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Notice its all about the Child Camps NOW in effect since b4 2014 btw and NOT the IG report?? Hmmmm

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posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: underwerks

So either push for open borders or quick crying when laws are enforced.

Or maybe just a compassionate view on people who risk all to get here.

Ya know, it doesn’t have to be complete open borders or immigrants in cages.

We are compassionate. More compassionate than most other countries. More compassionate than Mexico.

So we’re judging ourselves by what Mexico does now.

Why am I not surprised.


And that makes sense to you?

Lol. I’ve always had the feeling I’m talking to a wall when we discuss anything. Now I’m sure of it.

And I'm talking to someone who wants open borders but doesn't have the stones to admit it.


posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: underwerks

So either push for open borders or quick crying when laws are enforced.

Or maybe just a compassionate view on people who risk all to get here.

Ya know, it doesn’t have to be complete open borders or immigrants in cages.

We are compassionate. More compassionate than most other countries. More compassionate than Mexico.

So we’re judging ourselves by what Mexico does now.

Why am I not surprised.


And that makes sense to you?

Lol. I’ve always had the feeling I’m talking to a wall when we discuss anything. Now I’m sure of it.

And I'm talking to someone who wants open borders but doesn't have the stones to admit it.


Why do you believe there is only two choices? Open borders or immigrants in cages?
edit on 18-6-2018 by underwerks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: howtonhawky

no you did not state the reasons to detain anyone

We already know the reasons, they crossed illegally, and then theres the litany of reasons you JUST posted in your own post.
You LITERALLY just outlined why. lol

you only stated that males and females are the same in some ways care to answer the underlying question? For what reasons would we detain a mother and a child?

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

How is that a rational response? You know that Trump is lying. You admitted as much when you stated:

The current and past laws are the same.

Now they are enforcing better.

You clearly understand that contrary to what Trump keeps lying about, that there's been a shift in policy. Out of the mouths of admin officials, the policy was intended to separate children from their parents as a deterrent.

Yet instead of calling out Trump for his lying, you attack CNN/MSNBC/etc for reporting the facts about what Trump is lying about. How can you justify that to yourself?

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: underwerks

So either push for open borders or quick crying when laws are enforced.

Or maybe just a compassionate view on people who risk all to get here.

Ya know, it doesn’t have to be complete open borders or immigrants in cages.

We are compassionate. More compassionate than most other countries. More compassionate than Mexico.

So we’re judging ourselves by what Mexico does now.

Why am I not surprised.


And that makes sense to you?

Lol. I’ve always had the feeling I’m talking to a wall when we discuss anything. Now I’m sure of it.

And I'm talking to someone who wants open borders but doesn't have the stones to admit it.


Why do you believe there is only two choices? Open borders or immigrants in cages?

What's your solution?

letting them go with their parents?

Uh, sounds like open borders to me.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: underwerks

So either push for open borders or quick crying when laws are enforced.

Or maybe just a compassionate view on people who risk all to get here.

Ya know, it doesn’t have to be complete open borders or immigrants in cages.

We are compassionate. More compassionate than most other countries. More compassionate than Mexico.

So we’re judging ourselves by what Mexico does now.

Why am I not surprised.


And that makes sense to you?

Lol. I’ve always had the feeling I’m talking to a wall when we discuss anything. Now I’m sure of it.

And I'm talking to someone who wants open borders but doesn't have the stones to admit it.


Why do you believe there is only two choices? Open borders or immigrants in cages?

what is the third option? I'd like to hear it.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: SailorJerry
a reply to: howtonhawky

no you did not state the reasons to detain anyone

We already know the reasons, they crossed illegally, and then theres the litany of reasons you JUST posted in your own post.
You LITERALLY just outlined why. lol

you only stated that males and females are the same in some ways care to answer the underlying question? For what reasons would we detain a mother and a child?

i knew you would fail to answer the question so i done it for you

pretty silly path you went down there

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:58 AM
This virtue signaling will pass too. As soon as CNN stops the propaganda and switches to something else so will all the faux care and concern for the children. It's like Swiss clockworks and happens every time.

Hopefully the minions of satan will get a chance to catch their hypocritical breath between the switch to whatever new and popular faux outrage comes next.

edit on 18-6-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:59 AM
An option.... you were looking for???? LOL

a reply to: network dude

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: The GUT
This virtue signaling will pass too. As soon as CNN stops the propaganda and switches to something else so will all the faux care and concern for the children. It's like Swiss clock works and happens every time.

Hopefully the minions of satan will get a chance to catch their hypocritical breath between the switch to whatever new and popular faux outrage comes next.

so is satan pro detention or for open borders?

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

no , whats silly is that you knew the answer, regardless of the countless times it was told to you

You denied it.

And then used the actual answers you denied to try and bolster your own point of view , PROVING that what people told you was accurate.

People have repeatedly answered you, provided proof, and even cited law, its not our fault you either refuse to comprehend it

Or refuse to acknowledge it because it is the anti-thesis to your knee jerk emotional fistwaving

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:00 PM
please allow me to enlighten the antis on here.

in some countries you cannot even leave without permission of the school if you have a school aged child. why? well, maybe to prevent a parent or family member from stealing a child....its a protective measure.

so, do you care about children or not? because if you do you cannot possibly be against having MORE vetting and security to make sure people who claim to be parents actually are.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: theantediluvian

Most unfortunate that many people are addicted to the CNN/MSNBC complex.

