posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to:
Nothing wrong with your suggestion, but I think your numbers are way off. So far off that no, you would not save any money and in fact it would cost
far more.
4 full shifts, working rotating shifts and figuring you need at least twelve people per mile at all times, you get up to far more people than you are
calculating. Then add on supervisory staff, vehicles, equipment, training and the rise in the costs of bureaucracy overseeing it, you might be looking
at thirty billion per year if you could hold it to that.
Remember wages include far more than just the salary. Unfunded items like retirement, medical, dental, disability and on and on and on and you start
to see what I mean.
Then you have the issue of finding that many people qualified to work in law enforcement with most area's struggling already to keep cops on the
streets. You can't just hire someone and throw them out there head to head with drug cartel's and human traffickers.
In the end, the wall will be much cheaper.