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A Mutually respectful Trump discussion.

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posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: underwerks

his supporters have drag me into a field and beat me with tobacco sticks.

Is it weird that I am kind of turned on by this fantasy?

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: underwerks

his supporters have drag me into a field and beat me with tobacco sticks.

Is it weird that I am kind of turned on by this fantasy?

a little. Sticky, sandy, and yuk. But it takes all kinds of live in a word where is a real site.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: underwerks

his supporters have drag me into a field and beat me with tobacco sticks.

Is it weird that I am kind of turned on by this fantasy?

Yes. Yes it is. Seek help.

This thread fell into the rabbit hole rather quickly. Not for the reasons I would have thought.

I get that Trump's personality rubs some the wrong way. He occasionally crosses a line, but I don't mind the bull in a China shop attitude.

As far as his actual policies, I can't think of many I disagree with.

The economy is booming. Jobs have been created, and many offshore projects are returning. We now have a middle-conservative supreme court for the foreseeable future.

He's got my vote again.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: notsure1

I dont like people, especially pundits telling me what to do and who to like.

If the teller knows this. You are as easily manipulated as anyone else.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:05 PM
As far as the policies I don't like/don't want, TinySickTears summed it up well.

But, the main reason I'm not a fan of Trump and his administration: an average of 7.6 lies or misleading statements per day. 4,229 during his presidency as of August 1. To the point that people who work for him have to cover for his lies by saying things like "alternative truths", which isn't a thing. It's either truth, or it isn't.
I understand that everyone lies. But anyone who lies that much can't be a stand-up citizen, and, in turn, shouldn't be representing our country. That's pathological. Furthermore, when caught in a lie, he doesn't have the backbone to admit it, he turns it on everyone else. In doing so, he whips his most hardcore supporters into a frenzy, to the point that they (the most hardcore) can't see that what he's saying is, in fact, untrue.
That's truly scary to me. Everyone should question everyone in power. No exceptions.
And to head some of you off at the pass, yes, I hate Hillary too. But she currently holds no position of power, so this discussion isn't about her.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: network dude

Watching the political circus in America come to town then stay on playing twice a day for the audience has been something to behold to someone who hates politics like little old me .

But i get a really bad feeling about this presidency and the way it is going , Americans are at each others throats and have been for 3 solid years now .

It would not take much for a revolution to happen , or maybe that was the plan
all along

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: underwerks

you had Trump supporters threaten to beat you in a field with Tobacco sticks? wow. that's harsh. Good thing you didn't provoke any of that. Does that make Trump bad, or all his supporters, or just some? I'm confused.

That’s up to you. Anything to say about any of the other reasons I listed? Because from where I’m sitting the only thing making this presidency look good is itself saying it does.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:14 PM
The deciding moment for me was when Bushco and the Clintards joined hands on stage during the election. If those two dirty dynasties hated him, he must be the right choice.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

They've been at each other's throats for longer than that. I've felt like things were bad since the Obama presidency and began spiralling with Bush. I didn't vote for Trump to fix that. I voted for him to fix the economy which was stagnate.

I know Trump wasn't going to be the "Great Uniter" but then, neither was Obama really. You only felt united with him if you thought like a leftist. If you thought in any other way, you felt very, very nervous about things.

And frankly with Hillary's "deplorable" comments and a few others (like the happy camps), I knew she wasn't going to make that situation any better than Trump is doing even if the press pretended we were all singing kumbaya.
edit on 28-8-2018 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: network dude

I like him because he is single-handedly destroying the general political correctness surrounding politics, which we should do without. Once the fever and furor over his words and thoughts subside, and everyone realizes not a single hair on their sensitive heads has been harmed, I believe we will be ending the era of the type of politics everyone has grown accustomed to, where it is essentially a popularity contest.

Yes, Trump is a dick....and? Yes Trump was a reality TV host...and? Yes Trump is known for infidelities...and?

