posted on Jul, 20 2018 @ 07:44 PM
originally posted by: six67seven
I like most of Shyamalan's films. I think I'm in the minority there.
I've tried, I really have. He did good things with the Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs. The Village wasn't good, but I thought maybe my reason
for disliking it was the God awful acting abilities of the cast, particularly Howard's deadpan dramatic acting and Juaquin Phoenix's horrible habit of
whispering when he's trying to be dramatic. Lady in the Water sucked, and The Happening was my last straw... haven't seen another M Night movie since
(though I will eventually catch Split which seems to have decent reviews.) I wanted to like the guy's movies but it's tough when he's had so many
duds. He's in danger of becoming Uwe Boll 2.0