posted on Nov, 15 2019 @ 08:39 PM
Y’all are too funny. Of course you’re making more now than you did 3 years ago. Your wages are always supposed to go up! If you’re not getting
annual raises you’re doing something really wrong. That’s not indicative of average wages though. Is someone in the position you were in 3 years
ago, with the same experience level you had back then making more now?? That’s how it works.
Now for me, I’ve been in hospitals a long time. Prior to 08 the standard was 5% a year. Now we’re lucky to get 3%. It was 2 for a while, now
it’s 3. Yay. Which means we haven’t kept up with inflation.
Now, the largest work sector in the country is floor sales people. Think they’re getting 5%? Doubtful. That’s hospitals and all floor sales and
point of sale folks.... that’s probably close to the majority of the working nation right there. That’s the vast majority of people you interact
with on your day to day.
Are tech people making more money? Probably. Bankers? Not the tellers and lay workers. Mechanics? Probably not. Wall Street people, execs and
management, techies, and entrepreneurs, are probably the only people making more. Yay for that 5% that’s doing better. Farmers sure aren’t.
Factory workers. The vast majority of trump voters, blue collar low wage workers are all falling behind inflation. We have the smallest real middle
class in the last 50-60 years.
And at a time when they’re all making less, they all have much more debt.