posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 04:14 PM
A bit of backstory fiest.
2 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a 7-inch tumor in her chest which broke through the skin requiring immediate urgent
care. This was a very troubling time for all of us in the family. I flew down from Canada to be with her, as she was diagnosed as a advanced stage-3,
borderline stage 4. I honestly thought these were some of the last moments I'd have with my mother.
She also had several smaller tumors near the breast area, and some 'stains' in her lungs. The doctors were concerned that it may already be too late
for treatment, but advised immediate chemotherapy. The surgeon was not comfortable performing surgery due to the proximity of vital organs.
My mother refused chemotherapy in favor of this new hormonal treatment (typically used for stage1 or stage 2). She was made aware of the risk, but
this was her choice, and I support her for it.
Fast forward a year, the treatments worked formidably, to the astonishment of her doctors. All smaller tumors had completely disappeared, the stains
on the lungs were completely gone, and the larger tumor had gone down in size by HALF. (I had so been treating her with Chakra treatments of my own,
while I would NEVER advise anyone to forego treatment on favor of this, it's still worth mentioning).
For some reason, they convinced her to start mild form of chemotherapy in pill form and injections, despite her drastic improvements. (Note: her
condition has stabilized, but the tumor has not decreased in size since the beginning of this new chemotherapy treatment).
She's been continuing this treatment since, with no change to her condition.
Fast forward to 2 months ago.
I've been visiting my family again (avoiding Canadian winter and spending time with family in South California. Win-win). About 2 months ago, my
brother, his partner, myself and my niece have ALL contracted some fever followed by several weeks of severe cough and sinus issues, all within days
of each other. We've since recovered, albeit we are still having occasionalild coughs. Very mild, akin to a longer lasting flu/cold.
A month ago, my parents moved back in with my brother, and they instantly within a day started showing similar symptoms. My mother, in her 60s and
immuno-deficient state due to chemotherapy has shown the most severe symptoms. We were actually VERY worried for a few days, but she's since
recovered almost fully.
Today was her appointment to get her shots. I advised her to also get tested for covid.
This is what she told me:
My father had to wait outside the hospital. Makes sense I guess.
The hospital was nearly empty, aside from many nurses and staff members vigorously cleaning every surface.
She still has a mild cough. Which caused a mild panic in the waiting room. Nurses in full mask/glove gear had to isolate her and ask all her
She told them: started with a heavy fever, which is gone now. She's been coughing for about 4 weeks now, but show no trouble breathing anymore.
She was told that if she tested positive, she would NOT be administered her shot for the cancer, and would be kept at the hospital in isolation.
However, after checking she doesn't have any breathing problems, and no active fever, they gave her a choice: get tested, forego your shots and
remain in isolation, or get your shot and go home.
So naturally, she took her shots....
I just want to know your take on this.
Personally, I think the way the administration is handling this is pathetic.
Semi-quarantine causing more infections.
People showing all symptoms being released freely.
Causing panic among hospital patients.
Refusing pre established cancer treatments in case of opting for the test, which may veritably contribute to the spread the cancer and end up killing