posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 09:10 AM
Fluoride toothpaste and flossing are required for maximum oral health, and this has been a no-brainer, for over 50 years. All the technical
information is on the web, what and how fluoride prevents decay, even repairs decay, to a real degree. And flossing? Saying that's not good is like
saying bathing is bad, is like saying the bacterial origins of tooth decay is wrong, when the bacteria are even identified, that eat your teeth and
infect gums, that even feed anaerobic bacteria under your gums, which cause periodontal disease.
You can find "experts" that would tell you most anything is bad other experts say is good, despite things that are established truths, to 99.99% of
all other real experts, undisputed: somebody will say it's bad, will do anything, to turn a buck from gullible people. The lies start with con
artists, and this has been going on forever: you've heard of "snake oil salesmen" and medicine shows, right? Fake "experts" selling some "miracle"
toothpaste, without fluoride, like some anti-coffee website selling tea, "your water is scary" website selling water filters, etc. This is where most
of these lies begin. Follow the money, and somebody is trying to turn a buck by some con, to supposedly "save you" from fluoride. With the internet,
these days some con man makes something up, to turn a buck, and paranoids pass the “expert” con information on, even start morphing it, until
there are dozens of websites stating fluoride is a mind control plot of the Mossad.
Now, if you are a tin toil hat and believe fluoride toothpaste is a Mossad, alien or deep state conspiracy, so be it. Who knows, maybe you'll one day
get to graduate from tin foil hat idiot to toothless tin foil hat idiot. Boy, that's a pretty picture! Green teeth and bloody gums, with one hand on a
bugout bag.