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On the idea of ATS being a right wing echo chamber

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posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 07:37 AM
Huh? More an more [people coming out saying ats is a right wing echo chamber.

Strange that a right wing echo chamber would have so many non right wing voices complaining about it.

Yes no doubt there are other sites that have alt right people that suck. Some here too probably. But the problem is massively overblown. I here these complaints from people, but they are silent when voices on the left recommend violence on these same sites.

And lets not forget that almost all of our cultural institutions of power are dominated by the establishment left. To the point where we can have public figures in the media and entertainment industry recommend violence or defend it against trump supporters, heck even go after kids who were berated by black racists for over an hour, all because Trump supporters and their hats are racist.

And because right wing views are severely underrepresnted in academia, the media, the entertainment industry, and now increasingly in silicon valley, we must smear any place they may want to voice their opinions as right wing echo chambers.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: Grambler

You just can't help yourself can you. Triggered by an emoji, and one I use to mockingly because certain right-wing posters always use them, glad you agree that they actually convey a lack of confidence and desperation for each post to be liked.

You know because you know everyone on this thread saying it’s a right wing echo chamber is right wing according to you

Where did I say this? Yet another fake assumption in a failing thread.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: SeenItBelieveIt
a reply to: Grambler

You just can't help yourself can you. Triggered by an emoji, and one I use to mockingly because certain right-wing posters always use them, glad you agree that they actually convey a lack of confidence and desperation for each post to be liked.

You know because you know everyone on this thread saying it’s a right wing echo chamber is right wing according to you

Where did I say this? Yet another fake assumption in a failing thread.

Your quotes

this thread turned into a right wing echo chamber.


I just did a quick count and couldn't find a single left wing supporter, confirms its a right wing echo chamber.

So you know the thread is a right wing echo chamber.

You searched the thread, and couldnt find a single left wing person.

So you must be saying every single person on this thread is not left wing.

SO either you are lying, or you know every single person on this thread is not left woing and is part of the right wing echo chamber.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: Grambler

And because right wing views are severely underrepresnted in academia, the media, the entertainment industry, and now increasingly in silicon valley, we must smear any place they may want to voice their opinions as right wing echo chambers.

Its interesting you say this, I was reading another discussion about this just this afternoon elsewhere on the internet. I have gone back to university this year in Australia as a mature age student (I'm in my 30's). One of the courses I'm studying is sociology. People freak out when I mention that we are studying Marx and saying, "typical left wing university indoctrination". We study Marx because his work was at the forefront of trying to understand modernity which was bringing about profound changes to society at the time. But the professors don't say, this is what Marx said, what Marx said is the gospel truth. We look at his main concepts, how it was understood in his time, how it relates to contemporary times, how it compares to other concepts from people like Durkheim or Weber and other more contemporary theorists. We look at criticisms of all of these views. The text books basically lay it out as Overview, core theories, criticisms and they do this for all of the social theorists. The professors in my experience have yet to push one view over the other. They teach different theories and teach us to think critically on the pro's and cons and how each theory relates to the world around us today. I don't think that's indoctrination. Some people seem to want Marx wiped from the textbooks.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Grambler


So your proof is me mocking your fake count and pulling numbers out of the air?
You really are reaching now.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: harold223

I dont want to see marx wiped from the text books. I want a free exchange of ideas.

We see how conservative speakers are often banned from campuses.

The numbers dont lie as well about the political ideologies of those in administration and teaching in universities.

Check out Johnathan Haidt (left wing) and his Herterodux academy, that outlines just how bad academia is for being almost fully left wing.

If we compare figures 1 and 2, we see that the professoriate was changing while the electorate as a whole was not. Professors were more liberal than the country in 1990, but only by about 11 percentage points. By 2013, the gap had tripled; it is now more than 30 points. It seems reasonable to conclude that it is academics who shifted, as there is no equivalent movement among the masses whatsoever.

The people who shape the minds of America’s students have long leaned left, on average. But students who entered college before 1990 could count on the fact that their professors did not all vote the same way or hold the same views on the controversial issues of the day. Students who arrived after 2005 could make no such assumption. For example, Figure 3 is from Jon Haidt’s recent post plotting new data on the policy views of social psychologists, on nine culture war issues (such as abortion and gay marriage).

Only one social psychologist, out of a sample of 327, had views that were right of center. This graph is incompatible with Krugman’s hypothesis that professors didn’t change their views, they just changed their labels.

Remember this is a left leaning guy who dislikes trump.

And what does he say is happening to univrsities as a result of this trend of it being almost all liberal?

I’d like to end this post on a personal note. I joined the faculty of Sarah Lawrence College in 2010. When I told my friends from graduate school about my new job, they warned me to keep my head down and avoid discussing political topics with other faculty. This suggestion course, was hard to follow as I was explicitly hired to teach American politics at Sarah Lawrence College, a college which happens to be one of our nation’s most well-known progressive and politically active institutions. I will never forget my second day of teaching at the College where I was called a right-wing wingnut. That accusation was made without any hesitation when I pointed out that an empirical trend suggested a very different policy outcome than what was being discussed around a lunch table. I teach and have long-followed the Daniel Patrick Moynihan mantra of “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts.” It is important to follow this both intellectually and pedagogically and I continue to push this idea regularly in the face of dissent.

