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SCI/TECH: New IM Worms Hit MSN Messenger

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posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 05:05 PM
IM worms are becoming more common then ever. This weekend a new outbreak of a virus targeting Microsoft's instant messenging program, Windows Messenger, hit the net. This latest virus uses most of the common tactics of social engineering to entice users to open a link which downloads malware that opens a back door on the machine, allowing for the computer to be remotely controlled.
New worms spreading through MSN Messenger -- and its bundled-with-Windows Windows Messenger version -- via links to a malicious site are infecting users and leaving their PCs open to hacker hijack, security vendors reported Monday.
The new worms, tagged as Kelvir.a and Kelvir.b, appeared over the weekend and on Monday, respectively, anti-virus vendors said. Both use the same mechanism to attract users and infect Windows-based PCs: they include a link in the instant message. That link, in turn, downloads a malicious file -- the actual worm, a variant of the long-running Spybot -- which opens a backdoor to the compromised machine.

Kelvir spreads by sending itself to all the MSN/Windows Messenger contacts on the infected PC, and poses as cryptic messages such as "lol! see it! u'll like it!" and "omg this is funny!" The link opens a .pif-formatted file.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Currently this attack is spreading through Windows Messenger, but that is not to say that it could not spread through other IM programs. Experts say the reason it is currently spreading on the MSN network is the global availability of the program.

The Windows Messenger is so available because it is bundled in Windows.

Look for a new patch or version of Messenger in the future that will deal with URLs in chat much differently.

Related News Links:

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 05:09 PM
I had it with MSN, hotmail et al.

I went back to AOL for Broadband so i could keep my sanity. I never saw anything worse than it.

Worms? What was their excuse 3 weeks ago? 8 weeks ago? Parasites?

I wouldnt have it again for "free"

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 05:14 PM
Unless you have made a concious effort to uninstall it, you do have it, and it was forced on you by Micorsoft. Messenger is one of those wonderful little apps that MS has bundled with your OS to make life so much easier.

I'm not saying that other IM apps are any safer, but things like this are just there when you first turn the computer on, and if you are unaware of them, it could conceivably open your machine up to problems.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 05:28 PM
I know what you mean, i tried to get rid of everything, and i also bought a years worth of StopZilla
(it works)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, now i just have to deal with AOL kicking me off line every two days!

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 05:41 PM
I woke up today and checked my MSN msgs. I had 5 people trying to send me the virus, just dont accept any files from anyone for the time being.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 05:47 PM

Unless you have made a concious effort to uninstall it, you do have it, and it was forced on you by Micorsoft. Messenger is one of those wonderful little apps that MS has bundled with your OS to make life so much easier

I think your talking about Windows Messenger, not MSN Messenger
which are two different things.
BTW I always uninstall the windows messenging service, whenever
I reformat.
Back on topic....I would take Yahoo Messenger over MSN anyday.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 08:19 PM
Yahoo messenger is just as bad. the rooms are filled with bots and even if you don't go into rooms you still get ims from bots. I have my messenger set up not to accept ims from anyone not on my buddy list so I don't have any problems but I could see where someone not in the know could think a message they get is legit and click on something they shouldn't.

It's just like the people clicking on those "free I-pod" ads or free screensavers and the like. The people spreading this stuff know there will always be people who will click on anything.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by madhatter
I think your talking about Windows Messenger, not MSN Messenger
which are two different things.
BTW I always uninstall the windows messenging service, whenever
I reformat.
Back on topic....I would take Yahoo Messenger over MSN anyday.

They really aren't very different things, it's the same thing packaged two different ways.

I personally have Messenger, Yahoo IM both installed, they both seem to be very similar applications. I haven't logged on to either one in several days though, I'm waiting this one out a bit.

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