Fascinating how so many News stories keep people investigating material and physical phenomenon,
while real truth is much closer. The powers that be could care less that people are awakening
to past and present contrived deceptions of manipulations.
Many are unfamiliar that the powers that be, planned many of their deceptions with the
full knowledge such machinations would be investigated and subsequently called-out for what
they are.
To keep YOU on the limited path of the material/physical plane. The real truth, which is
much greater truth, has nothing to do with the real shape of the Earth, Moon Hoax,
JFK assassination, 9-11 inside job, Mass-Shootings for Gun Control, or any of
the hundreds of contrived & controlled false narratives.
Many of which are directed and disseminated to keep you DISTRACTED from
investigating/researching the SPIRITUAL. You'll continue to travel in circles of
material/physical nonsense until you come to acknowledge you are ONE with the
Everything else is nonsense and only keeps people in bondage to the physical/material to
feed their ego. Search for true knowledge. There is a reason the secret societies protect
that knowledge via distracting people with perverse media directed bs.
If you disbelieve my words, simply ask yourself if investigating/researching material/physical
phenomenon gives you Peace of Mind, Wisdom & Power to create the life you desire for
abundant Happiness.
The Kingdom is Within