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posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 05:18 PM
I just watched a live stream from Fox 10 out of Phoenix. It was an uncut, unedited stream of the speech Trump gave with regard to the US Census
question of "Are you a US citizen."
Now, to be honest, I expected Trump to try and just bulldoze his way past the Supreme Court on this one. And IMO that would have been a mistake. So I
was curious as to what the resulting Executive Action we have all been expecting would be.
It wasn't what I expected.
President Trump is signing an Executive Order today demanding that all Federal agencies make available all data requested by the Department of
Commerce to ascertain US citizenship, which his advisors have stated will allow for a 90% accuracy rate. This would be much higher than the expected
number of illegal aliens who would state such on a Census form, and it will accomplish the exact same result. Thus, the resulting 2020 US Census
will give the number of US citizens, legal aliens, and illegal aliens, without directly asking the question.
That means the DNC's plan for skewing representation has failed.
It is patently obvious to anyone with two neurons to rub together that counting residents without determining citizenship will provide for some voters
in districts with high illegal alien populations to have more of a vote than other citizens. A district with 100,000 citizens and 100,000 illegal
aliens would get the same representation as one with 200,000 citizens, meaning the former citizens would get twice the voting power as the latter.
That has been the driving force behind sanctuary cities: use illegal aliens to pad the Census so that those sanctuary cities get districted for more
representation in Washington DC than other areas. I know this; Trump knows this; the DNC knows this; everyone capable of thinking independently knows
I imagine the response from the DNC will be sure and swift... once someone figures out how to combat this. I'm assuming it will be the familiar cry
of government privacy intrusion... well, despite being a strong advocate for individual privacy, I cannot fault this plan of action; I will instead
fault those who tried to delay and legally escape a simple question on the US Census that has been on the Census for the better part of 200+ years:
"Are you a US citizen?"
I do love to watch a pro work their magic...