posted on May, 23 2019 @ 05:35 AM
on coast-2-coast AM last night (wed 22 May) there was a 2 hour segment with some British authority on Astral Projection... I only agreed with …
maybe 30% of his views/observations
his view that AP used faster-than-light-speed Astral Travel to visit billions-of-Light Years distant Galaxies, fit well with my experiences
BUT he still never concluded that White-Light tunnels were symbolic of traveling into Ones own Psyche/brain/spirit-body and not far reaches of this
material Universe/Cosmos/Dimension where one enters a translucent tunnel with no white-light at the far end (only after moments of hyper fast travel
through the tunnel will the Traveler see a tiny dot of light in the distance which will grow bigger & brighter as One nears the destination, at the
tunnel end point)
So... I;m either more observant than the guest on the radio show...or i'm traveling in the Coach Class where the cheaper seats actually see the
working parts of the machinery.... instead of his 1st class seat where all those annoying thing are removed so the traveler can enjoy the movie &
champaigne the well-to-doexpect in the First Class seats
edit on rd31155860818223432019 by St Udio because: (no reason given)