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The Age of Aquarius and what's to come...

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posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 12:47 AM
It's very hard to ignore the technological revolution that has rapidly enveloped our society since the late 1800's. Does this have anything to do with the Age of Aquarius?

Age of Aquarius

“Oh, that. The Age of Aquarius happened decades ago in the 1960s.”

In truth, nobody knows for sure what the actual inception date of the Age of Aquarius happens to be. The way this pretty blonde news journalist delivered her quip made it obvious that she not only thought the Age of Aquarius began years ago but also that she thought it must be over by now. I sighed to myself. Most people remember the term “Age of Aquarius” from the 1960s musical Hair, but few people know precisely what it means.

What do we remember of the 1960's?? I think of hippies, '___', The Beatles, Morrison and Woodstock.

Aquarius is a sign strongly linked to new inventions, flight, and large groups of people or nationalities. In my opinion, the first sign that humanity was entering this new age of enlightenment was on October 4, 1957, when the Russians launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, into orbit.

The Age of Aquarius has barely begun and citizens of planet earth are witnessing exciting discoveries about the planets and stars, as well as enjoying new technology down here on earth.

I know everyone thinks that the rapid advancement of AI and automation is an accident but astrologers seem to think it has to do with the new energy. Is it really a coincidence that social justice has become one of the biggest parts of American culture in 2018?

Aquarius is visionary and creative, but rebellious, too. Aquarius’ job is to challenge authority, tear down existing structures, and replace the outdated with something better.

Education, politics, financial markets, are all broken. They no longer serve their original purposes and people all over the world are feeling the collapse of our civilization. It's also not a mistake that our symbiotic relationship with machines has become more obvious and a discussed topics among intellectuals.

Computers are already ubiquitous and they will become an even greater part of our lives. No surprise there, but what will stun us is how computers will effect everything we do. Scientists are now predicting that the Internet will form a kind of “earth’s skin”, creating the kind of environment that was represented in the recent movie called The Truman Show. Computers will run millions of wireless electronic devices, working in concert with one another.

“Imagine our ecosystem,” write the editors of Business Week, “with a million intelligent software agents that are much more potent than the agents or ‘bots we have now on the Net to help us search for things. Add the voices of digital pets, electronic companions and Internet caretakers, stretch out a sensory telemetric fabric — what you have is an electronic skin.”

There are other interesting developments involving computers on the horizon. Computers we have today are quite linear in their logic, and rather plodding in their ability to search thorough large batches of data. Quantum computers, available in about 20 years, will be able to work with probability algorithms to find answers to complex problems quickly, rather than in the (comparitively) slow, step-by-step way they do now.

Rise of IoT (Internet of things)

Bain predicts the combined markets of the Internet of Things (IoT) will grow to about $520B in 2021, more than double the $235B spent in 2017.

IoT devices are expected to grow by the millions every year. Network engineers and IEEE have been working on IPV6 address schemes to prepare for the rapidly changing markets.

Rise of automation

Beyond traditional industrial automation and advanced robots, new generations of more capable autonomous systems are appearing in environments ranging from autonomous vehicles on roads to automated check-outs in grocery stores. Much of this progress has been driven by improvements in systems and components, including mechanics, sensors and software. AI has made especially large strides in recent years, as machine-learning algorithms have become more sophisticated and made use of huge increases in computing power and of the exponential growth in data available to train them. Spectacular breakthroughs are making headlines, many involving beyond-human capabilities in computer vision, natural language processing, and complex games such as Go.

It's happening faster every year.

What does our future have in store?

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

Haha. What does our future have in store you ask? Read Greek mythology. You'll see what happens with people asking that question.

Aquarius is an expression for the cycles society is going through. I wouldn't hype it too much. If it would be the age of enlightemnent we wouldn't be so stupid.

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: Peeple

There was a dark period before the last age of reason aka enlightenment

out of the darkness comes the light

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 12:54 AM
Well, when automation takes over, nobody will have money to buy food since very few people will have jobs. and not that many people know how to raise their own food anymore here in America. Well, I suppose reducing the world population is an agenda so will all work out I suppose.

