posted on Dec, 30 2019 @ 02:38 PM
My world is vibrant with the sky a pearlescent purple and red, the foliage every color you could imagine, water is an eerie but glittering inky black.
Every living organism and being is completely symbiotic with each other; it is a give and take situation with no one suffering for another's
We have been in existence for trillions of years and have gotten used to our planet we call "Thuraliam" being visited by much younger civilizations.
Most have been a conquering and violent civilization and very few benevolent. We were almost completely wiped out too many times to count; each time
we evolved our defenses.
One of the most beneficial systems we have evolved is an interstellar alert system. We can track and detect any object coming within our vicinity and
have developed the ability for every organism and being to go into death mode. Our world looks dead and uninhabitable with the added feature of every
known noxious gas being emitted. Another feature is a hard and impervious shell produced to protect against asteroids, nuclear projectiles and the
My particular everyday role is just as every other entity here. We are all the same, we can all shape shift to anything needed for the collective
My favorite state of being is when I get to be dust in the wind.
The End