You can tell the quality/trustworthiness of a business by their giveaway ink pens.
Ive had the same pen in my car for years, Got it when I opened a new bank account 4 hot summers, cold winters, etc., and it still works. Just a
plastic click pen, blue ink, nothing fancy, but reliable. A local garage gave me a pen 2 months ago, fancy metal pen, smartphone nib, the clip turns
into a flat bend-out for sticking in between dash panel. Then pen, like the repair they did, lasted 2 weeks.
I've had 3 women I've loved, before my wife. I was romantically burnt out. I met my wife, we became best friends, and now its the best marriage I
could ever imagine. We didn't worry about romance/sex at first, we didn't put any pressure on it, it just worked out.
I love my little town, and Ill tell you why:
Im a music fan, and we have a theater that gets acts like the LA Guns/Ratt tour, Dokken/Great White, Whitesnake, Alice Cooper, etc. It's 1500 seat
capacity, not big enough to make the performers look like ants on the stage, but not so small that acts wont play there.
Its time to stop delivering is great, made 150.00 tips last night, but its hard on the car, I have an underutilized college degree, and
I believe Ill be on SSDI before retirement age, so I want my last 3 years of work to be higher pay. (I'm 53)
I'd love to start a non-progit....a true nonprofit. I would like to supply gloves, coats, hats, to needy people. All I want out of it is personal
satisfaction. The local gas station sells brown jersey gloves for 75c a pair, but I cant afford a lot at a time. I have no idea how to get started.
edit on 9-11-2019 by Brywilson2 because: Spelling and grammar.