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To the people who kneel during the national anthem.....

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posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:14 AM
Many groups are bowing out of the American national anthem for different reasons.

Gay rights
Gender equality
Police brutality

My question to these people....what country has better rights and freedoms then America?

During the word cup i saw women who come from countries with sub standard rights and they sung their anthems proudly.

Not everything is perfect , but why are these people disrespecting the anthem of the country that seems to lead in these rights and freedoms?

No one should have respect for that.....

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:23 AM
Some complain about what they're missing
Some are grateful for what they have

it's all about your outlook..

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:26 AM

My question to these people....what country has better rights and freedoms then America?

Depends what measurement for freedom you want to use, in general though the Scandinavian countries tend to come out on top of freedom indexes with Sweden usually being looked at as the country that is the freest. Other countries that often rank higher than America in terms of liberty include, Ireland, New-Zealand, Switzerland. When you look at economic freedom then Hong-Kong is top of the tower with the United States coming in 6 according to the Fraser Institute , Others rank America in 12th place. Another report from Freedom House Also ranked several countries above America in overall freedom.

I think there is this misconception that America is the freest state but when you actually look at more objective measurements of liberty America tends to struggle to get into the top ten.

Thats not to say its not a country of liberty, the rights afforded to American citizens remain some of the best in the world just not "the" best, there are various states that are regarding as having more liberty. The claim that America is the freest country on earth is actually not factually correct when we look at what researchers are saying.

So in answer to your question, "What country has better rights and freedoms than America" the answer is quite a few actually....
edit on 15-7-2019 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

A few months too late for the faux outrage.

The bandwagon already moved on, you should catch up with it.

It's about epstein and how Trump is the Jesus like figure who loves and respects women and never was on epstein planes despite Trump admitted that.

You're a year too late with your anger

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:30 AM
edit on 15-7-2019 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

My question to these people....what country has better rights and freedoms then America?

Depends what measurement for freedom you want to use, in general though the Scandinavian countries tend to come out on top of freedom indexes with Sweden usually being looked at as the country that is the freest. Other countries that often rank higher than America in terms of liberty include, Ireland, New-Zealand, Switzerland. When you look at economic freedom then Hong-Kong is top of the tower with the United States coming in 6 according to the Fraser Institute

I think there is this misconception that America is the freest state but when you actually look at more objective measurements of liberty America tends to struggle to get into the top ten.

Thats not to say its not a country of liberty, the rights afforded to American citizens remain some of the best in the world just not "the" best, there are various states that are regarding as having more liberty.

What laws are there in America that hold gays, women, trans folk, blacks or any other group back?
What exactly are they wanting to happen?

As for the BLM crowd, I’ll take them seriously when they acknowledge that the biggest threat to Black Americans is in fact other black Americans. Why is it only tragic when they are shot by cops?

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

Am not talking about minority rights or BLM....

The OP asked a question I provided an answer with links.

I have no idea what you're getting at.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

Am not talking about minority rights or BLM....

The OP asked a question I provided an answer with links.

I have no idea what you're getting at.

Sincere apologies, I thought you were justifying their lunacy.
Glad to hear that’s not the case, 1 Star for you

edit on 15/7/2019 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:44 AM
All gov designed issues used to create division so people fight each other vs question why a system has subverted the constitution into a combined tax rate (theft) in the 50%+ range to feed a bunch of non-working elites.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 09:58 AM
I think they kneel because they think we can do better. Stuff isn't as equal as we hope/believe like growing up think we are all free in every sense of the word.

Even though I don't agree with them I do understand at least a bit.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

A man who does not stand for something will kneel for everything.
-Some famous guy

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: watchandwait410

They kneel because they know it will piss people off.
Everyone knows the best way to get people to see your side of view is to piss them off. Not...

I know I'm ready to hear colin kaepernick talk after he raises a middle finger to everyone that has respect for the flag..

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

My question to these people....what country has better rights and freedoms then America?

Depends what measurement for freedom you want to use, in general though the Scandinavian countries tend to come out on top of freedom indexes with Sweden usually being looked at as the country that is the freest. Other countries that often rank higher than America in terms of liberty include, Ireland, New-Zealand, Switzerland. When you look at economic freedom then Hong-Kong is top of the tower with the United States coming in 6 according to the Fraser Institute , Others rank America in 12th place. Another report from Freedom House Also ranked several countries above America in overall freedom.

