I've read the threads. I've read the manifesto. I've read every single news story I can find on the Christchurch tragedy (even CNN).
What happened in Christchurch is "TERRORISM". It is a textbook example, and by definition...TERRORISM! Plain and simple.
I'm astonished by some of the political BS and left/right wing vitriol I've read. I've held off commenting until now. I am equally astonished at how
gullible people are, how they cannot see the forest but for the trees, how they fail to grasp the point of what this monster intended to do...and
succeeded, very handily I might add.
This shooter has played the media, exactly as he intended. This shooter has played the political left (and the right), exactly as he intended. He
has stoked the divide, exactly as he said he intended. This shooter has pushed practically every single "hot button" there is. I am absolutely
astonished so many cannot see this, cannot comprehend it. Astonished!
The 'density' of some of the posts here on ATS must seriously approach critical mass.
Okay, let's step back for a second, take off the partisan boxing gloves, and look at what's really happened here.
1. The "manifesto", whether the shooter authored it or not is irrelevant, is what the shooter stated to have documented his purpose. It doesn't
matter whether he wrote it or not, he identified with it and that's all that counts.
2. That the manifesto is vague and convoluted should come as no surprise. This is exactly what he intended! The shooter didn't want to take a solid
position on anything. Why? Because that wasn't his point. In fact, it was the polar opposite of his point! He wanted to sow the seeds of hatred
across a broad spectrum. He succeeded. And, people should be ashamed of how shallow and reliant on the MSM they've become.
3. The shooter wanted to inflame racial hatred. He succeeded. The shooter wanted to inflame political divides. He succeeded. The shooter wanted
to inflame political extremists. He succeeded. The shooter wanted to light the fuse of religious extremism and hatred. He succeeded. The shooter
He wants hate. He wants conflict. He wants murder. He wants, in fact he's
begging for, retaliation. He openly states he wants a civil war
in the US, Europe and elsewhere. That's what he wants. He wants posters like some here on ATS to lash out and make matters worse by spewing non-stop
lies, twisted meanings and misguided posts. He wanted HATE. Above ALL else, no matter how you slice it, he wants....HATE!
How can people not see this for what it is??? It just astonishes me!
Hey MSM...now's your chance, you have a choice. You can choose to fall into his trap and stoke the flames of hatred to make a buck, OR...you can
steal this guy's thunder by doing the exact opposite. Your choice. Sadly, I think I know which way the media will go, but there is a choice here.
Hey ATS...now's your chance, you have a choice. You can step back from the partisan politics of this tragedy, and see the motivations for what they
are, OR...you can continue to bicker about extremes and the end of the World. As it stands right now, it seems this tragedy is having the exact
effect the perpetrator intended it to...HATRED.
For my part, I say ....'
DENY this monster his final wish. DENY him the satisfaction that he inspired hatred among everyone about every thing.
DENY him at every turn. Make his whole life, his actions, his words and everything about him...INSIGNIFICANT. Minimize this monster to the molecule
on a turd that he really is. Laugh AT him, not WITH him as you are now. DO...NOT...LET...HIM...WIN!!
edit on 3/16/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)
edit on 3/16/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason