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Scientology ties to CIA, Theosophy Society & Ancient Aliens for research?

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posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 01:50 PM
There's little or no chance that Scientology could possibly get away with more than a fraction of the activities they've been exposed without connections to government to enable them. This includes human trafficking, a large number of suspicious deaths and many other things.

The suspicious deaths include L. Ron Hubbard's son in 1976 after he "Blew" and went off to try to get into Area 51 taking a VIP tour or McDonnell Douglas, on the way, that the vast majority of us would never be able to get. Part of this tour involved viewing the artifacts of the Mercury and Gemini space programs.

He then turned up dead in Los Vegas under circumstances that have never been adequately explained. I've gone into this much more in a series of articles including Scientology connection to the CIA? Ancient Aliens? Other mystics including Helena Blavatsky?

Many of you may know that Philip Corso claimed, in a best selling book, "The Day After Roswell" that he shared technology that was obtained from an alien crash or several alien crashes, including Roswell. If this is partly true there's a major possibility that a large amount of modern technology was developed as a result of this, including computers, and possibly medical technology. A couple of the leading Scientologists are CEOs of major tech or medical companies.

If Corso is correct then this must have a major impact on society and it enables those controlling the development of this technology to have a major advantage controlling the entire economic system, and it means that any agenda from the aliens is also a major part of it. If the aliens have been around long enough to influence the moving of ancient megaliths they must have a larger agenda, and they might be influencing many other religions.

Scientology also has a lot of common ground with the Theosophy Society, which was founded by Helena Blavatsky, who allegedly communicated with "Masters" that seem a lot like visions or "revelations," which many people might be skeptical of, and are often surrounded by contradictions and false claims, however as I went into more in Helena Blavatsky Ancient Aliens Connection? Like Edgar Casey, Padre Pio, Uri Geller and many other mystics there are problems with her claims; however there are also major unexplained activities that can't be easily dismissed by rational skeptics, not to be confused with pseudo-skeptics like Michael Shermer.

But if there is something to this what could they be accomplishing, how and why? Many people have been claiming that it's part of a geoengineering plan which is part of my leading theory as well, and that they might be using us for research purposes like the cattle Mutilations, only for different types of research, which I went into more in Researching Poor, Slaves, Prisoners, To Benefit Ruling Class With Alien Technology? which goes into details of research that is being done based on traditional sources not considered fringe on Chinese prisoners, but if Corso is right a large portion of this research is almost certainly a result of exchange of technology with aliens.

If Climate Change is caused by man, as traditional scientist claim, then it means that some form of Geoengineering is possible, and it's virtually guaranteed that the same alien technology is being used to research that as well, assuming there is some of it going on and as I went into in Hurricane Apocalypse Coming With or Without Fringe Conspiracy Theory the government has been at least trying to do some of this since the Vietnam War when they tried to use Cloud seeding, by their own admission to influence the weather, although by most counts this was highly ineffective, but it implies they at least think it's possible, and with more research they might have more success.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: zacherystaylor

From your link (which is apparently your own blog):

Why hasn't Scientology been investigated as a criminal enterprise for epidemic levels of fraud, including against taxpayers, enslaving people, and even infiltrating the government, and preparing for armed fight with the police?

They have been investigated, and prosecuted, in what is known (still to this date) as the largest domestic espionage ring ever busted in the history of the US:

Operation Snow White

And apparently you know this because pages down in your link you talk about Operation Snow White.

As a student of the occult, and an avid Scientology debunker, I'm a little perplexed as to why you would spend paragraphs trying to link Hubbard to Blavatsky when in reality he was influenced far more by Crowley and even explicitly states this on more than one occasion.

I will say, however, in the cases of Going Clear & Leah Remini (both fantastic exposés) I felt that very little was explained about Hubbard's history with the occult. That's a topic that in and of itself can be devoted to an entire feature length documentary IMHO.

edit on 8/8/2018 by ColdWisdom because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom

As a student of the occult, and an avid Scientology debunker, I'm a little perplexed as to why you would spend paragraphs trying to link Hubbard to Blavatsky when in reality he was influenced far more by Crowley and even explicitly states this on more than one occasion.

I will say, however, in the cases of Going Clear & Leah Remini (both fantastic exposés) I felt that very little was explained about Hubbard's history with the occult. That's a topic that in and of itself can be devoted to an entire feature length documentary IMHO.

Agreed...although, as we know, western occult traditions are very incestuous and syncretic. An interesting side note about Quentin Hubbard is that in studying his fate we do find some interesting connections to the intelligence community (maybe Military-Occult-Complex is a better descriptor) in some rather odd ways. And even more oddly those connections reach even here to ATS. I'll dig that up here in a bit and share. In the meantime, Hubbard on Crowley:

edit on 8-8-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Yes they were investigated for that and other things but they're always given a slap on the wrist and allowed to go on with business as usual. It also mentions that the IRS and other agencies were waiting for his ship to land in South Carolina to confiscate the ship for tax evasion but then after roaming around the Caribbean they return without any problem and even buy property to stay permanently.

This is just one more of many examples where they were investigated but little or nothing was done. Of course you probably know Hubbard's wife was convicted for Snow White and only spent a year, at most in jail before going into seclusion until her death, and Miscavige's wife also disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

I was aware that he spoke more about Aleister Crowley, although according to Wright they never met despite some claims they did. However, to be honest I simply wasn't as familiar with him.

Wright did report on a controversial document claiming that he received revelations from his "guardian" or the "empress" and that he practiced automatic writing although it wasn't presented in a credible manner.

At one point I mentioned Leah and the group of insiders that control most of the disclosures, which is good as far as it goes; however they're all former leaders of the Church who previously participated in the scams. I'm not ruling out the possibility that they're part of a selective disclosure effort only admitting what suit's their purposes.

If the debate turns to development of alien technology and the possibility that they're a front for that they might join in ridiculing it, justified or not.

Blavatsky is just one of many mystics that seem to have been influenced by other advanced intelligence's, One of Hubbard's early followers was from the Theosophy Society. If Aliens ahve been influencing religions for thousands of years this might include the incident at Fatima, Padre Pio's stigmata, Edgar Cayce, Uri Geller, who claims to have received messages from Spectra or something like that and many more.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: zacherystaylor

Blavatsky is just one of many mystics that seem to have been influenced by other advanced intelligence's, One of Hubbard's early followers was from the Theosophy Society. If Aliens ahve been influencing religions for thousands of years this might include the incident at Fatima, Padre Pio's stigmata, Edgar Cayce, Uri Geller, who claims to have received messages from Spectra or something like that and many more.

Since we're speaking of the occult influences on Scientology, why do we assume Aliens? The major (and minor) occultists have been telling us for centuries that they are in "contact" with non-human beings. Yes, sometimes these alleged disembodied intelligences have claimed to be from other planets but have more often given other explanations.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: The GUT

If Quentin Hubbard did have connections to the CIA that might explain how he got his VIP tour of McDonnell Douglas but Wright's description implies he might have been preparing to talk, and as DiNiro told Hoffman in "Wag the Dog" before he had his car accident, he could negotiate money but he couldn't get the credit.

As for connections to ATS, there's no doubt that the CIA or NSA would, at a minimum monitor it and have people comment, if possible they would influence moderators, and there are, of course stories about it being totally controlled by CIA, which they deny but instead of censoring this speculation they ridicule it. It would make sense if they wanted to control the disclosure, and often present it in a manner many wouldn't believe, but there must be sincere researchers as well.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: zacherystaylor

First and Foremost.. Scientology is an excellent conspiracy. But I was lost at Scientology.

Coldwisdom, as soon as I saw Scientology.... I knew you'd pipe up.

Being a part of this cult(once, I was a child of a stepdad Org Minister if you will ) . I've seen David Miscavige... oh hell I was at the USC convention just after Bill Clinton signed into law the tax free status..
Let's start with evading taxes:

The tax status of the Church of Scientology in the United States has been the subject of decades of controversy and litigation. Although the Church was initially partially exempted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from paying federal income tax, its two principal entities in the US lost this exemption in 1957 and 1968. This was due to concerns that church funds were being used for the private gain of its founder L. Ron Hubbard (according to the IRS) or due to an international psychiatric conspiracy against Scientology (according to Scientology).

In the course of a 37-year dispute with the IRS, the church was reported to have used or planned to employ blackmail, burglary, criminal conspiracy, eavesdropping, espionage, falsification of records, fraud, front groups, harassment, money smuggling, obstruction of audits, political and media campaigns, tax evasion, theft, investigations of individual IRS officials and the instigation of more than 2,500 lawsuits in its efforts to get its tax exemption reinstated. A number of the church's most senior officials, including Hubbard's wife, were eventually jailed for crimes against the United States government related to the anti-IRS campaign. The IRS, for its part, carried out criminal investigations of the church and its leaders for suspected tax fraud and targeted the church as a "dissident group" during the Nixon administration.

Although the church repeatedly lost in legal cases which were heard up to the level of the Supreme Court, it undertook negotiations with the IRS from 1991 to find a settlement. In October 1993, the church and the IRS reached an agreement under which the church discontinued all of its litigation against the IRS and paid $12.5 million to settle a tax debt said to be around a billion dollars, and the IRS granted 153 Scientology-related corporate entities tax exemption and the right to declare their own subordinate organizations tax-exempt in future.

The terms and circumstances of the agreement remained secret until details emerged through leaks and litigation from 1997 onwards. They have attracted controversy for their perceived favorability towards the church and have been described as unconstitutional by federal courts for their bestowal of privileges on Scientologists that are shared by no other religious group. Questions have also been raised about whether the IRS exceeded its authority by effectively overruling the Supreme Court in setting the terms of the agreement and permitting tax deductions not authorized in law. However, legal commentators have concluded that the agreement can effectively no longer be challenged in court.

Now let's replace Epidemic with Pandemic.

Why hasn't Scientology been investigated as a criminal enterprise for epidemic levels of fraud, including against taxpayers, enslaving people, and even infiltrating the government, and preparing for armed fight with the police?

Scientology is a get rich quick scheme( once you've bought the PREMIUM package )..scam Scamatology..
Putting SCIENCE FICTION, government lobbyist... their hate for psychologist.

you just have to understand the amounts of money that's involved. And they offered no CLEAR answers to my questions... then again neither did organized religion. But gosh dang I get a kick ass trip back to Hawaii to scatter ashes into a Volcano when my Stepdad dies..

edit on 8-8-2018 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

Edit... ATS has not fixed glitches yet.. so editing links is not entirely possible just yet.
Drugs. Ok they got this right:
Or did they?

edit on 8-8-2018 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: The GUT

True, Rudolf Steiner attributes it to "Dark forces" Mary Baker Eddy's follower attribute problems to animal magnetism or Mesmerism, what ever these mean, and there are more; I can't rule them out, although I don't understand them, nor can I rule in aliens, perhaps it's the latest misdirection. But it is what I consider my leading theory, for now.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: zacherystaylor

I wasn't very clear on that and it's not so much Quentin's connection per se, but that Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green and Hal Puthoff show up in regards a second opinion on Quentin's autopsy report.

I worked affiliate news in the Clearwater and St. Pete area and myself became involved in the anti-Scientology community for a variety of good reasons. Back in the day, I worked some with Bob Minton and Stacy Young.

Kit Green has an interesting and colorful career from his days in the CIA up to the very present and actually--at least at one time--owned a small percentage of ATS.

"A side-point re Quentin Hubbard's autopsy. I happened to mention it to Maxim privately and he asked to see it. I didn't know he was going to post it - but I have no problem with that. It should be made known. Do forward it around.

You can see I got it from Christopher 'Kit' Green - who IS a CIA agent. I had corresponded with him extensively as part of a highly complicated scenario involving UFOs and aliens back in 2005-6 (he was the person who briefed Bill Clinton on UFOs). I met him for a couple of days in San Jose in Feb 2006 (with Hal Puthoff, who did the famous Remote viewing research at SRI in the 70s, a very good man, and whom I consider a friend).

We were talking about Scientology - because MANY of the SRI team were Scientologists at the time: not only Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann, but also Pat Price, Russell Targ, and even Kit Green himself. Kit mention the Quentin Hubbard autopsy report in passing and I nearly fell off my chair. I asked him to forward it to me and he did.
The implication from the report is that Quentin was murdered. Kit Green declined to comment when I asked him the direct question - which was his way of saying 'yes'. Some of you (particularly anyone who was in the Church in the 70s) may find it all quite interesting."


edit on 8-8-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Bigburgh

It seems way to complex to be a simple get rich quick scheme; and why would the government be bending over backwards if that's all it is?

