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Covid-19: definitely a conspiracy

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+21 more 
posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 02:18 PM
This isn't really a rebuttal to the recent thread titled "Covid: not a conspiracy", I was already writing this when I saw that thread and thought the opposite title worked well because that's the conclusion I have come to. There have been several times in my life when I expected to see mass panic but humanity just went on like nothing really happened, and that built up a belief that we humans aren't as prone to chaos and anarchy as movies often portray us to be. If this is the reaction to Covid-19, I fear what would happen if a true superbug appeared.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if more people die from the panic and resulting economic consequences. We just went through some massive fires along the coast of Australia and it happened during the holiday season when coastal businesses make a large fraction of their annual profits from inland tourists and before that we had a long drought. We're seeing some figures that look worse than the '08 global financial crisis. There is absolutely no way we can afford to close businesses or quarantine people for any amount of time.

My point is it's absolutely irresponsible for the media to whip people into a frenzy like this, and I think we can all agree if it weren't for the MSM saturating the airwaves with CV19 news then we would have already forgotten about this virus. It's also a good lesson about just how much power the media has over how people think and behave. I don't doubt that CV19 may be a bit worse than most flu viruses, however there are many other common viruses which spread during the flu season and some are quite a bit worse than CV19.

A good example is Norovirus, a common stomach virus which causes flu-like symptoms along with vomiting and diarrhea. Not long ago I created a thread about a stomach bug suspected to be Norovirus which had caused hundreds of schools to close and hospitalized dozens of children. Surprisingly we don't have a vaccine for Norovirus and between 570 to 800 kids die each year in the US from Norovirus according to the CDC, but I haven't seen CV19 killing any healthy young people. Edumakated also made a good point that many more died from bird flu in the US before Obama did anything compared to CV19 with not even 50 deaths yet.

originally posted by: Edumakated
I can only see two possibilities.

#1) This is a mass hysteria intentionally brought out by carefully crafted propaganda. I initially felt this was an attempt to create an emergency to get Trump out of office. Too many coincidences... China being the epicenter knowing they are bearing the brunt of a trade war, it crashing the US economy, the hysteria and similar talking points from the media...


#2) This virus is far more dangerous than we are being told hence the lock downs. What are they not telling us?

I think what a lot of us skeptics are having trouble with is reconciling the data of deaths / infections compared to the flu and other viral infections. This response has been way over the top in comparison. Something like a thousand people died from bird flu in the US before Obama did anything, yet here we have not even 50 deaths and the world is freaking out.

These really are the only two rational explanations that I can see. This sort of global panic would never be indulged and fueled by the MSM unless there was some hidden motive at play. The motivation is either political or there's something about the virus the public isn't being told. Recently I've been thinking it's political, not necessarily about Trump but a ploy by China to put an end to the Hong Kong protesters. Here is a recent post I made which makes an argument for that angle:

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

The Hong Kong protests have been completely squashed as a result of this virus, the protests were all over the news and now we see nothing about it because everyone is locked inside. This is a very important point I don't hear many people speaking about. When this outbreak first occurred China reacted in a very unusual way, they sprayed streets with chemical fogs, they dragged infected people off the streets, I saw one video where they were using nets or something on people.

In the beginning I thought China was trying to contain a superbug based on how they were reacting to it, many people suspected they knew something they weren't telling the rest of the world. However now I suspect it's more like they purposely overreacted and the world has totally played into it exactly how they wanted. It also happens to align with the agenda of the left because it makes Trump look bad before the upcoming elections and takes attention away from the Hong Kong protesters who were largely pro-Trump.

After thinking about it some more I'm still uncertain because the 2nd option does seem plausible. When CV19 first appeared there were rumors that it matched with HIV sequences, and it would make a lot of sense to fear this virus more if it were capable of causing long term issues. I don't know what the truth is but I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to debunk this theory since the full sequence for CV19 is publicly available. The2Billies recently posted an argument for that angle:

originally posted by: The2Billies

The drugs that "cured" the person dying in Spain were AIDS drugs. I kept a copy of the article and plan to storm the hospital if any of my family get it with the article and demand they use these fairly commonly available drugs if they are hospitalized.

There is no full cure for AIDS yet. AIDS does continue to live in the body, if CV does or not we don't know yet. I think that is what the panic is about with the governments and why they are taking such drastic measures. Will it linger in the body after the initial infection is over? We don't know. Because the other part of the disease is AIDS, there is a chance it could. Imagine the possibility of eventually losing or having to treat everyone who catches a certain flu each year? I can see TPTB panic from the unknown of it all. Not that I'm trying to scare anyone, but the reactions from governments world wide is way over the top from past pandemics. Why? Think Chicken Pox, think what the "other more serious virus" is.

edit on 15/3/2020 by ChaoticOrder because: fixed thread link

+9 more 
posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 02:32 PM
Don't forget the 'Yellow Vests' in France. The Farmers and Construction Sector in the Netherlands. The recent 'Yellow Vests' farmers in Spain. Possible more I'm unaware of, or just not remembering. A LOT of governments were having an issue with massive protests going on.

It's either; Supervirus that destroys all; Kickstarting of the totalitarian police-states; Economic reset - Or all in one nice elite-approved package.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

My point is it's absolutely irresponsible for the media to whip people into a frenzy like this, and I think we can all agree if it weren't for the MSM saturating the airwaves with CV19 news then we would have already forgotten about this virus.

