posted on Jan, 4 2019 @ 11:52 PM
The op has suggested that there is a new civil war, that the US is engaged in, and that it comes down to political ideology. That it is conservatism
versus socialism. That neither can exist in the same country and that the conservatives are the true believers in freedom.
So while yes those who do not believe often feel slighted, yet shall we also ask the people of the state of Kansas how they fared under such a
conservative strong leadership?
The reality is that neither side has all of the answers, and this country, even the very states, need both socialism and conservatism. There are many
social programs in the country, that we all enjoy and have come to rely on. Education, and the libraries, were social in nature, the police, the
hospitals, even the very roads and infrastructure that we have and all use.
Would it be so shocking to learn that at one time the very ideas of the parties were flipped, that the bastions of socialism were the Republican
party, embracing many of the ideas that the Democrats today now embrace and the Democrats were the ones who were wanting to hold onto the status quo
and keep a tight grip on the purse strings.
The sad thing is that at one time the Republicans were once the more fiscal minded of the 2 political parties. They looked for and fought over how to
pay for various bills and laws. But now, that seems to have gone out the window, where once they bulked at a bill that would cost 3.5 billion, yet
have no qualms about rubber stamping a bill for 5 billion without a second through. Where once the Republicans looked and held presidents
accountable, even for personal actions, even the merest thought of anything that would look bad, or seem a scandal. But now even where there is the
image of such, instead of investigating, they seek to protect, removing the one thing that is dearly needed a balance and a check. The doors have
been opened, and now exploited. And the country is a mess, so the question is who is right and who is wrong.
The answer is both sides are wrong and the solution is going to hurt far more than we know.