a reply to:
What is observable is that, generally, feminism has utterly destroyed the lives of women. It is why I view feminists on the same level as destructive
ideologies such as white supremacy or radical islam.
that's like saying the emancipation proclamation utterly destroyed the lives of african americans! oh... the poor blacks, they have to work for a
living today when way back then their master took care of all their needs.. ya sure, they were expected to do some minor work around the plantation,
ya know, pick the cotton and such. and sure a few of those masters weren't so kind and beat their slaves, put them in chains... and ya, most of them
found that their freedom was restricted in one way or the other... but the masters had made initial investments in those slaves, and a good, well
trained slave was quite valuable. surely, if those slaves worked hard and served their masters well, the masters would show them nothing but kindness
in the bible, in the same set of scriptures that tells the slaves to obey their masters and I believe says basically much the same thing as what I
just typed above... it also tells the wives to obey their husbands as unto the lord... that's giving those husbands all the authority in the world
over their husbands, as if it was God himself standing over her!!
the Koran puts it in plainer terms.... obey your husband, you are dependent on them, so therefore, you should obey them.
both are describing something much more like a slave/master relationship and in fact, love wasn't even part of the marriage dynamic till around the
19th centertury. men loved their mistresses, but their heirs we born from their noble wives, who were held under contractual laws... often times
bought with a price!!!
so basically what you are saying is that women were better off when they were considered to be the property of their husbands and under their
well, it's been a long time since most of those in the developed nations experienced anything remotely resembling slavery... considering the thread I
was reading before I came to this one was started by someone to whine about how we are all slave today, working our arses off for our small rewards
that barely make ends meets, and now you claiming how worse feminism has made it for women because, oh my god..... they have to work!!! guess too
many of us have lost the concept of what slavery is!!!
slaves, and that includes wives, WORKED... probably much harder than any of us ever had since they wouldn't be sitting in their little cubicle
screwing around on facebook or posting to ATS if getting caught doing so meant being physically abused for doing so!!!
and, if you don't like your master, you can find a new one that will value you more and be kinder to you. there is nothing that legally prevents you
from doing this and there's alot of laws that prevent your boss, or your husband from being a total sadistic sob! weather or not any one person will
take advantage of those laws is totally up to them but one thing is for sure, there are very few if any that would allow their bosses to chain them to
a pole for a good whipping!
men and women, at least in the developed nations, have more freedom than any other time in history. with an internet connection they can learn
anything they wish to learn... whereas teaching a slave to read and write was outlawed throughout most of the south. if you don't like living in one
state, you can pick up and move anywhere you wish, heck move to another country if you can find one that will have you. there's no law restricting
you to the boundaries of the plantation, or the wall of the home you are living in. you are free, to reach as high as your wish to, or to screw up as
badly as you want to... with your only limitation being your own abilities.
if you wish to discuss the idea that feminism has destroyed the lives of women, then we might as well discuss just how this grand experiment in
freedom has destroyed the lives of men also... since in both cases, it's a question of is a person better off holding their destiny in their own
hands, being free to make their own decisions, and responsible for their own actions.... or are they better off as the property of another, who
decides for them just what decisions they should be free to make themselves, what directions they are free to go in and what kind of work they will
spend their lives doing and being only responsible for making the master happy. either way though, unless you are among the the upper top class of
citizens, you are gonna be working!!!
what's that saying that I used to see so often on these boards? when something like this....
She who would place security over freedom deserves neither?