I think there is this misconception that America is the freest state but when you actually look at more objective measurements of liberty America tends to struggle to get into the top ten.

Thats not to say its not a country of liberty, the rights afforded to American citizens remain some of the best in the world just not "the" best, there are various states that are regarding as having more liberty. The claim that America is the freest country on earth is actually not factually correct when we look at what researchers are saying.

So in answer to your question, "What country has better rights and freedoms than America" the answer is quite a few actually....

Yes they are many different spectrums,, but those countries seem not to offer the riches and fame that say comes along with sports .
People are lucky the u.s. can offer that.
Then you have people part of sport teams lucky to live in a country that provides that to athletes and they still wont show gratitude.

I don't think they are gracious of the many things this county has provided that they couldnt find elsewhere.

Very disgraceful and makes that look uneducated about the rights and freedoms of other places.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Biden claims he will cure cancer if he is elected...let's hope for your sake that someone attempts to cure the ugly TDS case you have as it seems to be consuming your soul but I suspect its years too late for you.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

but those countries seem not to offer the riches and fame that say comes along with sports .
People are lucky the u.s. can offer that.

Well most of the states that are ahead on America on freedom are European and and I don't know the exact numbers on this but rather a lot of big sports stars are from Europe. America does not have a monopoly on fame, and fame is not indicator of freedom so this point is entirely mute.

Then you have people part of sport teams lucky to live in a country that provides that to athletes and they still wont show gratitude.

I don't think they are gracious of the many things this county has provided that they couldnt find elsewhere.

Very disgraceful and makes that look uneducated about the rights and freedoms of other places.

So there is nothing wrong with you personally saying that you have an opinion that kneeling during the national anthem is disrespectful that however in of itself does not make the act of athletes kneeling disrespectful as its a matter of opinion. Furthermore them being an athlete for America does not mean that one's success is due to being American, as I have already said to you, there are lots of sports starts out there who are not American and among them are the very highest paid and talent of stars. For example Mo Salah earns about £200,000 per week yet comes from Egypt a country that is pretty low when you look at its freedom index levels.

I would also add that them kneeling in no way is a sign of their education, they could be the most intelligent and most educated of individuals and still believe in an issue so strongly that they wish to kneel during the national anthem to bring attention to whatever issue they feel needs enlightened. Which brings me round to another point, often the discussion around this is about the act of kneeling rather than why they are kneeling, to me that seems rather odd but I think that might take us off on a tangent that might not be entirely on topic.
edit on 15-7-2019 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Yes they are many different spectrums,, but those countries seem not to offer the riches and fame that say comes along with sports .

Having sports stars from your country is not indicative of the amount of freedom its citizens posses otherwise the Red Army teams would have made the Soviet Union one of the freest places on earth.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

Your entire statement makes you look uneducated about the freedoms that we as Americans have.
These individuals have every right to kneel thanks to freedom. Do you want to take away a bit of good ol American freedom? Or do you just want to complain then go to a safe space?

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

What is your opinion about Jehovahs Witnesses not saluting the flag or standing for the National Anthem.

They do not because of religious beliefs btw.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:43 AM
I am confused why people have to kneel, or are pressured to kneel, during their national anthem. It’s all a bit contrived. Surely just being respectful, singing along, being quiet (etc) is enough. If people are forced to do a thing, they will soon say "no" or feel resentment.

originally posted by: Bloodworth
My question to these people....what country has better rights and freedoms then America?

Most developed nations have comparable rights to the US. You may think that American rights are something special, but they are not. But perhaps your point is that if people don't like the country they live in, and which affords them protection, then they should leave. This is legitimate.

However, not kneeling at an anthem is a bit of a harsh way to judge someone's patriotism.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: Bloodworth

What is your opinion about Jehovahs Witnesses not saluting the flag or standing for the National Anthem.

They do not because of religious beliefs btw.

There is a big difference between the two.
The witness do not stand at attention because their religious considers the flag a false idol.
They are not trying to make a statement or disrespect the flag.

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