posted on Dec, 4 2019 @ 07:31 AM
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I steam vegetables, rather than boil them into a grey, mushy oblivion. I think the biggest difference is not being over-protective. Teach safety, and
let them do just about anything.
My son was burning stuff (in the fire pit) with a propane or MAP gas torch when he was 3 - with me alongside him, plugging things in and changing out
lightbulbs at 2, power tools (drills, not saws) and lighters at 3, real hammers/nails/wood to play with, etc. He always asks first, and is very proud
of following safety steps. Just recently started electronic circuitboard soldering and I can leave him to it.
My daughter doesn't like such things, but we've also let both of them climb on furniture and countertops, yet they know not to at anyone else's
I was always told "NO" to anything "dangerous." By age 7, I'd had burns, stitches, a pretty good electric shock and a bad sprain. My son is now 7,
and has never had a significant burn or cut, or sprain...or electric shock. I think my method has worked well. Now I just have to get him to learn to
cope with pain and life-threatening injuries - that was the value I got out of my sheltered upbringing which led to my curiosity leading to