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VIPS writes to POTUS, again

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posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 02:07 PM
VIPS has written an excellent letter to President Trump regarding the plans to attack Iran.

As they point out in the letter, they felt that the intelligence used to attack Iraq was bogus, and they were right.

This time they will likely be right again.

Any thoughts?

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 02:19 PM
Allah will protect them. If they get blown up, its his fault, or he is make believe

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 02:36 PM
I must have missed the declaration of war against Iran. Rhetoric between the two nations has escalated but zero evidence points towards any war. I think these people whoever they are, are jumping the gun or maybe a shark so they can get some much needed attention.

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: DJMSN

Thank you for clarifying that you don't know who they are, VIPS. If you read the letter that will be explained.

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

Binney, McGovern, Ellsberg and many others who served in the intelligence field as careers. Several of them are whistleblowers, having gone public with crimes committed by the agencies for which they worked.

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 02:59 PM
From the link :

In memoranda to you over the past year and a half we have pointed out that (1) Iran’s current support for international terrorism is far short of what it was decades ago; and (2) that you are being played by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claims about Iran’ they are based on intelligence exposed as fraudulent several years ago. 

Tellingly, Netanyahu waited for your new national security adviser to be in place for three weeks before performing his April 30 slide show alleging that Iran has a covert nuclear weapons program. 

On the chance that our analysis of Netanyahu’s show-and-tell failed to reach you, please know that the Israeli prime minister was recycling information from proven forgeries, which we reported in a Memorandum to you early last spring

... snip ...

If our Memorandum of May 7 fell through some cracks in the West Wing, here are its main findings:
The evidence displayed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on April 30 in what he called his “Iranian atomic archive” showed blatant signs of fabrication.

That evidence is linked to documents presented by the Bush Administration more than a decade earlier as “proof” of a covert Iran nuclear weapons program.

Those documents were clearly fabricated, as well.

In our May 7, 2018 Memorandum we also asserted: “We can prove that the actual documents originally came not from Iran but from Israel. Moreover, the documents were never authenticated by the CIA or the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).”

Netanyahu took the same documents
changed a 'q' to an 'n', and Trump lapped it up

Colour me un-surprised

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: Salander

I worked in the intelligence field while in the Army. Still does not make anything they claim any more valid than the average person. The facts, we have not declared war, nor have we taken any active steps toward any action towards Iran.

Any sort of aggression would be immediately known as the build up for such action would be very noticeable. It took a year build up for the first war against Iraq and the whole world including Iraq knew we were coming.

There has been no declaration of war which Congress must approve and pass nor has the President issued any EO in regards to military action against Iran.

There has not even been serious rhetoric between the two leaders, and again as fact, the two have expressed interest in talks. The only thing that could trigger thoughts of a strike was the Australian report that U.S. officials for a list of targets.

I believe it is routine to have intelligence ready to go in case of the worst. I also believe we would ask Israel before Australia since they have way more than Australia but, we would certainly ask but it certainly does not mean war is any closer than last year or the year before. Utter rubbish

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: DJMSN

You are correct under a normal presidency.

We are currently experiencing extremes from this potus.

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Allah will protect them. If they get blown up, its his fault, or he is make believe

So flippant for such a serious issue , what happened to Trump not being an interventionist ?

edit on 1-8-2018 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

No more extremes than past administrations who actually authored EO's for military action. Past admins have drawn red lines. The leaders of Iran have for decades shouted death to America.

So this President speaks louder but the usual rhetoric really nothing new. This President has reached out to talk when others have not, like NK and Iran.

Iran was asking for talks but now have turned 180 and want conditions before talks. Iran is having issues within, as sanctions are biting. Water shortages, people tired of harsh religious laws, only a matter of time before they do their own regime change

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: DJMSN
a reply to: Salander

I worked in the intelligence field while in the Army. Still does not make anything they claim any more valid than the average person. The facts, we have not declared war, nor have we taken any active steps toward any action towards Iran.

Any sort of aggression would be immediately known as the build up for such action would be very noticeable. It took a year build up for the first war against Iraq and the whole world including Iraq knew we were coming.

There has been no declaration of war which Congress must approve and pass nor has the President issued any EO in regards to military action against Iran.

There has not even been serious rhetoric between the two leaders, and again as fact, the two have expressed interest in talks. The only thing that could trigger thoughts of a strike was the Australian report that U.S. officials for a list of targets.

I believe it is routine to have intelligence ready to go in case of the worst. I also believe we would ask Israel before Australia since they have way more than Australia but, we would certainly ask but it certainly does not mean war is any closer than last year or the year before. Utter rubbish

Iran is attempting to make a boogie man. Heres the problem they know the US is willing to play the waiting game and just let the sanctions strangle whats left of their economy. Since they know they can't wait it out they are trying to make themselves look like an underdog hoping people will help support them against the US. The US has no intention of attacking Iran unless they do something incredibly stupid. This phoney attack scenario is simply a distraction internally and externally they are praying for international support. Time is not on their side and they know it.

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: DJMSN
a reply to: howtonhawky

No more extremes than past administrations who actually authored EO's for military action. Past admins have drawn red lines. The leaders of Iran have for decades shouted death to America.

So this President speaks louder but the usual rhetoric really nothing new. This President has reached out to talk when others have not, like NK and Iran.

