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Civil War 2 ?

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posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
Just see what happens if they remove him illegally.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: PurpleFox

Stop blaming Trump for everything

is it trump or the establishment?
how could it be trump if he is just the means to their end?
doenst really make sense does it, to blame trump then?
yet on it goes, as if it is the only answer

It is and always will be the Establishment, the Uniparty. CAREER POLITICIANS MUST BE FORCED OUT OR THIS # WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: PurpleFox
so if it is the "uniparty" then why all the trump hate?
seems redundant?

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 09:58 AM
There would not be a civil war. However having said that my crystal ball says that violence will escalate as protestors start fighting each other.

My crystal ball says it will get bad until people finaly cant take it anymore. There will be arrests water cannons rubber bullets etc.

Now let us hipe the crystal ball is wrong and people learn how to peacefully march.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: shooterbrody

Ok, this will be my last reply to you and you can have the last word (because God knows you need it 🤣), but we both know I'm right, there's a cold civil war happening right now, just look at the front page here and then go to liberal spaces like reddit. They're saying the same things about Trump as you are about Democrats. Cold Civil War and you're in total denial. How cute. There was no fight during the Cold "War" either, hack. 🤣

Now please, tell me how I believe Captain America and Spiderman are real again, as if that's a logical comeback in any way. It's all you got after all. Now pick yourself up off the starting line. 🤗
edit on 10/1/2019 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: shooterbrody

"Why do wrestlers fight each other? It's not like they're under the same umbrella as each other." 🤣🤣🤣

Ok, last reply, I promise. 😌

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

cold civil war

you should tm that phony made up phrase

just look at the front page here and then go to liberal spaces like reddit.

people on the interwebs told you
just like in the marvel movies, right?

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: shooterbrody

"Why do wrestlers fight each other? It's not like they're under the same umbrella as each other." 🤣🤣🤣

Ok, last reply, I promise. 😌

who is your favorite wrestler?
you bring them up a lot

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
Seems you dont understand that any insurrection would not be going after the People fighting in the streets. We would be after the tyrannical government that finally pushed this whole thing too far.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:25 AM
albert pyke, and i think, the protokols called for a civil war.
i remember thinking, that is impossible.

now i see how dangerous the media is.

after the election, i had several friends stop talking to me, because i did not support hilllary. i voted for gary johnson. one guy said that was not enough.

i told my friend, are you kidding me. (i did not know he was ignoring my texts, my calls, etc for months, just assumed i kept missing him.)

i then explained to him, im the same guy as always. and none of you know me on here, and there fore i could be lying, but i am a man of honor, i do not lie. so i tell this guy, i am your friend i would never betray you, why would you listen to a 'newz' that tells you to hate someone you knew since high school.

but this is the nonsense i am dealing with.

as a libertarrian, im not one of the good guys. i can only imagine how bad it must be for the republikans.

i live in weehawken nj. a upper middle class neighborhood. pretty much white. i got a fake parking ticket, went to court. (the bastards admitted they were wrong on my 55 dollar ticket, but still charged me 25 dollar court fee for fighting said ticket. basically, if you get a ticket, even if it was wrong, they just stole 25 bucks from you.)

so i go to court. im half chinese, half white. but 99% of the people on that day, were minorities, all fighting tickets.

basically, do not drive bad in weehawken if you are a minority lol!!!

same thing in the country if you happen to be republikan.
the media is telling people, to condemn republikans.

and the worst part? the weak minded minions are actually doing so.

like antiffa. none of those guys work out, none of them know martial arts. they are all tiny little nerds. but they put on their masks, grab their bats, and its 10 against 1. i used to be a bouncer. 2-3 you can handle. more than that, you gotta escape, if you can.

so pyke and the protokols, in 1870's, called for another civil war. it took them 120 years, but they got their wish, thanks to the media.

i hate the media.

now i realize, why fairy tales always glorify princesses and kings. its pr0paganda. that is how they kept the myth of a king/queen going. fairy tales was a valid way to spread the myth in the past.

a bunch of my friends know the media is lying and they have turned it off.

the problem is, i have several hard core fanatics. mentioning ' so and so better not mess with me today'

and i tell these people, you live in nyc, nothing has changed here. why are you complaining, who is out to get you?

yet they still keep 'posting' about how dire it is, and how dangerous it is and we have to stop them. [the republikans.]

i always say this, 'am i allowed to hate you all because im a libeterrian?' lol

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:43 AM
another "modern civil war in America" thread....

