families have been wonderful and nothing has ever been even mentioned, and I am sure that has made a difference on how much me and my wife think, or not think, about it.

I grew up with a fairly RACIST father. I never knew it until I grew up a little. That sounds kind of funny doesn’t it? I remember listening to conversations my family was having and just thinking it was normal, the way it was. But as I grew older, it seemed more and more odd to me. Not a whole lot of what I heard inside my house was a real description of what I was seeing outside my home. I had buddies of all races and it almost seemed that my family was talking about somebody else. I never made the connection.

But when I got into my teens I had my own thoughts and opinions and I can happily say that race simply isn’t important to me. But my father to this day is pretty hardcore. I don’t see him much or talk to him much anymore, but when I do its still very apparent after all these years. Its funny, whenever we talk, he always seems to say something racist about every race….except Asians. Funny how that works huh?

But racism will die eventually. But it’s going to take time. After all, racism is passed down from parent to child, nobody is born with it. The more and more grow up without that racist mindset, the more and more children will grow up without it. We want racism gone today instantly, but we are still living with the generation that fought for, and against, segregation. People, who are racist, will always be racist. Racists need to die out.

All can say is, my son, and any other kids me and my wife bring into this world, will not be brought up with that hatred. My son of course, is half Chinese and half American.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:03 AM
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but I want to comment on the fact that some say racism is a learned trait. Racism is discrimination. In the animal kingdom, discrimination is routine and inborn. Paint a black dot on a white chicken's head and the rest of the chickens will peck at the spot until the chicken dies. There are many other examples.

Mixed race marriages produce children that are discriminated against by non-mixed race children. Like it or not, that is a fact. Children suffer because of the acts of their parents.

Just my .02

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 12:08 PM
Spliff, sorry to say this--Your racist..You don't know it so you're obviously gonna bethat way all your life, but I'll bet you are Christian, too.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 12:22 PM

jsobecky said: Paint a black dot on a white chicken's head and the rest of the chickens will peck at the spot until the chicken dies. There are many other examples.

Mixed race marriages produce children that are discriminated against by non-mixed race children. Like it or not, that is a fact. Children suffer because of the acts of their parents.

jsobecky, what you are describing is not racism. There are many ideomotor responses in hens and chickens that are simply survival mechanisms and evolutionary elements. For example, you might wish to read Robert Cialdini's book, "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" in which he describes a particular test. In the test, they took a stuffed polecat (the turkey's natural enemy) and noticed that when a mother turkey saw the polecat, it naturally went nuts and got aggressive. However, when they put a tape recorder inside the stuffed polecat which had a tape of turkey-chicks making their "peep-peep" sounds, the turkey would go right up to it and actually SIT on the polecat as if it were one of her chicks.

The suggestion that animals display racism is dangerously uninformed.

[edit on 15-3-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by kazi
Spliff, sorry to say this--Your racist..You don't know it so you're obviously gonna bethat way all your life, but I'll bet you are Christian, too.

WTF is that suppose to mean? Christian?? Why? Is it ok to hate them? Well, no, Im not. Im just someone who is honest and real.

I can go into how Jesse Jackson repeatedly shakes down companies to insure his children are given distributorships, or Al Sharpton and Tawanna Bradley, smearing dog feces on herself and blaming a white man, but I know you dont want to hear that.

It just "poor black man". Thats all you ever hear. When the guy in Georgia shot the judge and court reporter, how did the news describe him? A 6"1, 200 pound man. NOTHING about being black....wouldnt want to offend, I guess. Well guess what ??? I dont care if I offend. An A-hole is an A-hole..period.

White people are soo afraid to say anything that might be construed as racist, for what reason, I dont know, but we are. Yet, Blacks can make fun of whites, proudly advertise "black owned" business, etc. Its BS. If they can, and we all are truely equal, than I can say what I want. Mine is not "opinion" Its opinion based on facts. Facts they cant stand to hear, but I wont relent. They know its true, and any white person who is afraid to say it is just a coward or ignorant. Youve been brainwashed.

Look at your statement. Your ready to jump me, because you think Im "christian" and that would be fine, but ohhh, say something about someone black and look out..Oh well...

One day when your older and have REAL probelms to deal with, youll realize that race is insignificant. People with house payments, tuition and car payments dont have time to worry about ending all the racism in the world. We understand that it will not ever end. Blacks are just as racist if not more than whites. I have a seething contempt for most people. Skin color doesnt affect it. But your stupid to think that there are not common traits that all blacks share. Just as your stupid to think there are not traits all white people share.

Blacks claim they want equal rights and all, but its a dead arguement. They have equal rights. Thats not good enough for them. They want special priviliages. Ask Alderwoman Dorothy Tillman, from Chicago. She's quoted as saying [about slave reporations] "Keep your 40 acres and a mule, I WANT A LEXUS !!" Equal rights, huh...Racist white man, huh...please..get a clue.