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

Sure I am just not so sure that happens without effort.

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I believe that's exactly what the economy people use to blackmail governments.
It's already possible to let trains travel without "drivers".
All production jobs can be done without humans.
Burochrats are redundant.
You just keep them in place because of the train rider's feelings.
There is no really logical argument found justifying that.
Germany is so wealthy because they invest into jobs for the population.
With taxes. Redundant jobs which would mean less taxes and less jobs, for people.
Computers and robots could do that better and faster.
Somebody should tell that to the refugees.
Don't run away demand what you need to be changed at home.

Reducing the world population would be great. If we're stone cold and logical.
Some are like that. Do we want them as our leaders?

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

The age of Capricorn is next:

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 02:36 AM
Before you can leave here you have to BE here:

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

we wont need money, we may not need food, the sun produces energy and we are an evolving species, we are capable and destined for further evolution, i think too many expect an immediate change, whereas most people wont notice it change, you will just start need less and less food because your skin will be able to store energy from the sun or pollen from plants or something, i was born in 1980, i remember the late 80s well, our progression from then has been phenomenal and it doesnt seem to be slowing down, where we headed, well the answer is in your imagination, whatever the mind can conceive the organism can achieve, all you have to do...... is believe.

we dont understand concepts fully like quantum mechanics, Placebo, self fulfilling prophecies, double split experiment, synchronicity..... these ideas point to a truth that most cant except yet, we are creators and how we think changes reality.
we are still learning and growing and we are coming to the point of a great revelation that may catapult our evolution, all we have to do is believe.
edit on 22-12-2018 by ManyMasks because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

the universe is a mental construct therefor what we think of that universe changes it

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: toysforadults
a reply to: ManyMasks

the universe is a mental construct therefor what we think of that universe changes it

I would like to point out, that's true with many restrictions. We only create a certain chain of events. The universe is far from being something so simplistic as "a mental construct".

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: Peeple

believe what you want

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

I do. The reasons why it's much more complex than a mental construct are many.
All of them matter.

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Peeple

every single thought and feeling matters, but you can trick the system also.
you can fake it till you make it, take a subject that is mysterious to you, then convince yourself you know it and its not mysterious, then let it go out your mind, soon ideas pop into your head and you start searching things you have never searched before, and you get the feeling in your stomach that says your on the right track.

trust me "i know"

you might also see me writing i know nothing

but what is nothing

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

Interesting read. As I was reading I thought that automation equals profits. I am all for automation and moving into the future. But I want it to include everyone. As far as jobs we will seem to always find something. Imagine when the steam train came out and what people thought back then. The ones that hauled freight around with horse and wagon.

My biggest worry would be education. We need to get back to the basics of the 3 Rs and throw in some trades. Also, need to take politics and bias out of the schools and let kids find for themselves what they feel is important in their life as they grow. My 2 cents.

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: toysforadults
It's very hard to ignore the technological revolution that has rapidly enveloped our society since the late 1800's. Does this have anything to do with the Age of Aquarius?

Age of Aquarius

“Oh, that. The Age of Aquarius happened decades ago in the 1960s.”

In truth, nobody knows for sure what the actual inception date of the Age of Aquarius happens to be. The way this pretty blonde news journalist delivered her quip made it obvious that she not only thought the Age of Aquarius began years ago but also that she thought it must be over by now. I sighed to myself. Most people remember the term “Age of Aquarius” from the 1960s musical Hair, but few people know precisely what it means.

What do we remember of the 1960's?? I think of hippies, '___', The Beatles, Morrison and Woodstock.

Aquarius is a sign strongly linked to new inventions, flight, and large groups of people or nationalities. In my opinion, the first sign that humanity was entering this new age of enlightenment was on October 4, 1957, when the Russians launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, into orbit.

The Age of Aquarius has barely begun and citizens of planet earth are witnessing exciting discoveries about the planets and stars, as well as enjoying new technology down here on earth.

I know everyone thinks that the rapid advancement of AI and automation is an accident but astrologers seem to think it has to do with the new energy. Is it really a coincidence that social justice has become one of the biggest parts of American culture in 2018?

