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Could Magnetic Bacteria Hold The Key To Experiancers?

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posted on Mar, 28 2019 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Hey shawman, awesome post mate....

Just the kind of counter argument stuff I was wanting people to contribute

It's an interesting particle that's for sure. In terms of alzheimers, I have family that work with people with vascular dementia and alzheimers and some of the visual and auditory hallucinations they suffer from do sound at times, exactly like strange encounters with "things".

posted on Mar, 28 2019 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: pigsy2400

I vaguely remember this was touched upon somewhere else on here. So S&F for putting in the real donkey work and running with it in a much longer format.

If proven it could actually lead to some real world explanations about many other things involving the human (and other mammalian brains). Fascinating.
edit on 28/3/2019 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Mar, 28 2019 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
What is it?
Magneto-tactic Bacteria is found in all living things. It is in your brain, my brain and animal’s brains.

Is the bacteria in all our brains or just magnetic nano-particles? Your link suggests it may be the former but notes a lack of studies. Given that it is water borne I should think that populations who use wells or other ground water sources, or swim in still waters would be most likely to show positive if we humans make amenable hosts, but then it would most likely be in the food chain, and possibly a regular source of our dietary requirements of iron but perhaps by the time it reaches our systems the life has gone out of it. Being able to sequester iron in a stable form such as by hosting such a bacteria, would seem useful but only if we could access it as needed, immune responses could facilitate that. Perhaps the deal that such a symbiosis strikes, is that from time to time conditions are such that the particles create a field that interferes with the way the brain relays and interprets information. Such as, as we've discussed on the RFI threads, when exposed to pulses and whatnots that create excitations and oscillations.

Or something like that.

Interesting thread and take on the research, and I don't know, maybe.

edit on 28-3-2019 by KilgoreTrout because: general jumbliness

posted on Mar, 28 2019 @ 08:12 PM
You absolutely rocked this post! Thanks for giving us some very stimulating reading that got my thoughts churning with possibilities. S & F

posted on Mar, 28 2019 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: pigsy2400

Outstanding thread, Pigsy - well deserved S&Fs for you, sir.

Fascinating food for thought in many areas! I'll read through it all again tomorrow when my head's clearer - been a lonnnng day.

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 02:42 AM


posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: anminianna1234567

Nobody click this link.
edit on 3/29/2019 by eriktheawful because: Edited out removed post

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: Jonjonj

wondered how long it would take for one to show up...

Thanks Jonjon

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: pigsy2400

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: pigsy2400

Could this explain the injuries sustained by John Burroughs from the Rendelsham Forest Incident? 

The question is what would Dr Green and company say about it?

That's a very good question theory might be way off and I have a feeling that its not "the answer" but it may play its part in some way.

The only way we would know is if they were to reply or comment and I cannot see that happening in all honesty.

Considering the parts of the brain where this bacteria resides in its highest concentrations - memory/motor - it does seem to correlate with some instances of high strangeness - loss of memory and movement..

You have had contact with John Burroughs, I assume he would have commented to you Pigs about it? Yes?

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

on this specific subject matter all fairness I was only postulating as to what could have caused his injuries due to the areas in the body as to where the concentrations of these magnetic particles exist, the second highest being the heart. I was just connecting dots in relation to "static" in the air in regards to that particular encounter. As I stated this "theory" is not the answer but I think it raises some interesting questions none-the less.

I think his injuries are potentially caused by something else, I don't really involve myself in Rendlesham anymore Baa. I would rather focus research on areas that I feel would add more value.

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 06:30 AM
Thankyou pigsy for putting this together.

I have been wondering what the hell the "antennae" was that is often mentioned in UFO related threads.

"Magnetic bacteria", a nice place to begin a study . I have often wondered about the role fungi might play in a similar way with some perceptual "phenomenon".

The association of fairy folk and mushroom rings comes to mind from folklore.

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

on this specific subject matter all fairness I was only postulating 

Ok Pigs. Goodluck with the research.

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Thanks Baa... I don't know what the effects of Nuclear Radiation would be on these particles, that might be one area to look into

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 08:26 AM
Some Humans Can Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field, Fascinating Experiment Suggests

Synchronicity abound, there has been a number of experiments in this field that have been reported on only within the last few days in regards EMF and its effects on these magnetic metals/particles/bacteria.

An image of the experiment;

What they actually did
They essential took participants and placed them in a Faraday cage as above in the image and monitored the brainwaves of the participants as they were bombarded with different magnetic fields. Whilst the participants couldn't tell when the magnetic fields had changed, 4 of the 34 participants EEG data told a different story.

The alpha rhythm is the dominant brain wave produced by neurons when individuals aren’t processing any specific sensory information or performing a specific task. When “stimulus is suddenly introduced and processed by the brain, the alpha rhythm generally decreases,” the authors wrote. The drop in alpha waves observed during these experiments suggested the brain interpreted the magnetic fields as some kind of stimulus—the neurological purpose or result of which is unclear. But as the new study pointed out, this observation now “provides a basis to start the behavioral exploration of human magnetoreception.”