The media was down playing this at first.

I wonder exactly when and why that changed.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

It changed when they realized they'd get more clicks by writing the stories the pubic was thirsty for.

You train people how to treat you. The american views-consumer rewarded the sensationalistas.

*listening to "subdivsions" as I type this*

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

The media was down playing this at first.

Which "media" would that be?

I wonder exactly when and why that changed.
The president's attitude certainly changed. Over night.

edit on 3/15/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Phage

Which "media" would that be?

Glad to see you have reappeared!

All of the American media was playing it down at first.

It was "just the flu", "The flu is worst" and "wash your hands".

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

All of the American media was playing it down at first.

That was not my experience.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 02:56 PM
Methinks the house of cards is beginning to fall....

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Phage

That was not my experience.

Then it seems you have not been paying attention to this from the beginning.

It is a fact that it was downplayed at first.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: Phage

The president's attitude certainly changed. Over night.

That's a good point actually, have to wonder if he was provided with some sort of information that changed his opinion.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Excellent points. IMO there are going to be many so-called "experts" wearing egg on their face, if this virus is later determined to be no more deadly then a seasonal flu bug. As I stated several times in previous posts, back in 2017-2018 there were 810,000 hospitalizations and 61,000 deaths in the US from a seasonal flu bug, which did not prompt any media concern that resulted in the public buying supplies and food in sheer panic.

If the CDC is correct that Covid-19 has a 1 % fatality rate (ten times worse than the seasonal flu), then why aren't we reacting with the same amount of panic over the .97% chance from dying in a car accident? Have people around the world curtailed their driving habits?

This post you made recently, actually makes a lot of sense. It's now all about control.

I thought China was trying to contain a superbug based on how they were reacting to it, many people suspected they knew something they weren't telling the rest of the world. However now I suspect it's more like they purposely overreacted and the world has totally played into it exactly how they wanted. It also happens to align with the agenda of the left because it makes Trump look bad before the upcoming elections

edit on 3/15/2020 by shawmanfromny because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

It is a fact that it was downplayed at first.

It is a fact that the risk and virulence was not as well known as it is now.

It is also a fact that some (*Limbaugh*) said, "It's a cold" to a very particular audience, after the risk and virulence had become apparent. It is a fact that audience includes some "influential" people.
edit on 3/15/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

I also cannot say I saw any downplaying in the beginning, perhaps calmer reporting but the outbreak and global hysteria hadn't really begun then.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:06 PM
I agree. After all, only 368 people died in italy in the last 24 hours. This is just a hoax

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Phage

It is a fact that the risk and virulence was not as well known as it is now.

You think that is the reason the media started whipping people into a frenzy?

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

People whipped themselves into a frenzy. It's what we do when surrounded by ignorance and fear from social media and our peers.

Show me an example of what you claim.
edit on 3/15/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

originally posted by: Phage

The president's attitude certainly changed. Over night.

That's a good point actually, have to wonder if he was provided with some sort of information that changed his opinion.

I posted this in another thread....

From a political risk standpoint when you have a hysterical media that already isn't too friendly, it is far easier to just play along...

1) If Trump continues to down play it as hysteria, he is in a no win situation. Every death is going to be hanged on his neck whether he could have prevented them or not. If 500 people die, you know Don Lemonade and every other liberal pundit and politician is going to yapping non stop about how the President didn't do enough and is responsible for the 500 deaths while completing ignoring the thousands that died from h1n1 or other variants.

2) Because he has done something.... when this finally blows over he can take credit for acting swiftly even if maybe it would have blown over regardless. If it turns out to be worse, they also can't blame him for not doing something.

He wins politically by doing something even if that something doesn't necessarily prevent deaths or is kabuki theatre.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Excellent points. IMO there are going to be many so-called "experts" wearing egg on their face, if this virus is later determined to be no more deadly then a seasonal flu bug. As I stated several times in previous posts, back in 2017-2018 there were 810,000 hospitalizations and 61,000 deaths in the US from a seasonal flu bug, which did not prompt any media concern that resulted in the public buying supplies and food in sheer panic.

If the CDC is correct that Covid-19 has a 1 % fatality rate (ten times worse than the seasonal flu), then why aren't we reacting with the same amount of panic over the .97% chance from dying in a car accident? Have people around the world curtailed their driving habits?

This post you made recently, actually makes a lot of sense. It's now all about control.

I thought China was trying to contain a superbug based on how they were reacting to it, many people suspected they knew something they weren't telling the rest of the world. However now I suspect it's more like they purposely overreacted and the world has totally played into it exactly how they wanted. It also happens to align with the agenda of the left because it makes Trump look bad before the upcoming elections

so you admit that trump is doing a bad job? of all heads of state around the world, he is by far the most incompetent. the chinese are not to blame for this. in a crisis, the true character of a person is revealed. trump is just a big mouth.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
I agree. After all, only 368 people died in italy in the last 24 hours. This is just a hoax

How many people die in Italy every day? That number without context doesn't tell us anything.

How many people die everyday in Italy from regular flu?

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: LookingAtMars

I also cannot say I saw any downplaying in the beginning, perhaps calmer reporting but the outbreak and global hysteria hadn't really begun then.

If I get time later I will find some links if I can.

I remember that I was surprised the media was downplaying it, because they always hype things like this.

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