Iran was asking for talks but now have turned 180 and want conditions before talks. Iran is having issues within, as sanctions are biting. Water shortages, people tired of harsh religious laws, only a matter of time before they do their own regime change

I can not disagree with you cause you are correct.

It does sadden me how the usa starves more people in the world than any other country. All in the name of power.

Wish we could find a better way someday.

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Salander

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

Is that for real ?????

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 03:09 AM
The biggest threat to world peace is US.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: DJMSN
a reply to: Salander

I worked in the intelligence field while in the Army. Still does not make anything they claim any more valid than the average person. The facts, we have not declared war, nor have we taken any active steps toward any action towards Iran.

Any sort of aggression would be immediately known as the build up for such action would be very noticeable. It took a year build up for the first war against Iraq and the whole world including Iraq knew we were coming.

There has been no declaration of war which Congress must approve and pass nor has the President issued any EO in regards to military action against Iran.

There has not even been serious rhetoric between the two leaders, and again as fact, the two have expressed interest in talks. The only thing that could trigger thoughts of a strike was the Australian report that U.S. officials for a list of targets.

I believe it is routine to have intelligence ready to go in case of the worst. I also believe we would ask Israel before Australia since they have way more than Australia but, we would certainly ask but it certainly does not mean war is any closer than last year or the year before. Utter rubbish

How quaint and romantic, Congress has not declared war.

FYI Congress has not declared war since 1941. I was hoping to learn something by starting this thread.

Congress has not declared war since 1941, but this country has been at war since the mid-sixties. I'm not sure of the point you're trying to make.

VIPS is trying to make the point that US intelligence agencies, possibly an oxymoron there, took us to war in Iraq based upon poor intelligence, actually manufactured intelligence. Curveball? It still makes me laugh.

We have committed military aggression against numerous countries without declaring war. Can you do no better than that?

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Salander

Are we at war with Iran ? Have we engaged Iran with military force ? Have we deployed troops inside Iran ? Not romantically, not quaintly and as of this date, not with an EO nor by proxies.

Can you point to something other than speculation by a group who claims to be former intelligence experts ? We have indeed taken aggressive action against countries without any declaration and instead referred to the action as conflicts.

I have issues with our past actions, and the current state of our Intelligence agencies could be related to unknown source on the internet making wild unsubstantiated claims.

Perhaps our Intelligence failures of the past are related to the intelligence failure sourced. We are not at war, nor have we engaged any Irainian forces. It would be very noticeable, and I would think former intell people could figure it out, guess not in this case.

posted on Aug, 3 2018 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: DJMSN

We are not at war?

We have troops deployed in Syria and many other places, and they are in the process of delivering ordnance and killing people. Some of our troops take casualties, including KIA. We practice military aggression in many places.

Just because congress doesn't talk about it does not make it any less real. Our actions in Syria are real, whether congress acknowledges it or not. The Global War on Terror has US troops on virtually every continent on the planet.

Ask the families of the US special forces troops killed in Africa last year whether or not we are at war. When the US Navy fires tomahawk SLCM against a country, that is military aggression, that is war on a limited scale.

The neocons who took us to war under fraud in Afghanistan and Iraq and elsewhere have been stirring up the rhetoric against Iran for years. Cheney, Bolton and a number of others have made public statements about that.

You come across as being somewhat out of touch with reality.

posted on Aug, 3 2018 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Salander

The letter and OP are claiming war with Iran and we are not at war in Iran. Yes troops are in Syria and I believe that Iranian troops are more than likely involved as proxies for the Iranian government.

The point of my discussion in this blog report of former nobodies was to dispute information implying we are about to strike Iran. You come across as bit challenged In world geography as Syria is not Iran, Afghanistan is not Iran, and neither is Iraq.

VIPS has written an excellent letter to President Trump regarding the plans to attack Iran. 

The media is not even discussing "the plan to attack Iran" which is because we are not intending to attack Iran. That is made up garbage from a blog from a group of formers who claim they wrote a letter to the President. Apparently they too have illusions of the US with imminent plans to attack Iran.

I say that we have plans to attack England and every other power and some non powers in the world. That's what a military does, it plans for the worse. And with roughly 2000 US troops in Syria, would make an awful force for an invasion of Iran

And I do not need to ask as I was there, in Afghanistan, in Turkey, Kuwait, so I am familiar with what war does and is. Yes we are aggressive as are others, I wish it wasn't so but it is what it is.

Again, there is no immediate plans to attack Iran. I see Iran as someone who can be regional leaders, mostly progressive and modern country. The people would rather get rid of the religious dogma which seems to oppress and hold them back.

I see talks in the future between Iran and others in the region which leads to talks with the US. I doubt any conflict and dispute as stated our plans to attack

edit on 8/3/2018 by DJMSN because: Addition

edit on 8/3/2018 by DJMSN because: Addition

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: DJMSN

Ah! Former Nobodies. Sounds like somebody has some grudges against personalities.

Sorry, I'm more into the subject matter, the wisdom of committing military aggression against Iran.

For this layman, the fact that brave men spoke out against the crimes of their government is enough to make me smile. Those men and women have worked within the system and therefore understand it better than I do, or anyone else on the outside. It is refreshing to know that there are still a few good men working for the federal government, men who know right from wrong, and who are willing to do something about it, always at great personal burden. My bet is that most of them know very well that the truth will set you free.

That they were right about Iraq back when, they are just as right about Iran.


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