Lets see...Youve got :

United Negro College Fund
BET ( Black Entertainment Television)
Black History Month
Chappel Show

All of these groups exist soley for the purpose of promoting the black man, except the NFL and NBA. Although the last 2 are pretty much there. Show me something the white man has that openly markets to a "white only" crowd. Or a television show that is all white. You cant. They dont exist. The racist white man, cant be allowed to have those things. But hey--if your black..then its all good. Hypocrisy to the 10th degree..

And I'm a racist for calling it out...please....

[edit on 15-3-2005 by spliff4020]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020

It just "poor black man". Thats all you ever hear. When the guy in Georgia shot the judge and court reporter, how did the news describe him? A 6"1, 200 pound man. NOTHING about being black....wouldnt want to offend, I guess. Well guess what ??? I dont care if I offend. An A-hole is an A-hole..period.

[edit on 15-3-2005 by spliff4020]

I don't understand what difference the shooter's skin color is? Why is it so important to you? What difference does it make? I don't think it matters any, that's probably why it wasn't reported.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 12:51 PM

Isn't that racism? If a mother can't look past the skin color and see the person inside? In my mind it is.

Yes, it is...but to what extent u should not judge, if u don't know that mother, unless she express's racial supremacy outright and it's obvious. It is possible she is acting alone on logic (at least logic in my eyes). Logic(in its purest form which no one can fully grasp) is above emotions/feelings. Unlike Logic, emotions/feelings can be irrational, which can obscure a persons view of reality, which is logic. I think(Not feel), therefore I speak, therefore I am. Everyone is guilty of confusing feeling/expressing emotion with thinking.

It is my view that it is illogical to mix with another race because of the reasons I stated before. to add a little, a black woman or man naturally belongs to the black race(applies to all races). The races have spread out of their natural (geographic) homeland due to one reason or the other. And have condensed together into societes which I think is artificial to their culture in it's full essence. Like animals being bread in captivity that would usually not breed naturally in the wild. I don't think I need to make this explanation more elaborate.

But what about a mother being willing to "disown" their child for the child's choice to date/marry outside of her race? Isn't that racism?

racism-1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Like I said before, "The #1 reason for disowning ones' own due to interracial marriage is because these people, unlike you(not saying its bad, just illogical in my opinion), hold the highest personal value on their race/culture and want to see their heritage preserved."

This alone means the mother is a Racial Separatists(only to an anti-racial mixing extent) if she disowns due to an overwhelming sense of betrayal or desertion which is manifested in anger, sadness, frustration, and everything in between. By this definition, a Racial Separatist is only racial in a sense of,"a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits" and "discrimination" due to human physical traits. This does NOT mean the mother is "disowning" due to "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race" and "racial prejudice"(beyond physical trait differences). EVENTHOUGH disowning is most often due to Racial Supremacy, it is irrational to judge that person as a racial supremest unless u know their reasoning. People fail to see the differences.

how are they any different from the segragationists of the past?

A racial separatist(only to anti-racial mixing extent) does not automatically mean that person is a racial segragationist. Like me, I will not mix(couple and or breed) because I think(not feel) it is illogical and I feel(not think) it is disrespectful to other races. But I have no problem personally, with living and being friends with other races.

Isn't that racism? If a mother can't look past the skin color and see the person inside? In my mind it is.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 01:09 PM
here's what ppl, racism ain';t going away anytime, soon, ppl just tend to use each other you know, the black man using the white woman to gratify his blah blah sexual gratification(u know the forbidden fruit) the white man , has just let his gates open for a lil while u know, ppl if racism wasn't prevalent, the kkk will have vanished to a footnote of history, get with the program. there will always be bigots, racists, etc, done talk!

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 01:12 PM
Good points, Cherubimsfire, but it still angers me when others try and force their beliefs on others. I can understand the fact that people have their own personal beliefs on the issue, but I can't understand, and/or, accept it when the force their beliefs on others.

Spliff, let's see. Show's that are "all white"? about the old show Saved By the Bell? The Nanny? Golden Girls? Hrmmm...Boy Meets World? That's just a few, but, you know...? Also, you said in your first post what you considered many black neighborhoods to be like. Is it any wonder, given your notions on all neighborhoods being that way, that they would have a college fund? If the neighborhoods are that way, why shouldn't they have a college fund to rise above it and get the hell out? After all, they might just want to marry your daughter one day, and one of your prerequisites is that they have a degree.


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 01:21 PM
Regs, I understand completely. Racism is alive an kicking in America.

I was having a conversation with some conservative friends of mine, and the topic came to reparations for slavery. They wanted to know when the idea would go away. I said, probably when racism goes away.