I hate how whenever we talk about Trump, critics always bring up what others in the world think of the United States, as if worrying about what some fake enlightened Europeans think is anything more than rote snobbery. Sorry, but the presidency isn't the throne. Politicians are human beings like the rest of us. They make mistakes, have crazy lives, say things we do not want to hear. No amount of public relations is going to change that.

I'm not sure why, but I don't think the average citizen wants to know what is on their politician's mind, and would much rather be lulled to sleep by the boring, fabricated, robotic, placating politics brought to us since the advent of television and 24-hour news cycles.

Since then, the press and the media in general have appointed themselves king-makers, essentially propping up or sinking a campaign how they see fit. That's why a campaign like Howard Dean's can be ended because he made an awkward scream. Instead, politicians have relegated themselves to public relations experts in an effort to appeal to the press, and hence, the people.

But Trump is ending all that and people are beginning to ignore the press, the coastal elites, and their paragons in European politics, all of whom have nothing to show for their outbursts but their snobbery.
edit on 28-8-2018 by NiNjABackflip because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I was glad when Trump became president rather than Clinton but on closer inspection of Mr Trump i get the funny feeling someone has their hand operating him and pulling the strings to sow discord just my 2 cents .

I really really hope my instincts are wrong because i would never like to see America and its people go Nuts and civil war break out again my 2c but from where i am standing over the pond so to speak that is the picture emerging to me , All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. said Shakespeare
dilly dilly
edit on 28/8/2018 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: network dude

I've liked some of what he's done and disliked some of what he's done.


He's been good for the economy.

Hasn't taken a single freedom away, though he did sign Patriot Act continuance.

So that sucks.

He's a dick.

But sometimes we need a dick as president. Not all countries respect the beta-boi softies.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:47 PM
Ugh. No thanks. That would be like taking dirty drug money. And convesely,one can post on any thread they wish...which is also cool.
What aint so coo l is plugging up the home page and new posts with regurgitated, repackaged vomit that seeks to accomplish what????? Nothing of substsnce.

a reply to: network dude

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

We've been heading down that path for longer than Trump.

There are incapable ideologies at work. Whenever you have socialism/communism making a serious play like it is, there will be blood sooner or later in one way or another because it simply is incompatible with anyone who prefers to go their own way, and this is country founded on the idea that people should largely go their own way as much as possible.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 05:54 PM
I'll limit myself to a few words here. I support Trump. I voted for him in the primaries, in the 2016 general, and am looking forward to voting for his re-election in 2020. He has saved me and my family money, left my rights alone, and reaffirmed that being an American carries with it the right to strut and flex without abandon. That's really all there is to it. I am an arrogant asshole, stereotypical 'Murican meathead, redneck, conservative, loudmouthed, rasslin watchin, truck driving, bacon loving, gun toting, NASCAR watching, dip chewing, hard working, breast fixated, booty staring, hard playing son of a bitch and I see Trump as being more similar to that than not. I struggle to accept many of the criticisms against the man, particularly with regard to what he says/has said, purely because the same criticisms could apply to me and I'm not about to sit quietly while some pompous academic psychoanalyzes me. I've seen a serious void in actual criticisms of his job as president amid a flash flood of criticisms that can be easily categorized as "I just don't personally like him!" To me, that's a weak rationale for crapping on a POTUS. Love him or hate him, he's getting the job done and most of the issues that seem to cause the most furor from his decisions are examples of him doing EXACTLY what he said he'd do before we voted for him to actually do what he said he'd do. In my book, that's doing an excellent job as POTUS.

originally posted by: TinySickTears
i dont like his little weasel of an appointee sessions

That's some common ground which is shared by you, me, and likely Trump himself.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

America and the U.K seem to be going backwards the last 30 years or so as things seemed to be a lot better back then for life in general . the world is in chaos now much more so than back then , life is painted black for the children now no more hide under a desk to thwart a nuke like back then , everyone thinks war ? and it is going to be ugly

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: manuelram16
a reply to: network dude
I only saw Trump as losing against the Deep State HC, I could not understand why HC lost so started looking for answers and found it in a Geopolitics expert Alfredo Jalife who put it out as simple as it can get. What we have here is a new Deep State that fractured from the old one because of the direction the US was going.

