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The critical area where the republicans must get smarter.

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posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:21 AM
Although I know plenty of Trump haters who will never go against their chosen party, I'm seeing some highly intelligent liberal folks moving a tad further to the right. These people are seeing how biased and hate-filled the left is, and they don't like it.

Now, if only the conservatives better understood how this culture war is being fought, they could capitalize on it. The outcome of this take-no-prisoners culture war is probably going to determine America's future.

The brilliant Tim Pool expounds on this matter with great erudition. Pool isn't even republican, but he's still willing to assist them, as evidenced here:

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:28 AM
Hahaha... the reBLOODican vs. DemoCRIP war is a joke.

How in the hell are Americans still falling for this red/blue crap???
edit on 9-3-2019 by ttobban because: spelling

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:38 AM
The socialist progressive far left keeps poking a sleeping giant with a stick. Beware when that giant awakes. Hokey pucks rhetoric, and pussy hats will not be a safe haven.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: ttobban

Im not dem or republican, I'm libertarian, which is why I dont want to see the dems in power!
For all his faults, I'll take Trump in 2020 vs any dem running. I do like Tulsi though.

edit on 9-3-2019 by ColeYounger because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:39 AM
I don't want to create a society that is so conservative that it forces a vision of a Norman Rockwell NIGHTMARE. We need a society where people can express themselves openly.

I don't want us to be so liberal that we kowtow to every inanity and insanity in the name of progress. That isn't progress and it becomes toxic to society overall.

I want to be able to defend my marijuana farm with my standard capacity AR15.

I want my gay neighbors to be able to marry and raise kids, and do all the things that people who love each other do.

I want to embrace the tenets of the free-market, let bad actors fail and good ones rise to the top. I want to keep my money and not give it to a bloated state filled with corrupt actors.

I want to avoid war and make peace everywhere possible and I want to fight and win wars everywhere peace is NOT possible.

The truth is conservatism and liberalism are necessary in our country. What I want is for both sides to stop fighting each other via the destruction of the constitution. Everyone else caught in the middle will one day get dragged off to the gulags of America if we don't cut this # out.

edit on 9 3 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

We need a society where people can express themselves openly.

The left is fighting that at every turn.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: ttobban
Hahaha... the reBLOODican vs. DemoCRIP war is a joke.

How in the hell are Americans still falling for this red/blue crap???

you didn't watch the video, did you?

You might want to spend a few moments and check it out, then comment.
Or, you could just go by the old adage, better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to speak, and remove all doubt.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger

It didn't used to.

It used to be the left where this was the most common theme.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger

I think he is spot on. And his prediction was correct, or rather his rendition of another's prediction. Trouble is, lots of older guys are the republicans in power. And no, they haven't a clue about social media. But the bias Google shows is clear and absolute. I say this as I type on my Chrome browser, that for some reason, I use always.

I have noticed that things can be erased from reality almost instantly. I can't prove it, since those things I speak of are gone. But eventually, we will all see something, or hear something, only to find out we must not have really seen it, or must not have really heard it, since you can't find it via a search engine.

Dependence on the internet will be our demise. (I need to put new tennis balls on my walker now)

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: network dude

I don't want to be right... I thoroughly enjoy being wrong. This aspect tampers down any chance of identity politics to form. I vote based off of action, and am anti Red/Blue. I remain a rogue patriot... I am fine with that.

The OP is a testament to pit Red vs. Blue... plain and simple. The content within becomes too retarded to even honor absorption.

I want people to vote 3rd party so 5% can earn equal campaign funding going forward. This creates a natural sway to remove myself from red/blue antics. You can see me any way you see fit... but going against me is pretty much just a debate from a pro red/blue voter... I am okay with that too. I am comfy on the sidelines watching the circus and its employees run the three rings.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

perfectly stated

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

Sounds like a classic liberal or libertarian stance...

It's so sensible.... Personal liberty, do what you want so long as it doesn't effect me.

The truth is conservatism and liberalism are necessary in our country. What I want is for both sides to stop fighting each other via the destruction of the constitution. Everyone else caught in the middle will one day get dragged off to the gulags of America if we don't cut this # out.

Yes, sadly there are spiteful moves being made.

Both sides have gotten so cocky about not hearing the other one out that people assume if it comes from a proponent across the aisle, they disregard it right then and there.

This has only gotten worse since the people driving the narratives have become more conglomerated.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

I predict that this thread ends up in the mudpit.

plenty of Trump haters who will never go against their chosen party

Kind of a giveaway.

Trump is not a conservative. He is an unindicted criminal.
He is a Dionysian sower of chaos; leader as the figurehead of a band of chaos sowers.
(my apologies to Dionysus)

Chaotic breaking of laws, rules, norms, institutions of stability is not conservative.

Republicans and conservatives should wake up and see him for what he is; the opposite of conservative.
edit on 9-3-2019 by pthena because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2019 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

This has only gotten worse since the people driving the narratives have become more conglomerated.

