posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to:
That's your MO (modus operandi). I'm not here to serve a purpose other than to share information I think others might find interesting. Neither am I
going to go into one of your TL;DR (too long, don't read) posts that consists of nothing but copy pasta flavored with personal opinion. Your posts
are so unbelievably long they become boring. But that's my opinion.
The graphic is pretty self explanatory and usually the adage, "less is more" suffices. The net result is to show where the highest concentration of
sightings have occurred in a 100 year time frame. If you have to be told the majority of sightings occur over the areas of the country where
population density is highest...well...then you're not thinking pragmatically.
It was just an interesting visual graphic. Nothing more.