If, on the other hand, it's a front of some sort, for organizations using us for research then it opens up new possibilities, although I can't fill in all the unanswered questions. Giving them tax exempts status that even other religions don't have makes no sense without a bigger CIA connection.

You're link about environmental danger makes sense, but I wouldn't give credit to Scientology for that especially if it's part of weather control efforts. they may only want to repair the damage when it suits their purposes, not ours and there's no guarantee that it won't be until it's too late.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: zacherystaylor

It's certainly up there in probability that Scientology has had the blessing of the intelligence community. Maybe even it's genesis being that Hubbard was Naval Intelligence and the IC shows up all over both the occult community and almost certainly has been involved in "cult building." Jonestown is a good study in that regards.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: zacherystaylor

Easy.. if you have money. The governing bodies in Scientology get rich really quick.

Scientology also tried to convince me that the reason for the purchase of Alaska, was a plot by the U.S. government to send abandon babies, the mentally and criminally challenged away.

Edit: having issues linking links..
Edit function

edit on 8-8-2018 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: Bigburgh

Yea, Xenu was never intended to appear seriously, and perhaps exaggerated so badly intentionally so that people would dismiss the idea in it's entirety without considering other possibilities, as I attempted to. Now I run the risk of ridicule if I try to sort through the details, Oh well.

Considering the governments involvement in running drugs to finance the Contras and many other things Clinton's concern about the Drug problem is a sham. However if they're using us for research purposes that could be what tehy're covering up.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: zacherystaylor

I have vetted this yet, so take it with a grain of salt until researched further:

New Evidence - US-Government tries to control Scientology - David Miscavige is an exposed CIA-Source

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I knew there were conflicting autopsies, but not about this thanks.

Do you know who runs I came across an article which I bookmarked moths ago saying that Rinder, Rathburn and many others on Leah's show were CIA agents that infiltrated Scientology to betray them later as they exposed it; but that page is now blank. I was suspicious of it, although it would go along with a controlled disclosure effort, although like many other disclosures it simply didn't seem credible, and I suspected it might be Scientology propaganda.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: zacherystaylor
a reply to: The GUT

...although like many other disclosures it simply didn't seem credible, and I suspected it might be Scientology propaganda.

Imo, most likely Scientology propaganda because Rinder and Rathbun were both ferocious bulldogs for Scientology and both seemed to suffer--at least for awhile--after leaving. That doesn't mean they weren't and especially doesn't mean they weren't unwitting tools of whomever was calling the shots.

I don't know who's responsible for that site, although it looks like there is enough info there to make some progress on it. He's obviously "old school" and has a problem with the forces that changed his beloved Scientology.

Back to the occult angle, I'm sure you've probably seen the following before. I tend to believe Ron DeWolf for a number of reasons the main one being the documentation of L. Ron's occult practices especially as regards Jack Parsons.

edit on 8-8-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 03:59 PM
F IT!!

It's already a problem when someone post the word "Scientology" for me. Its a mental bomb of scrambled eggs for my mind. And ironically Scientology prides itself on a CLEAR path of thinking..

THEGUT.. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
zacherytaylor. ⭐⭐

For all else..

Edit: this is the 8th edit... ( keeps deleting itself )do you like how it's so condensed and no one gets what it is I'm saying😊

edit on 8-8-2018 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

Mother Facker! It left out my tidbit about old EL. RON being a protestant pastor
edit on 8-8-2018 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: Bigburgh

I feel ya on how much the word Scientology puts your mind through the paces, Big B. It must be strange trying to separate love of family from the family connection to Scientology.

There was a RATS thread a few years back related to that very subject that might interest you. I'll see if I can find it and send you the link.

ETA: That was fascinating about Bill Clinton, btw, and new info for me. It really has my mind spinning and I can tell my subconscious is chewing on that in relation to some other things. We'll see if it spits anything out that floats to the surface.

edit on 8-8-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: zacherystaylor

I've long suspected that a warmer planet would be conducive to the dinosaur/lizard biology.

What if we're being prepared for a full on invasion and our overlords return from their roaming Nemesis planet?


posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I feel ya on how much the word Scientology puts your mind through the paces, Big B. It must be strange trying to separate love of family from the family connection to Scientology. 

I've separated most family without guilt. I've learned they are oppressive suppressive.
Now I'm trying to... whom do I kid. Always have loved all.🤗
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