This is an addendum to my Storm Window Hotframe post from 2017
The old garden is no more, a plot my father and I worked for nearly 50 years. Sold the old mansion to benefit Mom's healthcare and in its stead I
picked up a little Colonial with a nice woodlot overlooking a river basin, lots of potential for gardens, a Forge/Smithy composting and an orchard.
The property came with an old swingset and fort, I have no kids or grandkids, what am I going to do with a Swingset?
What indeed. I've got about $500 into it in miscellaneous wood, insulation, goops and goos, however it's mostly scrap
built from lumber left over from my old place.
Interior dimensions measure 74" wide X 79" Long and 86" tall, there's about 6 inches of insulation all around. The beds
are 14"W X 65"L ID. The shed is 41" W about 50" L and 107" Tall, shelved to the peak and is similarly insulated.
Moving this thing was a little like playing Giant Genga, skidded on boards with a dolly and breaker bar.
Framed up the A frame mostly with scrap and pressure treated lumber only in contact with the ground.
The windows were given me by The Friends of The Red Barn, which were gathering dust in a shipping crate. Of no historical
value and to modern for the Barn, they probably came from Alden Labs originally or maybe WPI. One of the windows forms an entire wall of the tool shed
affording wonderful views of the wood lot and river bottom beyond.
Insulated dead spaces and sheathed with centuries old wainscoting left over from the old house.
Scrap pine sheathing and stone board also from the old house.
Refrained from pouring concrete as I'm still experimenting with heat exchangers and irrigation reservoirs. The plastic tub
is an irrigation reservoir, the cooler is for the heat exchanger, the keg is just a seat...
Vacuum hose is coiled in the cooler, run through insulation along the ground and through the superstructure to the peak.
Hot air is drawn from the peak and passed through the coiled hose in the cooler.
By means of an inline fan, alas this has proven insufficient, will replace with a small vacuum cleaner.
A plastic magnetic door curtain separates the shed from the green space. The temperature differential is noticeable.
The raised beds are set on frames that are leveled to about a quarter bubble in the direction of the irrigation reservoir.
Four inch PVC drain pipe cut in half channels condensation from the window frames into the irrigation reservoir.
Clear plastic sheathing wicks condensation to the drains.
I waterproofed un-treated lumber, rather than using pressure treated. Want to keep PT chemicals from leaching into the soil.
The raised beds in my old garden lasted nearly a decade in the open with no additional waterproofing.
Drain holes communicate with the condensation scuppers.
Lined beds with weed barrier cloth to protect the waterproofing film and filter sediment from the drain holes. A sump pump
provides pressure for the drip irrigation system.
A 1500 Watt henhouse heater keeps the temperature between 60 and 80 degrees. Over the course of a day, outside temps have
ranged from 0 to 40 degrees F.
...and so it begins.