Agreed. I'm making it a point to not get too caught up in it. But it isn't easy. I keep seeing existential threats to our liberties. This isn't a mere matter of disagreement anymore. It's sink or swim time and I think we're sinking.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: CriticalStinker

This has only gotten worse since the people driving the narratives have become more conglomerated.

Agreed. I'm making it a point to not get too caught up in it. But it isn't easy. I keep seeing existential threats to our liberties. This isn't a mere matter of disagreement anymore. It's sink or swim time and I think we're sinking.

We really need to regulate how money is used in politics. This would take care of root problems on both sides. That is something our institutions are capable of doing.

The only thing that can be done about the corrupted media is people need to stop feeding it. All of the big outlets have shown they have agendas, and those agendas do not allow them to do their job, which is to deliver unadulterated facts.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

Politicians are a result of voter action. For decades now, the masses remain convinced that the answer MUST stem from red or blue factions. Garbage votes in = garbage politicians out. Maybe it's not the politicians who suck???

Americans have been voting for who they hate the least for many decades now... it is one of the most cancerous realities in American politics that has ever existed. The upcoming campaigns are already mapped out to be played as if the common American is sold on the Red/Blue tyranny... they've long removed any sensible or honest campaigns. What's the point in campaigning over individual efforts when the two party system already shoe horned voters to one side or the other? It's so bad now that 3rd party candidates shift to Red or Blue just to even dent the tyranny they unfold upon us voters, when they were anti-Red/Blue prior. The deeper people vote based on color, the deeper the skat hole gets.

There is no point to doing that... it's a joke that it happens and I have no problems sharing my true feelings on this matter in that it is a cowardly act to vote for who is hated the least.

For voters to not even be able to accumulate 5% of the 3rd party vote is absurd. American voters should be ashamed of themselves. Progressive action towards Red/Blue tyranny will remain empty... for as long as the votes for who is hated the least is the path of desire... sadly.

People should stop looking elsewhere for corrections, and learn that their vote matters more than being a vote of hate. It sincerely saddens me to read that you are pro one candidate yet are planning to vote outside your belief structure to satisfy identity politics.

The foundation of the Red & Blue must crumble to find actual validity in what the common American wants and how the public servants act on behalf of the common citizen. A claimant of Red or Blue can claim to be an adversary of mine... no doubt.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: ttobban

oh, the old double down. I didn't see that one coming. well played.

Yes, there is a group who controls the big things, and I believe they aren't left or right, but of the party of greed. See, I'm WOKE!!!! but in this case, we are looking into social media, it's control factor, and who is smart enough to capitalize on it and who is being left in the dust because of it.

If you are saying there is no such thing as left wing politicians or right wing politicians, I'd like to hear you say that. It's important to understand the context of your statements. You have gone all in on this, so spill it. Just how WOKE are you?

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 12:28 PM
No matter which party wins the White House, controls Congress or appoints future Supreme Court justices, rest assured that the the permanent unelected bureaucracy that operates beyond the reach of the Constitution, the courts and the citizenry will continue uninterrupted.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: network dude

You said it better than I could... social media's control factor and who is smart enough to capitalize on it and who is being left in the dust because of it.

Sure left & right exists. They exist in a large abundance in comparison to the free form philosopher of old times. Being influenced by augmented and or falsified media/knowledge sources comes with the terrains of likely finding a higher probability to finding augmented influence in the systems of which are leaned on for support.

Example. Of course I'd expect an American who thinks that Russia can influence their vote to lean on the augmented platform. Candidates will campaign to these fearful that they will handle Russia, no problems... all while removing the ability to instill a strong American that is proud as we are... willing to take on any adversary that cowers to our dramatic freedoms.

The need to lean Red/Blue and work through their built channels is a fallacy. Until the Red/Blue remove their influence and fear mongering from the votes of free citizens... what I preach is a dream world. I just may fall over dead flat if the voter can get over their fear of the unknowns and let the designed 'republic' get back to a merit based voting system.

I want change as all do. I cherish the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. It starts with 'I' and ends with 'all'. What I desire for myself specifically is by no means a demand that is viewed and acted upon by one and all. To watch the 'all' be removed for 'our gang' is one of the largest atrocities to ever reside between the shining seas... that coupled with the feds making a vote of a business equal or greater to the vote of a citizen.

Businesses getting a vote as a person is the source of this two sided freak show. It's of the responsibility of the voters to clean the mess up and move forward... the Red/Blue are representatives of lobbyists... not voters.

Yeah... the rabbit hole is deep with my patriotic views. I still love one and all... I just ask to not be offended when I am critical of others as I don't even care what I think let alone what other individuals think. I am nothing but an 'I' in a sea of 'all' when it boils down to it.

I encourage all to make their own soup. We just have to keep in mind that other Americans are not required to eat the soup that was made by others... we are responsible for cleaning our own bowls out.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

But what does that mean for the voice of the business community?

Their voice is important as well. So while everyone focuses on corporate lobbying, no one is looking into just how much money "special interests" are dumping into congress. Therein lies the problem with any reform being put on the table right now. It removes all business interest, but continues to allow the influx of special interest money. The vast majority of lobbying in this country is NOT done by corporations (reference).

edit on 9 3 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

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