posted on Oct, 24 2019 @ 06:11 AM
New poster here, but have lurked at times. Moreso lately because MSM(need I say more), and other topics of interest that get researched really well on
ATS. Can get lost for hours with the right info and links. I am a huge fan of exploration of our planet and it's hidden/unknown history. As well as
what other wonders lie in and outside of our own solar neighborhood. Also looking for prime real estate off this rock, I'd prefer an earth like moon
if anyone has some insider info. My spirituality wavers like the tide, that could just be the bipolar in me or my blatant hypocrisy, but it's still
an interest worth looking into. There's a good deal of topics I may see some members in, who knows, but I look forward to some of it an I'm sure
I'll wish I didn't respond to others.
Anyways, hello n