posted on Sep, 24 2018 @ 06:02 AM
So, I had the audacity to make this point in a thread in this very forum recently and it didn’t go down well.
I got some nonsense along the line of, well it’s the dreams and predictions forum, if you’re not interested in dreams and predictions why are you
posting. Well I am posting because this is not a safe-space for any kind of rubbish just to get flouted about with everyone building onto everyone
else’s fantasies. I think it’s time some people who frequent this forum face some truth.
So, let me start by making something very clear, there has never been a case on ATS of a single member prediction proving to be true and accurate.
That is to say there has never been a prediction that has accurately predicted what will happen, where it will happen and when it will happen. Sure,
there have been a few very vague and broad claims made like “Something big is coming in the next few weeks” but anyone could do that and
eventually be able to claim they have predicted it.
Then question then is this, why is it that with so many claims of people having the ability to predict future events, actual documented cases of it
are so difficult to find. Well that’s because there is another harsh truth that needs to be stated.
There is zero scientific proof that anyone has a supernatural ability to predict the future with any kind of accurate and consistent results. So that
means that actually no, dreams are predicting the future, neither are tarot cards, tea-leaf’s, mediation or even munching on some funky mushrooms.
It has never been scientifically proven that anyone possesses such supernatural abilities.
Granted some can make a pretty good guess but that’s not the same as actually predicting the future. For example, I could predict, through my
third-eye of BS that several members will get triggered by this thread and claim that actually, no, it is possible to predict the future. That
prediction does not make me mystic-meg, it’s just pretty damming proof of the kind of ignorance that is rampant in this site.
edit on 24-9-2018 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)