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Odd encounters with “them”

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posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 01:51 AM
So I figured I would share my first and only encounter with a “ufo” that was up close and personal. And I hope that some of you are willing to share yours. Now let me start off first by saying that yes my buds and I were drunk when this happened.
So the year was 2008 and my close friends parents were out of country and asked that he stay at their home and tend the chickens. My friend never liked being there as a kid so he invited I and another good friend to stay the weekend there with him. We were happy to join. The place was in Lexington OK.
So on the first night we were on our way to being drunk whilst playing HALO 2. Then a buddy wanted to take a smoke break and I decided to join. We are sitting on the porch talking about something but I cannot recall what. Then I notice something out of the corner of my eye. It was orange and egg shaped and just over the hill to the east of us. Maybe a football field away. I was kinda freaked out but thought I was maybe too drunk and seeing things so I stood up and decided to go inside.
Then out of nowhere my friend that was with me outside said “dude” and it was at that moment I knew he just noticed what I did. I said what? He told me about the object just taking off up into the sky. I turned around and sure enough it was gone. It left a really weird orange mist where it was.
Then my other buddy who invited us there came out wondering what the hell is going on and we explained it to him. He joked and said if that happened we would have jets flying over us checking it out........Well guess what happened next!?! Just as he said that 2 i believe f-16 were full throttle atop us.
edit on 2/19/2013 by Allaroundyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

And that is what brought me to this site.

edit on 2/19/2013 by Allaroundyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You much feel bad about you " decided to go inside" when perhaps the only chance you will get, seeing a unknown craft is in that time and moment. And more so not having a camera

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

I was young and drunk lol

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: Spacespider

I was young and drunk lol

Star and flag because I enjoyed your story and I like your sense of humor. Lol

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 03:16 AM

originally posted by: Night Star

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: Spacespider

I was young and drunk lol

Star and flag because I enjoyed your story and I like your sense of humor. Lol

Well thank you but I wasn’t trying to be funny just sayin I was drunk lol

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 03:23 AM
Thanks for sharing.

I think I am just going to ramble on. I hope you don't think I'm thread-hogging too much.
If it's ok, I'll just get my ramble down off my breastplate, let it lie and shut up and probably say no more.
To me, this means I'll get away with it, just this even.
In a way I know it's a weak thing to ramble in this way exactly, but we each are limited.

There are two partly opposing things going on with me, as I suddenly find a front page ufo thread in ATS for the first time in so long.

(Or even a thread that's not about Trump or Clinton, and more usually what's front page news on them.
What happened to this site? You know it IS called Above Top Secret?)

Anyway, to the subject - UFOs - and the first of two opposing things in me, setting up conflict. Second one at the end of this ramble.
Firstly I just hate the secrecy in a way.

I'll take some time to explain.
Whether this was a secret government anti-gravity craft (there are very many) or connected with another species, for example, why always accompanied by military aircraft?
They never admit the jets were "following" anything.

If they were following, why the secrecy?
Then, if they were following, but following a craft which is not unfamiliar to those who sent the jets - must this ritual continue?
A not unfamiliar craft still means in this context one of two things - government black secret (earthly) craft, or alien.

Logic might work wonders with this situation, if you can get your head around the dryness.

It's easily possible the government sends out military jets to follow what isn't actually some unknown phenomenon - but instead is simply domestic, secret, modern technology.
It may be the top secret anti-gravity government craft has gone and distinguished itself to the public for whatever reason, in a test flight or an operation.

The 'usual suspect' tailing fighter planes can be a smoke screen.
The theory goes: you're meant to think the government is secretly tailing an unknown craft (whether extraterrestrial or just alien in the sense of being foreign, Rusian or whatever).
You're meant to conclude the military and the government don't know what the craft is and that they see it as a possible threat.
But actually, they know very well what said craft is and they're creating an unspoken legend going on in people's minds to hide their black secret technology further.

I've heard it said to me that the jets are intended as a kind of (real, actual) Illuminati style ritual act in its own right, to create obfuscation, questioning. The ritual is even intended as a kind of subtle mind control due to the cognitive dissonance of the recurrence of the jets, the usual conclusion that authorities know something is going on, against the ongoing refusal to admit it.

Always, since I was a child (which will lead me on in a while to the 2nd thing going on within me, the opposing element), I asked why, why - why keep it secret?
There are jets following, time after time, but never admitted what for. But it's obvious they know something, too much of a coincidence with so many sightings that the authorities don't know something, know absolutely nothing.
This ritual jet thing (of whatever meaning of ritual) simply cannot be an innocent coincidence, time after after.

- 1. If ufo is secret government craft, will they ever let this information out?
No, I think. (See pic. below dedicated to someone I once knew.)

While I loathe it and always questioned against this secrecy, I suppose I might also understand it.
The tech is still secret so that you don't "try it at home".
For whatever reasons, including safety, to social control. You can't have it, is the attitude. You just can't.
This goes beyond government. Government take orders on this, but I'm not totally sure what that means, just that I know it to be true.

- 2. If ufo isn't domestic, secret technology craft, why the secrecy there then?

Actually here is when the theories of governments knowing and having made pacts with ETs start to begin, in bare logic terms at least, to make some sense.
In fact, if these craft ARE ETs, nothing or little else can make sense to explain the 'usual suspect' fighter jet accompaniments: but that there is a knowing relationship between our authorities and ETs.
If the authorities are just following stupidly time after time, why wouldn't they admit they are even doing that?