They say, but slavery ended so long ago.

I say, when people who have been affected by slavery are all gone, then it will go away.

They say (and get this) "There is no one alive today that has been affected by slavery."

I was like, "What?"

I couldn't believe it. As a matter of fact, I think racism has changed gears. It's gone from black people, to the group that houses black people (generally). The Democrats and their policies.

There is a fine stew of hate between the Rep and Dem, where both sides say the other is evil (sometimes), hypocritical, trying to ruin America, trying to shove their ideas down our throats, etc, etc, etc.

Racism is alive and well in America, and I think there is an ingrained distain (if not hate) built into our culture after so long. 30 years isn't long enough to purge the system.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by curme

Originally posted by spliff4020

[edit on 15-3-2005 by spliff4020]

I don't understand what difference the shooter's skin color is? Why is it so important to you? What difference does it make? I don't think it matters any, that's probably why it wasn't reported.

It matters if an APB is put out for someone and his or her skin color isn't mentioned. Its adsurd to just be looking for a 6'1" 200 lbs male. You realize how many people meet that description. Media is so politcally correct to the point of being stupid. Don't you think that in this case skin color or race is an important issue. That is all she was trying to say!
That wasn't an isolated case either this happens all the time. How in the hell are we suppose to be on the look out for someone if we do not know if that person is white, black, Asian, Hispanic or whatever? As far as racism goes, it will never completely go away for the simple fact that people will seek out others of thier own kind. I see it every day. Where I work there are people from all over the world, every race and every culture. Go to the cafe for lunch and you see the Asians setting at one table, the Hispanics at another, blacks at another, etc. etc. I admit there are always exceptions to this scattered about, but mostly the people segregate voluntarily. It is the same when it comes to buying a home. Whites tend to want to live near other whites. There are blacks and asians in my neighborhood but it is predominately white. I do not consider myself a racist but I do prefer the company of my own kind. As far as a mixed race marriage goes, all parents want the best for thier children. Life is hard enough with all the pot holes and road blocks that one must face. Adding a mixed race realtionship to that mix creates more problems, not just for the married couple but the children as well. A loving, caring parent understands this and may try to advise their children to use better judgement. That is not racism it is concerned parenting. But once the decision is made then a caring parent will accept that decision. We are all ultimately responsible for the decisions we make. I would never disown my child for marrying outside thier race. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I wouldn't give them any grief over either.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:10 PM
spliff-stay in your trailer and watch your white tv,but there is a change a-coming even for those of you in wv. Blacks are being given a chance in the mainstream today and they are excelling--even in TV. Look around and you'll see white girls everywhere sneakingout to date Black guys. And the blacks are succeeding, even, in the face of bigots like you. Hell they might even own the mortgage of the trailer your paying for.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:18 PM
kazi says:

"spliff-stay in your trailer and watch your white tv,but there is a change a-coming even for those of you in wv."

So you seem to believe that people who live in trailers and/or West Virginia are all some kind of low-life, and not as good as you are?

Seems to me like you're the bigot here, bud.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
The suggestion that animals display racism is dangerously uninformed.
[edit on 15-3-2005 by smallpeeps]

Replace racism with discrimination, as I suggested, and it makes perfect sense.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by kazi
spliff-stay in your trailer and watch your white tv,but there is a change a-coming even for those of you in wv. Blacks are being given a chance in the mainstream today and they are excelling--even in TV. Look around and you'll see white girls everywhere sneakingout to date Black guys. And the blacks are succeeding, even, in the face of bigots like you. Hell they might even own the mortgage of the trailer your paying for.

Mods ????

Well, lets see. I live in Indiana, and own a home. I'm not on welfare. I dont receive section 8 housing vouchers. I only have 2 children that I pay for, by going to work everyday. I live within in my means. I make sacrificies, so that my kids have what they need and want. I put them and their happiness in front of my own.

And if black people want to get an education and join mainstream society, I'm all for it. But I will not give a free pass to the ones who dont. I will not feel sorry them because of slavery 200+ years ago. And as long as they want to rip on the white man, I will rip on them. Its simple. Whats good for the goose, is good for the gander.

I think its funny how touchy people get when you tell them the truth. It hurts doesnt it? Alls you can do is hurl some pathetic and inaacurate insults at me, yet you can't even address a SINGLE THING I MENTIONED... ...

But lets say I was an inbred from the hills of West Virginia...Is it ok for you make fun of me then? What if I was black, and from the hills. Would you still do it then? Or would you want to take me by the hand help me out ??
HYPOCRISY, or should I say "Hip-Hopcrisy"?

People like you have NO CLUE what equal rights truely are. You believe in preferential rights. Oh well....

[edit on 15-3-2005 by spliff4020]

[edit on 15-3-2005 by spliff4020]

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