There is a way to "wean off" but it's not easy and requires extreme discipline.

Very alarming.

Very sad.


I think it requires 6 weeks at a detox facility, 3 months in a halfway house, and weekly meetings for the next few years.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

open borders. why? because without borders there is chaos....chaos is the enemy of order, satan is the metaphorical figure of chaos.....

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: howtonhawky

originally posted by: The GUT
This virtue signaling will pass too. As soon as CNN stops the propaganda and switches to something else so will all the faux care and concern for the children. It's like Swiss clock works and happens every time.

Hopefully the minions of satan will get a chance to catch their hypocritical breath between the switch to whatever new and popular faux outrage comes next.

so is satan pro detention or for open borders?

Whatever gets the crew to do his bidding without having to actually do anything about the issues but spout off and be hypocritical. Like I said: Clockworks.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: howtonhawky

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: howtonhawky

originally posted by: SailorJerry
a reply to: howtonhawky

why would we detain a mom and child in the first place?

im sorry but are you slow? You dont seem to be able to comprehend the most basic of concepts.

Just because the person is female, doesnt make it less illegal.

How can you even ask this question?

why would we detain a mom and child in the first place?

For the same reason you would detain a male, these concepts really arent that hard.


are you afraid to answer the question

I did answer the question, I swear its like im talking to a computer algorithm that seems to reply back, but cant actually understand what im saying.

Another bot! It's child in cage bot.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: underwerks

So either push for open borders or quick crying when laws are enforced.

Or maybe just a compassionate view on people who risk all to get here.

Ya know, it doesn’t have to be complete open borders or immigrants in cages.

We are compassionate. More compassionate than most other countries. More compassionate than Mexico.

So we’re judging ourselves by what Mexico does now.

Why am I not surprised.


And that makes sense to you?

Lol. I’ve always had the feeling I’m talking to a wall when we discuss anything. Now I’m sure of it.

And I'm talking to someone who wants open borders but doesn't have the stones to admit it.


Why do you believe there is only two choices? Open borders or immigrants in cages?

What's your solution?

letting them go with their parents?

Uh, sounds like open borders to me.

Maybe that’s the problem. A lot of things sound like things they aren’t to you.

My solution would be a compassionate approach to people who arrive at the border with children. Whatever that may be. It sure wouldn’t be ripping children away from their parents without giving them any idea of where they are going or when they will be back together.

If I was president and knew that this would be an issue I’d make it a priority to come up with new immigration guidelines that enable families to stay together throughout the process. It’d cost less and would be logistically easier. But then again I wouldn’t be looking to use these kids as political pawns.

You know, Trump could stop this at once if he wanted to.

Which means he doesn’t want to.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: tribal
a reply to: howtonhawky

open borders. why? because without borders there is chaos....chaos is the enemy of order, satan is the metaphorical figure of chaos.....

so if i cage someone or something then i am working on the side of good?

i kinda agree with the gut a bit more on this one
edit on 18-6-2018 by howtonhawky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:10 PM
It seems to me that there are many people who claim to hate the MSM yet are still stuck within its bubble of influence, allowing it to influence their perspective whether positive or negative.

The MSM is like a train wreck on purpose, they don't want you to look away. I'm glad I don't pay attention to it, it eliminates probably 99% of the negativity I would otherwise feel. I feel sorry for those stuck in the negative feedback loop we call the media. If you care about what they say enough to get outraged nearly every day then you need help.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 12:15 PM
Hey, here's something to think about for all of those that are having such a emotional knee-jerk response. Have any of you ever had to get a family member out of foster care? Well, I am going through that very nightmare right now with the great state of Washington. I live in Texas, and my husband and I are trying to adopt our 5yr old neice. Her mother passed in April, and we have been unable to even TALK to our neice on the phone, and can't even fly out and meet her because they have to perform a criminal background check. Luckily, she is with one foster care family while this takes place and not being shuffled around. We hope and pray the foster care family is a good one.

We have been told we probably won't have custody of her when school starts, much less a final adoption. Meanwhile, we had to get an attorney, and it will cost us thousands of dollars just to take in our OWN family member.

Just so I am clear, we are a slam dunk as for as placement, we have all of our ducks in a row and should have absolutely no problem being approved for adoption. Meanwhile, this foster care family is getting a minimum of $562 a month until she is placed. So do the math, taxpayers. How about those lawyers, they're making out. Who is losing in this situation? We are, and the child is, as well as many, many other kiddos going through the system. The state of Washington owns our neice, and we have no say.

Why is this so expensive and ridiculously slow? Because the states don't have enough social workers, they are so damn overworked. I am in the process of starting my own thread detailing all the heartaches we are dealing with, I don't mean to derail this thread.

So, you think bringing in thousands of children into the foster care system is a good idea? Who the hell is going to pay for it? How much will this strain an already broken system??? Also, who is going to pay for these lawyers? How long would this delay someone in this same situation as I am if DSHS is overloaded with illegal immigrants? Even immediate kinship placement will require paperwork and time, without fosters even being involved.

I have another question, if they really are seeking asylum, why do so many go back and forth between their home countries all the time???

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