I think this one has potential as a winner. It makes sense to think no one gets to be POTUS without the cabal or the anti cabal. Maybe the cabal is trying to give us some major sacrificial lambs from the left so they can continue in 'secret'. But if that is the case why hasn't a major player like HRC, Lynch or you name one had their day to be the sacrifice yet? It sure looks like the cabal is going down kicking and streaming instead or they assassinate POTUS 45.

I will vote for him again but not because I love everything about him but because most everything about his policies are working IMO, so far! I would say he has turned out to be Ron Paul 'stout'. My Paul isn't as tough as this cookie #45.
edit on 28-8-2018 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: TinySickTears

originally posted by: network dude

So can you politely explain what drives you to either like him, or hate him? And more importantly, can you listen to what others say, and accept their position? I will try. I had a nice conversation with an anti-Trumper yesterday and it reminded me what we were like before this election process. Back then, there were only a few who could't deal with opposing thoughts. So thanks JasonBillung for the inspiration.

sure. people wont like it but ive said it before.

i dont like him cause i think he is a dick. i dont like his attitude. i dont like his little tantrums.

while i do not think he is a monster and i do feel like he wants good things for the country and its citizens, i feel his needs/wants come first with him.

some of the main things he is for/was for i am just not in line with

i dont want the wall
i dont like the proposed cuts for libraries and museums
i dont like his little weasel of an appointee sessions
i dont like the lies.
he did not know about the payment. then he did know about the payment but not until later.

i dont like how on monday this dude is the best people and on friday he is fired and a dog

i dont like how in july google was a great american company and a month later he is on the twitter attack

i am a lot of things but i am not a womanizer. i just dont like that on a personal level.

i dont like that he does not say what he means. or he says what he means and enough of the right people dont like it so he walks it back with something else.

as to can i listen to what others have to say? of course i can
i try to do that all the time with the threads i start.

i start threads and i post my opinion of him or the situation right off the rip and then i ask questions.
i have been saying this a lot lately but i ask these questions in these threads because i do want to know what others think and how they feel.

while i may not agree more often than not i can come to a point where i understand.

in spite of all that i still get clowned for it and i still get all the what about this and what about that.

it is very hard to have a conversation or understand the other side when there is a level of attack for simply asking questions.

Great post!

I don't agree on the wall but we can talk about how to 'demagnetize' us as a destination for everyone who hates us while the Uniparty invites the very ones in that will kill us without vetting.

At least the ones from Mexico are our neighbors and not from somewhere that beheads or jails people for believing in a God or not believing in one.

Trump is rough and we are so messed up that is what happens to respond to the totalitarian progs. He is not a Hilter but he could be a G Washington and decide its time to challenge the modern day King of the Cabal and his Armies. Do you see the totalitarian angle to the gov since 9/11?

I do and am praying we can get our freedoms back that Shrub took from us! Right now that is DJT or bust. The Cabal has apparently drawn a line in the sand. It's now or never, once sang Elvis.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 07:39 PM
A lot of you say he's a dick. No, he's THE DICK that runs the free world. Like him or loathe him he puts the people within the borders of the country before the people who want to be in this country. I like that. I like that he's not a dyed in the wool politician who has sucked the teat of the American taxpayer since their first run for city council. I like the fact he didn't have to run for POTUS but he WANTED to . Certainly the man does not need the money. He will be re-elected and the left will further lose their shat.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: karmicecstasy

originally posted by: notsure1

I dont like people, especially pundits telling me what to do and who to like.

If the teller knows this. You are as easily manipulated as anyone else.

Actual test question from Political Science 101, "What is the definition of Political Science"? Answer (paraphrasing I am sure): "manipulation of the masses".

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