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House Leader NANCY PELOSI Begins Laying the Groundwork for Impeaching President Trump.

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posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: mtnshredder

Today was a Real Life Demonstration of how little Democrats care about America and Americans..

Illegal Alien who murdered a California police officer was captured this morning.

FoxNews carried the post-capture police press conference live.

Democrat mouthpieces CNN and MSNBC, haven't even mentioned that an Illegal Alien murdered a California police officer 2 days ago.

While FoxNews carried the press conference, CNN and MSNBC were discussing how horrible it was for an illegal immigrant boy to die after he made it to U.S. soil.

Anti-American mouthpieces, not just Democrat mouthpieces.

When President Trump said the government shutdown hurt mostly Democrat Federal Employees, Democrat leaders jumped all over him: "Mr President, the shutdown hurt both Republican and Democrat Federal Employees!"

These Dim leaders had no idea that 95% of Federal Government Employees voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump knew.

Likewise, the vast majority of news outlets that did not cover any aspect of the Illegal Alien murdering a California Police Officer this week, are owned by DEMOCRATS...hence the term: "Democrat Mouthpieces".

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
Pelosi is so concerned she's vacationing in Hawaii instead of in DC in which action actually matters.

That's because Nancy Pelosi has made up her mind. She's not budging. President Trump says that Chuck Schumer is ready to negotiate, but Nancy isn't giving an inch.

Nutjob Nancy's primary obsession in life right now (besides staying alive), is firing what she called, her "Subpoena Cannon" at President Trump and his family.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: mtnshredder

Today was a Real Life Demonstration of how little Democrats care about America and Americans..

Illegal Alien who murdered a California police officer was captured this morning.

FoxNews carried the post-capture police press conference live.

Democrat mouthpieces CNN and MSNBC, haven't even mentioned that an Illegal Alien murdered a California police officer 2 days ago.

While FoxNews carried the press conference, CNN and MSNBC were discussing how horrible it was for an illegal immigrant boy to die after he made it to U.S. soil.

Who cares ?
NOBODY is watching cnn.

Finding Bigfoot has more viewers.

Nobody seen the pathetic propaganda about the kid who died (and whose parents are NOT being granted asylum or citizenship) because NOBODY is watching cnn.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Do these stupid ass liberals ever learn,not as long as the taxpayers pay them to screw things up,the4 Democrat party is compridsed of fools and idiots,no impeachable reasons,unless they make one up,liberals are the scum of the earth

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 04:34 AM
I seriously doubt Trump will be impeached, if only for the fact that it's so close to the election. Pretty much all of the damage Trump could do has already been done. The only reason I can think of why they might want to try to impeach him would be to prevent him from getting another SCOTUS nominee but it's not like they'd be any better off with the nominee Pence would select if Trump were to be impeached. Still going to be a relatively hardline conservative.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 07:21 AM
The democrats are planning investigation, after investigation when they have control over committees.

If they can't get him out of office they will do everything possible to destroy him personally, his brand, businesses and family, including children are all prime targets.

They can't defeat him and take back the Whitehouse any other way.

The ultimate objective is less about impeachment than it is about having investigations that produce daily negative headlines and news reports about the president, his administration and family/businesses. Even if most or all of it consists of unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations that lead nowhere ultimately. They have to destroy him to defeat him in 2020.

Bring popcorn, the mother of all #shows begins soon...

edit on 29-12-2018 by ausername because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 07:55 AM
no she's not. every single day he's in office is a gift to democrats, imo.

i know you all hope she does, but it ain't gonna happen.

there will be investigations, tho. can't wait!

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 08:04 AM
It would be wonderful if Nancy wasn’t selected for speaker. It could happen.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: knoxie
no she's not. every single day he's in office is a gift to democrats, imo.

Exactly. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they throw the election with a horrible no win Democrat just to drag this thing out as long as they possibly can.

And besides. I'm finding it very difficult to believe that Pelosi could run a lemonade stand without several hundred assistants to make her look like she knew what she was doing.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: carewemust

She's wasting her time.

Will never get the requisite votes, nor would American patriots remain idle/silent while a coup (even a legal one) took place.

Besides, Trump has considerably more power (including as CINC) than Pelosi, and should use his broad authority to prosecute traitors and other leftist insurgents.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: mtnshredder

Today was a Real Life Demonstration of how little Democrats care about America and Americans..

Illegal Alien who murdered a California police officer was captured this morning.

FoxNews carried the post-capture police press conference live.

Democrat mouthpieces CNN and MSNBC, haven't even mentioned that an Illegal Alien murdered a California police officer 2 days ago.

While FoxNews carried the press conference, CNN and MSNBC were discussing how horrible it was for an illegal immigrant boy to die after he made it to U.S. soil.

Who cares ?
NOBODY is watching cnn.
Finding Bigfoot has more viewers.
Nobody seen the pathetic propaganda about the kid who died (and whose parents are NOT being granted asylum or citizenship) because NOBODY is watching cnn.

That may be true in HOMES around the USA, but not in other USA establishments, or in the 253 countries where CNN is the primary source for international news.
edit on 12/29/2018 by carewemust because: changed only to primary

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 12:31 PM
The soon to be real House investigations and all the impeach talk will all be used for the 2020 election stampede.

Any Means Necessary.

The MSM will be one sided and do all they can to get Trump out.

I think the Democrat for 2020 President will get a $3 billion warchest 🤓


posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:02 PM
So what's the plan after they obliterate our electoral process?

Declare themselves elected for life?

This **** will never end. If they can't impeach Trump they will likely resort to assassination. How anyone can continue to support this authoritarian ideology is beyond me.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:04 PM
Great news. The sooner that criminal is out of office the better. a reply to: carewemust

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: carewemust

So democrats are the party of;
Open borders
Raising taxes
Taking guns
Anti-free speech
Impeaching Trump

What a platform!

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: Nickn3
It would be wonderful if Nancy wasn’t selected for speaker. It could happen.

The White House says it's possible that Nancy Pelosi will not be Speaker of the House after all. Not enough votes.

I hope Mulvaney is wrong. Pelosi would keep Anti-Dem Meme makers very busy.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Dims are willing to spend $3 Billion for sewing division/hate, but $0 for a border barrier that will save American lives.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: soundguy
Great news. The sooner that criminal is out of office the better. a reply to: carewemust


This is what media has done. Manipulated the easily-manipulated.

Still, six more years without a doubt.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Good summary! And accurate too.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 01:51 PM
The stage is being set for an AVALANCHE of subpoenas.

House Democrats have already released job postings seeking lawyers and legal staff to help aid their upcoming investigations of President Donald Trump.

Democrats want legislative counsel with experience in: “criminal law, immigration law, constitutional law, intellectual property law, commercial and administrative law (including antitrust and bankruptcy), or oversight work,” according to CNN.

“They’re finding us,” Democratic Rep. Adam Smith told CNN Friday. “There are a lot of Democratic refugees out there after the Republicans took over the House, the Senate and the White House.”

Mr. President....It's Time. Let em have it!

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