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BREAKING NEWS: Trump directed Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

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posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

What else do you expect them to do?

Who else needs to tell you it is bs?
Mueller is not enough?

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Xcathdra

If the thread topic was "bad actions by the media" sure.
It is not.

I agree the fact that buzzfeed published straight up lies then the msm piggybacks off it needs to be exposed and discussed. Just in its own thread.
Leaving this one open gives credibility to buzzfeed when Mueller has not.

Buzzfeed is standing by its article though.

Yep. They called the guys who gave them the phony info, and asked "Did you lie to me?"

They said "No," so Buzzfeed said "Good enough."

But watch as the authors are suddenly let go from Buzzfeed within the next few days.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: Extorris

A - The dossier story was not even close to being legit.

Buzzfeed never claimed the information in the Dossier was verified.

They only reported on it's existence and it moving through FBI and DOJ.

That reporting was 100% legitimate. Or are you claiming the Dossier never existed?

Since the sources are anonymous there is no way to verify anything.

But Buzzfeed has doubled down. They said 3 different editors reviewed the sources and reporting and that they went back to the sources and the sources told them thier reporting would be borne out when it was all over.

So the sources are not anonymous to Buzzfeed and multiple editors have verified them as legitimate sources at DOJ or FBI and associated with the Trump Tower investigation. I see now reason why 2 reporters, 3 editors and Buzzfeed as a publication would publicly commit professional suicide all at once by fictionalizing sources. They have doubled down, not backed away.

Something is very "off" in this story.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Xcathdra

If the thread topic was "bad actions by the media" sure.
It is not.

I agree the fact that buzzfeed published straight up lies then the msm piggybacks off it needs to be exposed and discussed. Just in its own thread.
Leaving this one open gives credibility to buzzfeed when Mueller has not.

Buzzfeed is standing by its article though.

Yep. They called the guys who gave them the phony info, and asked "Did you lie to me?"

They said "No," so Buzzfeed said "Good enough."

But watch as the authors are suddenly let go from Buzzfeed within the next few days.

They also had 3 different editors go over sources and reporting before they doubled down.

The sources have to be legitmate and verified DOJ/FBI.

Is it possible this is a disinfo campaign? Like when the gov used to have people make fake outlandish UFO reports to discredit legitimate reports of sighted experimental aircraft? The aim is to discredit similar legitimate reporting.

It seems bizzare because the FBI/DOJ sources put themselves in a vulnerable spot of being outed if they screwed over Buzzfeed, but if they were doing it at the direction of higher ups, they wouldn't need to worry, or it's possible they faked professional profiles that would survive scrutiny, which also speaks to an organized plan and operation.

Something is very "off".

edit on 21-1-2019 by Extorris because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: BoscoMoney
a reply to: amazing

LMAO. And there we have it ladies and gentlemen. The delusion is real, and lives on and on and on and on.....

What do you mean? Please elaborate.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 02:05 PM
BREAKING NEWS: Politicians and their crony hatchetmen are professional liars.


posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Extorris

The sources have to be legitmate and verified DOJ/FBI.

mueller says they are not

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Extorris

The sources have to be legitmate and verified DOJ/FBI.

mueller says they are not

Confirmed once again today as untrue. _impression=true

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Giuliani is about as credible as buzzfeed imo.
I have no trust in that guy.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Extorris

The sources have to be legitmate and verified DOJ/FBI.

mueller says they are not

By legitimate and verified, I mean people credentials.
Whether what they told Buzzfeed is true or not is an open question, but definitely parts of Buzzfeed's story is off the mark. The Special Counsel wasn't precise in what it disputed, but I don't expect them to be either.

The way this works is when a story is challenged, other editors are brought in to verify the sources and make sure everything is solid. In this case Buzzfeed had 3 different editors examine the identities and backgrounds of the sources and speak with them to make sure their reporters weren't BSing. After that examination, buzzfeed came back and said they stand by their reporting and believe it will be borne out as time passes.

That is why I find it very odd.

Either the sources at DOJ/FBI are purposefully giving Buzzfeed false information, or they have a piece of it wrong. Maybe they have evidence Trump coached Cohen, but Cohen didn't tell the Special Counsel. Maybe there is no evidence that Trump Coached Cohen and these guys at DOJ/FBI have been playing Buzzfeed for months to set them up.

But given the spotlight buzzfeed is under, the first easy option would be to cut these reporters loose. So they had multiple editors review the reporting and examine the legitimacy of the sources and they talked to the sources again after the story was rebutted by Special Counsel and it all held up.

Cohen was very chatty for a while and now he is silent.
Giuliani has been a mess on his statements on the matter and hasn't cleared it up.
Trump has not given one of his famous "I never" tweets denying it.

Something is just off here.
edit on 21-1-2019 by Extorris because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: carewemust

Giuliani is about as credible as buzzfeed imo.
I have no trust in that guy.

I Agree , He is Owned . A Public Mouthpiece on the Evening News .......

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: Extorris

Something is just off here. 

Buzzfeed published a crap story from a crap reporter who has flung poo before.

But hey you hate the bad orange man so why not believe it? Why not keep making up crap so it can be plausible?

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 11:22 PM
CNN is "concerned" because Bob Mueller's office declared the BuzzFeed story as Fake News, just a few hours AFTER Rudy Giuliani spoke with the Mueller team.


Those who know what's really going on, are not concerned in the least.

edit on 1/21/2019 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: Extorris
Buzzfeed never claimed the information in the Dossier was verified.

They also failed to note that piece of info. So by running it w/ out context they portrayed it as real and authenticated.

originally posted by: Extorris
They only reported on it's existence and it moving through FBI and DOJ.
That reporting was 100% legitimate. Or are you claiming the Dossier never existed?

Trying to split hairs doesn't work with me and acting intentionally ignorant is beneath you.

originally posted by: Extorris
But Buzzfeed has doubled down. They said 3 different editors reviewed the sources and reporting and that they went back to the sources and the sources told them thier reporting would be borne out when it was all over.

Again howe did they verify the info? Especially considering the SC said the info is not accurate for any of the story they reported. My guess confirmation was them recontacting their sources and getting verbal assurances the info is accurate. Since there is nothing to substantiate the claims we have the word of the buzzfeed staff, who already have been caught lying in other artifices.

originally posted by: Extorris
So the sources are not anonymous to Buzzfeed and multiple editors have verified them as legitimate sources at DOJ or FBI and associated with the Trump Tower investigation. I see now reason why 2 reporters, 3 editors and Buzzfeed as a publication would publicly commit professional suicide all at once by fictionalizing sources. They have doubled down, not backed away.

Something is very "off" in this story.

Then name the 2 sources.
Identify the information they provided to support their claims for the article.
Explain why the SC said none of its true.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: Extorris
Buzzfeed never claimed the information in the Dossier was verified.

They also failed to note that piece of info. So by running it w/ out context they portrayed it as real and authenticated.

NOPE. They actually headlined it with all types of qualifiers that the Dossier contents had not bee verified.

Why would you claim the opposite????

A dossier, compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official, alleges Russia has compromising information on Trump. The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.

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