posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 05:18 AM
Russia trying to change the mind of American voters, so that they freely choose to elect the wrong person, will be used by congress as a reason to ban
free speech around the world.
Except in the states of course, until a foreign country realizes that Americans freely expressing their ideas about that country's elections might
change the mind of voters there also.
Then there will be a referendum at the UN, and a bunch of nations will enter into a treaty where they agree to force their own citizens not to talk
about each others' elections.
So if you had a friend in Germany and you both are say.... discussing the chancellorship of Angela Merkel one day over skype from the wifi at a bar in
Chicago, and it happens to be an election year in Germany, agents from the NSA or FBI or maybe even the Secret Service might come busting in, guns
drawn, to arrest you for failure to comply with the "influencing a foreign election" laws.
edit on 23-2-2020 by bloodymarvelous because: needed a few more details to make sense.