posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 12:34 PM
I watched a documentary not too long ago, and I don't know if what it said is true, but supposedly the Japanese did not even hunt for whale and
dolphin for consumption until WWII, they had to develop a taste for it.
When people were starving during WWII they started hunting for whale and now claim it has been a Japanese tradition for centuries. The documentary
makers found no evidence of this being some time worn tradition. In fact, in northern Japan, where they filmed, the meat stores keep whale meet as
pretty much bottom shelf meat, cheap and not preferred.
Also remember reading Japan, Iceland (in this story), and Scandinavian countries are not part of any international agreements not to hunt them. They
never agreed to those agreements and think it part of their culture to hunt whales. Japan does observe law on some species and only hunts a certain
number, few hundred whales, over 4 to 6 months of hunting season in the north.
edit on 12-7-2018 by Kharron because: (no reason given)