This is what happens when viewpoint diversity disappears and orthodoxy reigns. When faculty in the social sciences can no longer have open discussions among themselves about political issues because dissent from the progressive stance is treated as treason, then what kind of political extremism and intolerance will we breed among our students? The answer, unfortunately, became clear in the demands that students issued on campus after campus last Fall, and in the cruelty and aggression some of them showed to anyone they deemed to be an opponent.

Orthodoxy is fundamentally incompatible with the mission of a university. Increasing viewpoint diversity should be at the top of every college president’s priority list.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: SeenItBelieveIt
a reply to: Grambler


So your proof is me mocking your fake count and pulling numbers out of the air?
You really are reaching now.

Pulling numbers out of air?

You said there was not one left leaning person posting on this thread.

You pulled that out of air.

And when I call you on it, you say I pulled it out of air.

Here is your quote AGAIN.

I just did a quick count and couldn't find a single left wing supporter, confirms its a right wing echo chamber.

So back up that statement. Tell all of the posters, even those complaining on this thread about ats being a right wing echo chamber, that they are part of that echo chamber and not right wing.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Grambler

The personal political views of a university professor really have no bearing if they are teaching all the theories with equal weight and teaching students to think critically on the theories and come to their own conclusions. So far from what I have experienced at university, the study has been very apolitical and looking at things from a purely academic perspective. Like I said, social theories that could be considered left and right are covered equally and the pro's and cons laid out in a matter of fact manner. What I'm really getting out of it is that different theories are relevant or of benefit to different situations and different people or time periods and there are lots of grey areas. It's up to us to make up our own minds on what we think about it and we are very much encouraged to do so. I am left leaning but I have always been left leaning. My dad was a unionists and communist sympathiser going way back lol. Nothing to do with education.

What one person said on the discussion I read earlier today was; if university professors and academics are so overwhelmingly left wing in their views, why would that be? Could it be that in depth analysis and critical thought by intelligent individuals tends to lead to the conclusion that ideals commonly referred to as left wing are superior? Are conservative minded people less likely to pursue further education for some reason? Not my questions but interesting nonetheless.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Wow you really are being serious.

Why didn't you quote the whole thing or link to the post.

a reply to: SeenItBelieveIt

Maybe because any semi-intelligent person would recognise I was pointing out how YOU fabricated numbers and how easy it is to do by sarcastically claiming I'd counted who was left wing in the thread.

Are you really telling me you thought I was serious that I'd counted up the political allegiance of posters I don't know?
Do you take everything literally?
Maybe you do, would explain the trash OP where you took the saying echo chamber literally.

Perhaps i'm being harsh on you, maybe its just a misunderstanding, do you struggle to grasp sarcasm and exaggerations statements in real life situations? If so, maybe refrain from making strawman threads like this.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: harold223

Im glad you have a good experience.

People that are studying the problem say your experience is not the norm.

Again, Haidt talks specifically about how this is silencing dissenting views.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: SeenItBelieveIt

So the person whose entire argument agaisnt me is that i used the number one third, which happened to be accurate, is now complaining that I took you number of zero liberal posters literally.


So you admit you lied about there being zero left leaning posters on this thread.

Got it.

Thanks for lying to try to prove a point.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Grambler

How was it accurate, you already lied about it once. Show your proof.
You are starting to sound like a child whose lost an argument.

You created a straw man argument against a position that zero people have suggested on this website(that zero left wing people post here). Which means either you are just posting trash for stars or you struggle to grasp basic concepts. Take your pick.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: SeenItBelieveIt

This thread is comedy gold! So, in summary you and the rest of the left-leaning members will not relent until Grambler admits this thread and ATS in general is a right wing echo chamber. Absolutely priceless!

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 09:53 AM
ATS is becoming more like a soap opera that is very addicting
to watch.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: SeenItBelieveIt

This thread is comedy gold! So, in summary you and the rest of the left-leaning members will not relent until Grambler admits this thread and ATS in general is a right wing echo chamber. Absolutely priceless!

I only respond for the giggles.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: TinySickTears

Go try to be even slightly right leaning on reddit and come back and tell me if ats is toxic to the left.

This, bloomin' 'eck go take a look at r/Brexit. If you believed Reddit noone voted Leave and British people are -

Didn't know what they were voting on
Think we still run the planet
Think Brexit will bring unicorns or something

Honestly so full of racist european lefties and they wonder why we voted out.

On topic - there is NOT ONE BETTER place to have intelligent discussion on the internet than ATS.

The End.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: TinySickTears

Go try to be even slightly right leaning on reddit and come back and tell me if ats is toxic to the left.

Double sorry.

edit on 18-4-2019 by Dem0nc1eaner because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Grambler

If not a chamber there are definitely people pushing their agenda.

We got a thread titled Notre Dame was almost definitely not an accident.

No body to the post at all and still getting a star.


posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: Grambler

If not a chamber there are definitely people pushing their agenda.

We got a thread titled Notre Dame was almost definitely not an accident.

No body to the post at all and still getting a star.



its a conpsiracy site.

We have a whole forum on 9-11

People think the moon landing was faked.

I mean, it will happen.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Grambler

You mean giving stars to posts with literally no text?

If there was no agenda it wouldnt happen.

And as before its not a conspiracy site anymore.

You should know with your almoat 200 political threads and very little of any other kind
edit on 18-4-2019 by TinySickTears because: (no reason given)

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