Also of note is what they thought may be responsible for these effects, which I have mentioned previously in my post;

The researchers don’t know how the human brain is able to sense magnetic fields, but Kirschvink has a favorite theory. There may be “specialized sensory cells that contain tiny magnetite crystals,” he said, which is currently “the only theory that explains all of the results, and for which there is direct physiological data in animals.” Back in 1992, Kirschvink and his colleagues isolated crystals of biogenic magnetite from human brains, so he may be onto something; other researchers should now dive into this possibility to flesh this idea out.

Also of which is quite interesting and noted here;

"There is no such thing as ‘extra-sensory perception’. What we have shown is this is a proper sensory system in humans, just like it is in many animals.”

edit on p34818192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 11:48 AM
I think you're on to something, Pigsy, something that a certain group of folk have been digging into as well.

Excellent thread---thanks for bringing it to us. Deserves more flags. I hope to have something substantive to add here soon.

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400

I have thought for a while which relates to your post, that if I was in charge of an "experiencer" group - I would take them to an area that was known to be an area where strange things happened and then measure the results. This could quite possibly be what SWR was actually all about as I postulated earlier..

They sure did seem to have a lot of cameras dotted around that didnt capture anything! - Maybe they were supposed to capture and monitor the people there...?

DARPA & DIA does come to mind when I think of Skinwalker Ranch. When you look at the national security state connections of the scientists and folk involved it has more explanatory power than what the SWR claim it was for.

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
a reply to: Jonjonj

wondered how long it would take for one to show up...

Thanks Jonjon

No problem, and thank you for a wonderfully presented and fascinating OP. Low level electromagnetic radiation has been cited as the cause for some ghost sightings, particularly in houses with old fashioned electrical mains systems, so I feel like you on on the right track.

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Well I am aware that maybe I am looking at this from too much of a "dumbass" perspective that creates tenuous links, my areas of expertise are definitely not in microbiology, which is quite evident. I do have a levek of self awareness and never claim to be "right" about most things.

It started quite simply like this, what are the patterns in "encounters" and things like that, EMF are always mentioned in one way or another. Ok, so why do some people experience them more than others? Ohh...theres these magentic particles in brain??? That's what if.....that's how it honestly started.

That dumbass mentality is what led me to the fact that; these particles are at their highest concentrations in the memory and motor parts of the brain, the patterns of not being able to move and or issues with memories.

Coupled that with the work that is underway to utilise these bacteria into data storage devices that data can written to and they are in the "memory" parts of the brain..and DARPAs interest in neural implants for military purposes made me wonder.

Maybe not knowing enough about a subject is a good thing but there are also the same level of drawbacks.
edit on p591223192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj

No problem, and thank you for a wonderfully presented and fascinating OP. Low level electromagnetic radiation has been cited as the cause for some ghost sightings, particularly in houses with old fashioned electrical mains systems, so I feel like you on on the right track.

Howdy, jonjonji---always good to have your thoughts in threads.
This is one of the few books I recommend to folk who pursue these angles. It goes extremely well with topics herein I do believe.

While I didn't agree with all of Budden's conclusions he's certainly progressed a couple of fields of study imo. He has his detractors, but while he is a funny little man according to some I personally think he's a savant who's done some heavy intellectual lifting.

Electric Ufos: Fireballs, Electromagnetics and Abnormal States by Albert Budden

Here's a review from the link that makes some good points about the book.

Budden combines his familiarity with parapsychology, ufology, and electromagneticism into something amazing. Building on Michael Persinger's Tectonic Strain Theory, Paul Devereaux's Earth Light Hypothesis, as well as Clinical Ecology and work on EM pollution, Budden makes a real contribution toward understanding the ufo *and* abduction phenomena.

Along the way, we learn of the research of John Hutchinson, independent Canadian physicist who has been able to replicate poltergeist effects in a laboratory ("skeptics" take note!) by creating EM fields.
Budden's conclusions are controversial, he utterly rejects any external intelligence in his explanations of the various phenomena, so he will no doubt alienate many ufo "true believers" just as he has managed to alienate many parapsychologists, who so desperately want to believe their evidence proofs life after death.

This book should be of special interest to anyone interested in the HAARP project, as Budden's (and Hutchinson's and Persinger's) research has direct bearing on project potential uses. Imagine, create an ELF EM field around an enemy force, throw them into confusion, pacify them, have them experience "abductions" on the spot, make their weapon fly around like out the "Exorcist". Who needs a crashed UFO? If Budden and co. are right this line of research has bearing on fusion energy, earthquake prediction (and generation?), weather control, mind control, psychological warfare, non-lethal weaponry, and yes (the "nuts and bolts" crowd's favorite) *advanced propulsion systems*.

Finally, I find it interesting that quite independently of Budden's work. I found, while reading Thomas Allen, POSSESSED: A TRUE ACCOUNT OF AN EXORCISM (his account of the case that the "Exorcist" was based on), that during the boy's most violent attack, which occured just before his baptism as a Catholic, loud static came over the radio, even when it was turned off! Your witness, Mr. Budden.

posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400

Maybe not knowing enough about a subject is a good thing but there are also the same level of drawbacks.

Pretty sure you're on to a big part of the puzzle. Our puzzlement that is. I'm sure the government is way further along on some of this. The shear number and continued study found in declassified papers and grants makes it apparent that EM-related understanding and weaponized technologies is a holy-grail for the military-industrial complex. And naturally so.

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