I'm no old fuddy duddy,I'm also no spring chicken. I'm in my mid forties and have heard my fair share of this rhetoric.

In the late 80's and early 90's I would hear of the impending "race war".

In the early 2000's it was martial law, fema camps and plastic caskets...

In 2012 nibiru..

Then the warpigs tried the race angle again with BLM in 15-16.

I'm not buying that We are headed for civil war, and when I hear the rhetoric now I see it for what it is..

Fear propaganda designed to appeal to the disenfranchised or downtrodden.

The fact is your average American ,the silent same majority, do not look forward to,or fantasize about shedding their neighbors blood in the streets. Do not fall victim to the hype of the virulent vocal minority..

For the record I'm not a democrat or a republican. I am a fiscally conservative libertarian who supports term limits in the Senate and the House. I think it's The woman's right to choose (abortion) and I am pro LEGAL immigration as my great great grandparents didn't have a problem waiting at Ellis island..

I honestly think it's why the zombie apocalypse theme is so popular.. it's normal people fantasizing that they no longer would have to go to work,or pay taxes. They become free of the burdens of society,escapism at its finest...

Prepping for emergencies is smart.
Being as self sufficient as possible
(Gardening,Hunting,raising livestock) is smart and economical.

Wishing for the madness of a true hot war in America or encouraging it is ..insane.

And exactly who do you think will be fighting and dying in this civil war?

The banksters?

The politicians?

The elite?

The deep state?

Nope, none of the above,rest assured they will be safe in their bunkers in New Zealand,or their yachts in the Caribbean,or their compounds in south America.

So who wins that war really? They get everything they want and we lose our families our homes for what?

To do the population culling for them. ? .

Then what?
Well,most likely all our rights will be lost when they swoop in when it's over and rewrite the constitution.

/shakes head


(If this looks familiar, you aren't having deja vu , I have this post saved and I try to slap it into every civil war thread I can)

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:44 AM
People are actually too lazy on either "side" to do anything. Except for a few folks, most people these days are just big-talking typists on the Internet full of bluster and opinions but no ambition to do anything substantial. So any Liberal or Conservative who talks tough in threads like these and on other websites who doesn't take to the streets if they truly feel like their country is being taken over is just a huge pussywillow.

So go ahead. Throw out your comfy couch and big screen TV and pizza delivery and do something. Hah. I knew you wouldn't.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:46 AM
Civil war is just right wing fear mongering. They say it every year, and martial law used to be another. But then the right actually wanted Trump to intact martial law.


edit on 1-10-2019 by Theyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
People are actually too lazy on either "side" to do anything. Except for a few folks, most people these days are just big-talking typists on the Internet full of bluster and opinions but no ambition to do anything substantial. So any Liberal or Conservative who talks tough in threads like these and on other websites who doesn't take to the streets if they truly feel like their country is being taken over is just a huge pussywillow.

So go ahead. Throw out your comfy couch and big screen TV and pizza delivery and do something. Hah. I knew you wouldn't.

That might be true for a lot of people, but I'm different and I'll give you a real world example.

When I was younger there was a major injustice at my work. Out of over 400 people I was the only one that stood up and said something (in front of everyone to upper management with my outside voice) I waited to see if I would lose my job.

What happened in the days that followed was quite interesting. One by one my coworkers came up and said I was their hero. They all felt the same way but were too scared to say something. Even my own supervisor was proud of me.
When they closed down our office to relocate to India I was one of 4 people retained. I was never sure if they were scared I would file a lawsuit, or if they thought I had "potential".

