posted on Feb, 14 2020 @ 09:58 PM
The long awaiting results are in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01) Humanity's End - by DBCowboy
02) Don't Touch My Nuts - By DictionaryOfExcuses
03) Bruin - by AccessDenied
01) The Abridged Journals of Hasufel the Brave - by SimpleIdea
02) Pebble in a Pond - By oldme ( tie for 2nd )
03) The Simulation - by ChaoticOrder ( tie for 2nd )
04) The Blade - by SyxPakSyx ( 3 way tie for 3rd )
05) The Hive Mind ( In love with the queen ) - by SupermassiveBlackHOLE ( 3 way tie for 3rd )
06) Metamorphosis - by GeauxHomeYoureDrunk ( 3 way tie for 3rd )
CONGRATS to all the winners.
Prizes will be awarded tomorrow.
Thanks to Hefficide for tabulating the votes!!!!!!