There ARE top secret, anti-gravity government craft. That much I can say and no more.
It's known by many people and spoken about by quite a number, but most who know (and it is really many who know), don't say.
That doesn't mean there aren't also ET craft at times (or continuously) in our world also.

I started by talking of two partly opposing things in me, the first the questioning, the desire to fully understand why the secrecy, for it all to be in the open, known to all.
I segue to the other thing, opposing the first by saying, YET I, or part of me, wants to run so desperately from all of this and never know and never want to know any of it.

That (I suppose both parts, the full conflict) is because I have in the past experienced a lot and have once known a lot.
I have been, must have been, privy to all kinds of secrets but at the end of the day, for various reasons, may not have been able to understand or cope with all of them.
I have been, for most of my life, a severe amnesiac.
I am now that - amnesiac.
I don't remember the many experiences, just that they were very many and varied, of all types.

Still the conflict in me between the questioning, the desire to understand the secrecy, for me to know and all to know, with the opposite desire to want to have nothing to know of or do with any of it, isn't a pleasant conflict. It's a bit like an infliction.

I also can't say more, I think.
I said at the start I was going to ramble and then shut up.
I hope it hasn't been FAR too boring or too disappointing in the end.

I want to add a pic quote, giving the sentiment of a man who really knew something (!), dedicated to a poor, old lifelong victim now gone away and hopefully suffering no more (this dimension, strangely, seems to be all about victimhood):

edit on 4-6-2018 by bw1000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-6-2018 by bw1000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: bw1000

Yo, you should start your own tread, looks like you have somehing on your mind

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

Just inspired by suddenly getting a ufo post again, which were much more common once.

But it's from the mystery of the often repeated kind of sighting, this OP's first ever.

All said now.

(Thanks for concern, though.)
edit on 4-6-2018 by bw1000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You much feel bad about you " decided to go inside" when perhaps the only chance you will get, seeing a unknown craft is in that time and moment. And more so not having a camera

Just connected to my rant, there can be a part of you inside which kind of subconsciously just doesn't want to know about this unknown world. Despite how curious other parts of your mind may be at the same time.

Whether this is just down to it being the unfamiliar, out of your realm of experience (e.g. subconsciously like a child who doesn't want yet to adapt to the notion of sexual love), or that you might actually sense danger or even a whole world that doesn't fit with your soul - it may be very important.

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

Interesting thread. Going to come back later.

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

I have had some weird sightings but, I am drunk at the moment lol, and need to clear up the body and mind before trying to describe one sighting that yes, was an egg shaped object. I 100% believe you!

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: bw1000

That was not thread hogging but dude you really should make a thread on this. That was an awesome post and I would love to read more.
Please make a thread! And also well done

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 07:19 AM
Has anyone met any strange men in black suits almost immediately after a UFO sighting? If you have any information on any Men in Black meetings please let me know. I am interested to know what they said and what they look like and their last location.

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 11:33 AM
double post

edit on 4-6-2018 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 11:35 AM
Nice story.. luckily it didn't try to abduct you guys

Thanks for anyone else who shares too.
edit on 4-6-2018 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

Chances are it's not the only time you seen one.
However, It's quite possible it's the only time you REMEMBER seeing one.

More often than not, seeing is also experiencing.

Any odd dreams, or feelings of being haunted?
edit on 4-6-2018 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 08:40 AM
Ok people hello, this is my first time actually using a forum type websitw and it's really complicated for me I have no idea how to create a new post or whatever so I'm replying to this. Basically a couple of weeks ago I had this dream of an alien holding a little hologram of the universe or whatever in his hand, now this is probally stupid and stuff and has no significance I know but it told me the universe is a Sinkhole, so i'm not sure what that means or if it's just my brain creating weird words but is there any scientif study or conspiracy whatever on this? It's my first post so go easy on me lol.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 02:18 PM
Ok people hello, this is my first time actually using a forum type websitw and it's really complicated for me I have no idea how to create a new post or whatever so I'm replying to this. Basically a couple of weeks ago I had this dream of an alien holding a little hologram of the universe or whatever in his hand, now this is probally stupid and stuff and has no significance I know but it told me the universe is a Sinkhole, so i'm not sure what that means or if it's just my brain creating weird words but is there any scientif study or conspiracy whatever on this? It's my first post so go easy on me lol.

posted on Jun, 10 2018 @ 02:09 AM
Interesting sighting you requested others to share, I'll share mine:

My sighting took place in Iran, I can't remember the exact date, but I'm sure it can be found online, probably around 2014...I got a call from a friend who said a light was observed in the sky, so I went out on our deck to see if I could spot anything. I didn't spot anything, and the light that was sighted was later attributed to a failed Russian rocket launch, but while I was on our deck, I happened to look towards the lot next door, which was empty, and saw the weirdest thing: approximately 30 feet off the ground some smoke or cloud (couldn't tell which) in the shape of cone horizontal to the ground.

The diameter of the cone was approximately 30 feet, and the "handle" of the cone was approximately 15 feet.

It was the dang weirdest thing I've ever seen, never seen anything like it before or since.

It just hovered there while I watched it for 5-10 minutes, then I finally got bored and went back inside.

Has anyone ever seen anything similar? Does anyone have a guess as to what it could have been?

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