Aquarius is visionary and creative, but rebellious, too. Aquarius’ job is to challenge authority, tear down existing structures, and replace the outdated with something better.

Education, politics, financial markets, are all broken. They no longer serve their original purposes and people all over the world are feeling the collapse of our civilization. It's also not a mistake that our symbiotic relationship with machines has become more obvious and a discussed topics among intellectuals.

Computers are already ubiquitous and they will become an even greater part of our lives. No surprise there, but what will stun us is how computers will effect everything we do. Scientists are now predicting that the Internet will form a kind of “earth’s skin”, creating the kind of environment that was represented in the recent movie called The Truman Show. Computers will run millions of wireless electronic devices, working in concert with one another.

“Imagine our ecosystem,” write the editors of Business Week, “with a million intelligent software agents that are much more potent than the agents or ‘bots we have now on the Net to help us search for things. Add the voices of digital pets, electronic companions and Internet caretakers, stretch out a sensory telemetric fabric — what you have is an electronic skin.”

There are other interesting developments involving computers on the horizon. Computers we have today are quite linear in their logic, and rather plodding in their ability to search thorough large batches of data. Quantum computers, available in about 20 years, will be able to work with probability algorithms to find answers to complex problems quickly, rather than in the (comparitively) slow, step-by-step way they do now.

Rise of IoT (Internet of things)

Bain predicts the combined markets of the Internet of Things (IoT) will grow to about $520B in 2021, more than double the $235B spent in 2017.

IoT devices are expected to grow by the millions every year. Network engineers and IEEE have been working on IPV6 address schemes to prepare for the rapidly changing markets.

Rise of automation

Beyond traditional industrial automation and advanced robots, new generations of more capable autonomous systems are appearing in environments ranging from autonomous vehicles on roads to automated check-outs in grocery stores. Much of this progress has been driven by improvements in systems and components, including mechanics, sensors and software. AI has made especially large strides in recent years, as machine-learning algorithms have become more sophisticated and made use of huge increases in computing power and of the exponential growth in data available to train them. Spectacular breakthroughs are making headlines, many involving beyond-human capabilities in computer vision, natural language processing, and complex games such as Go.

It's happening faster every year.

What does our future have in store?

I was a "hippie"...and the premise of the age then was...
"When the moon is in the 7th house...and Jupiter aligns with Mars...then Peace will guide the planets....and love will rule the stars" *(para-phrasing)

As we see, it was the dawning of the age then, 60 yrs back or so....

The Peace and Love part of all people...well...we are still waiting...

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

The Age of Aquarius...

The planet is supposed to come in contact with the professed Photon belt. The contact is supposed to begin the increase of consciousness and collectives connected.
So humanity and the other inhabitants in contact are having consciousness increased.
Those on the frequency to receive the energy will become more aware. Which will generate more questions. Which is good.
With many more aware and becoming more aware ways of the last or old world become more observed and questioned.
Politics, Religion and Science are placed under more conscious observing microscopes within society...
This in turn helps the new world to develop without mistakes from the old world (example public sacrifices of old world not accepted as much today) that may damage or harm the environment/habitat, mislead or misguide the masses which allows for new ways to coexist and upkeep the environment & mental/physical/social health of the inhabitants.

Basically the new ages update and or upgrade those receptive. Possibly separating the wheat from the chaff spiritually in order to allow for better ways to come.

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Reducing the world population is great, but I do not want my family members to be part of that reduction. I am sure that lots of people are like that. My sister had one kid, my brother had one. I had two, my daughter had five, but the other daughter has none and has no plans to have any since her husband had two with his ex and the kids are with them every other week. They are like her part time kids, her husband and his ex are very good about sharing the kids.

So in our family we average about one and a half kids per couple. That way we do not need much help from others. My oldest daughter has medicaid as a secondary insurance for the kids now, she had it as a primary before but her husband now has better insurance, but still has to pay half of the Insurance costs, about eight hundred bucks a month for the family.

posted on Dec, 22 2018 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

Aren't you about 130 something years to early with this thread.

edit on 22-12-2018 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

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