That was 20+ years ago and I am still friends with some of those people and they still remember that event. Yes there will always be people that sit on the sidelines, and there will be people that wait for others to take the lead.

I will say thing, there is something in the American heart, the American spirit that can't be silenced. Maybe this next war will be fought from

talking typists on the Internet
as they say, the pen is mightier than the sword.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 12:05 PM
The war is engaged but it is not a civil war as much as an information war. Our reserving the right to make it a hot war is the reason for the push to upend the second amendment and confiscate American's militia controlled battle rifles first. No way it goes hot until that globalist goal is first accomplished. Lets be clear. The war is globalist against nationalist populist world wide. This is shaping up to become a WW3 situation which will play out in every nation wherein the people are trying to reclaim their national sovereignty. The globalist thought they had the world in their pocket. Then Brexit, and then Donald Trump and here we are. The globalist controlled partisans in the democrat party are digging in to try and save their world order scheme and the nationalist are starting to find their feet and fight back.

It will be a war for certain. What that will look like is anyone's guess. Both sides have significant resources at their disposal. Noecon rino senators and house members are quitting in droves so they have no stomach for this fight that is becoming clear. CEOs of lots of major corporations are also quitting in droves. When so many globalist controlled assets leave the field you know the fighting is going to be brutal. Now they throw up children as human shields to push their junk science based argument for globalism and still seek to fund their war effort with a global carbon tax. The globalist have pushed all their chips to the center of the table. They are all in. They are cowards at heart though. They will use big tech, children as human shields, the drive by media and their lunatic army of socialist slaves before risking them selves.

One of the things I had great respect for was the tactics of the people of the Iga and Koga provinces of Japan during their feudal period. When a Shogun sent his army to attack their remote mountain homes they resisted with every trick in their training and preparations. Then to keep this tyrant from attacking again they sent in teams of warriors not to make war against the Shogun's army but take out the tyrant himself and all his loyalist. They did not do this for power or control of the area but as a warning to any other would be tyrants to leave them in peace or face their wrath. Some times the farmers and artists must become soldiers and wack the tyrant so hard it sets an example to every future would be tyrant. I think the globalist should be handled in a similar but updated fashion.

edit on 0110110101 by machineintelligence because: added content

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: underwerks

Isnt this how American revolution started though? British citizens fighting fellow brits?

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Would it even be possible?

President Trump and a Fox news host said there will be civil war if he is impeached.
Let's just say for a moment he is impeached.

Let's say the pro Trump faction is inflamed and ready to fight. Would it even be possible in this day and age to have a civil war?
During the first civil war there were defined geographic lines. I just don't think we have that today. California is the only very distinct are I can think of. There are some other liberal areas I can think of, but there are a lot of conservatives in those areas too.

Would the new civil are be a cyber civil war?

I'm surprised it hasn't happened already..

The left are too gutless to go full retard, they ultimately know that they wouldn't get the support they need for a win, from either the military's or the citizenry.

And the right has been so reserved, their patients is astounding given the amount of crap they have had to put up with..!!

Can't last for ever though, sooner or later the SWHTF. Patients can only be stretched so

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 07:00 PM
If SHTF, like 1800's old school style, it would be very different as far as sides go. The military and police are pro-Trump so it wouldn't be a war in the classic sense. You also don't see many left wing militias haha. Antifa maybe?

So who would be fighting in the "war"? I would think it would be massive civil unrest in the population centers, with huge protests that get out of control until Marshall Law sets in. That's where things could get nasty I'm afraid.

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: JON666

I'd rather see the population storm Washington and clean house. I would join that caravan. Hunt them down and hang them for treason.

What would be your determining factors before you hung them for treason? How would you identify the people to be hung. Would they have a trial?

edit on 1-10-2019 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Dems will not impeach him. In the impeachment process Republicans in the house would get to subpeana a bunch of dems as well so Dem only want inquiry and not fully impeach in the house.

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