posted on Jun, 2 2019 @ 06:25 PM
The media (and government to a degree) is very much complicit in the mass shooting phenomena. First by simply reporting on it - which, admittedly, is
hard to blame them for since a mass shooting is relevant news. However, the reason they report on it with such fervor and run the issue into the
ground from the beginning is a standard tactic in a plea for gun control. Report something over and over ad nauseam in an attempt to wear the
citizenry down, control the narrative and attempt to achieve your idealistic aims -- which is gun control. Eric Holder and the Obama administration
even admitted to this tactic, which is not surprising to learn that there were a record number of mass shootings under the Obama administration.
By doing this, the media has exacerbated the phenomena ten fold. And the second reason it has become a pandemic is because of how they are reporting
on it. They present the perpetrator as this monster and picture of pure evil. To anyone else out there struggling with issues of mental illness or
just a basic sense of a lack of control in their lives they are going to see this and feel like this is a way to empower themselves. This is a simple
phenomena that we have studied in primates for decades now. If a primate becomes confused about their spot in the pecking order it will often lash out
in a violent act in an attempt to regain some semblance of control. The media is providing that opportunity. Stop.
Stop presenting the perpetrators as evil caricatures and using these events to further an idealistic agenda. If you want to curb mass shootings then
dig into the reasons the perpetrator lost control and their spot in society and at least feign a sense of compassion and pity for them. They are still
human beings after all even though they committed a heinous act.
Everyone needs to stop being consumed with the how (they used a gun!) or who (a right-wing white male!) and instead understand the why. That is how we
curb the violence of mass shootings.
I know sometimes these types of people simply can't be helped no matter how hard you try to reach out to them, but that doesn't mean you stop
As I've stated before on this site, I am in favor of most forms of reasonable gun control. That is my personal stance. However, if we simply banned
all firearms overnight that doesn't make these broken people disappear. They are still out there. They will instead maybe knife a few people in the
neck and it probably won't make the national news and you can go on your daily return like nothing is wrong. That is what the gun control reaction to
mass shootings is actually saying. It is classic compartmentalization. They don't actually want to solve to the root cause of the problem and actually
help the individuals suffering that end up committing these acts, they just want to make it small enough that they don't have to be confronted with it
or think about. It is an incredibly selfish, narcissistic and deplorable position to have.
edit on 2-6-2019 by sooth because: (no reason