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‘Ghost ship’ runs aground off Thongwa

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posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: RadioRobert
Going to guess piracy in that area. Although they generally hold them ransom or break them down.

Maybe she was in a big storm and taking on water faster than the pumps could keep up with, crew bails, storm slackens, pumps catch it up, ship drifts.

Nine years is a long time! Maybe they'll figure it out some day.

No I don't think we'll ever know..

So I'd like to introduce a running hypothesis.

They were abducted by Aliens, bad ones, while the shadow government was also conducting a Manhattan experiment 2.0. but no bodies merged with steel, etc. this time 'round.

posted on Sep, 2 2018 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis
Ok... that’s very strange

It’s listed as “active” but has been drifting the oceans for 9 years abandoned

Pretty sure it would have drifted up somewhere sooner

Was it being used to ship in sanctioned goods into North Korea? Or even nuclear materials?

Maybe they should ask Jeffrey Epstein.. When was he convicted? I think it was around the same time as well..

Maybe they will even find Bill and Hillary's initials carved into the walls
edit on 2-9-2018 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2018 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2018 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

what is interesting is how many people skip everyone elses replies including the couple that explained EXACTLY what happened to this ship and continue to post nonsense.

posted on Sep, 2 2018 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Kandinsky

And the head scratching begins.

Pirates are the probable answer, after all these ships are as fast and agile as a sloth. However the crew might have jumped ship due to some kind of threat from a leak from a poisonous or flammable substance, which is one of the explanations for the Mary Celeste.

I guess we better stay tuned.

posted on Sep, 2 2018 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Kandinsky

I would hazard a guess that it was moored offshore for either:

1. beaching/stripping.
2. Awaiting drydock.

and then at some stage it has broken its moorings. My conclusion is based upon there being no containers onboard (and severed moorings up fwd). With container ships, this situation (no containers onboard) only exists when it is first launched after construction and usually during statutory drydockings (every 5 years). At all other times, it carries containers during its life - because money.

No cargo coupled with severed moorings (refer bow lines hanging) I would conclude it is opinion 1, mainly because obviously no-one was looking for it to any degree of concern.

ETA: This could also account for the lack of records regarding missing crew....because there were none at the time it was laid-up (cold-stacked mooring)

Damn you and your wonderful logic! Why can't it be aliens abducted the whole crew w/ containers!?

posted on Sep, 2 2018 @ 10:47 PM
The latest:

“After speaking to crew members, navy personnel learnt that the ship, named 'Independence', had set sail from Jakarta on August 13. It was bound for a ship-breaking factory in Bangladesh with the cargo vessel in tow. ”

It’s not been missing for 9 years, just not being used.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 11:45 AM
It's only "missing" if someone is looking for it.

i.e. - I'm sure it's been sitting in plain sight the entire time but if you weren't looking for it, you'd just dismiss it as simply another ship

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky
Ah cool thread, just a pity I'm late to the party and it isn't a full on ghost ship.
As someone said previously, it would be great to see a 17th century pirate ship or something appear from nowhere...that would be special.

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Kandinsky

I would hazard a guess that it was moored offshore for either:

1. beaching/stripping.
2. Awaiting drydock.

and then at some stage it has broken its moorings. My conclusion is based upon there being no containers onboard (and severed moorings up fwd). With container ships, this situation (no containers onboard) only exists when it is first launched after construction and usually during statutory drydockings (every 5 years). At all other times, it carries containers during its life - because money.

No cargo coupled with severed moorings (refer bow lines hanging) I would conclude it is opinion 1, mainly because obviously no-one was looking for it to any degree of concern.

ETA: This could also account for the lack of records regarding missing crew....because there were none at the time it was laid-up (cold-stacked mooring)

Well that is a very buzz killing and logical and reasonable explanation, Sublimecraft! Damnit.

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: torok67
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

what is interesting is how many people skip everyone elses replies including the couple that explained EXACTLY what happened to this ship and continue to post nonsense.

Yes. Sublimecraft AND FlyingClay both explained. FCD even mentioned that the article the story is linked to explains what happened to the ship.

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

Their is a new TV program called Manifest set to begin Sept 24 on NBC, I think it's about people who "turned up missing" eleven years later they show up on a plane. This thread reminded me of that show's plot line.

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