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The Real Reason I HATE Political Correctness

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+6 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 05:22 AM
I told you here a long time ago I was out to murder Political Correctness and that I was Carlos the Jackal come to clinically assassinate it. The mission is almost complete. PC is on its death bed. I don't think a Dem Law Suit or another march by Soros and his Pink Ladies is going to be able to resuscitate it.

I hate it because it is the enemy of humanity. It is a sinister control mechanism, manufactured to protect a political ideology and mask it is as universal new age globalist morality and even phoney law. It will never do. It was as much an intellectual and archaeological thug as Isis for smashing down our monuments. We all know that. They even murdered Dixie, and that is why it is in Dixie Land that I make my stand, lol.

It would have created continual havoc. For me, and here is the all important punch line to everything I have done to kill it, it is is like those who come and try to destroy my faith with their knock at the door, we accept cash and cheques, let's play doctors and nurses in the pulpit with kiddies religion. It is the imposter masquerading as the saviour of society. It means to segregate to bias, to sabotage, to exaggerate difference instead of nullifying it, creating jealousy and privilege, causing political chaos, et c, et c, et c, Mr Brynner.

It is destroying my own love of diversity. It is putting me off that which i love, making me suffer it rather than enjoy it. The West is clearly showing via the politics of the U.S and the UK what it thinks of political correctness and the Liberal vision. To keep on trying to sell that at our doors, Mr Betterware, is futile. They will be slamming in your face.

I will wait patiently for a new Liberal vision that has some real feeling in it. It must be real, not just an image. It's love must reach me in real terms. You see, Trump's strange kind of love has reached me even from over the pond. Who wants to be seen as a necessary inconvenience? That is how Liberalism ended up treating the electorate at large.

Political correctness needs to go. Governments, Ministers, Senators, Congress men and Women, family people, traditional people should not be criminalized.

You see, the Dem lawsuit is the ultimate last bend over onto the sword blade for Liberalism. It is criminalizing the world because it would not do what Liberalism dictated to it. Tough luck, Liberalism. You ended up as the Hitler you said you despised. I knew you would do this even back in 2000. I wrote it in a song lyric. Shame you never let me in because I could have been useful. That is what you get for making me invisible I guess.

All feels good in the word. Raguel, the Angel of Justice, is soaring through the skies putting a few things right.

To ignore me means getting it twice as nice. I shall be visitng here regularly and ever appyling the pressure in a positive way. I am a friend to ATS, not an enemy. I am a Nemesis to Prejudice though. I am trying very hard to be that.

edit on 21-4-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

All feels good in the word. Raguel, the Angel of Justice, is soaring through the skies putting a few things right. 

As Buer rolls around the floor, laughing at such futile and elusive actions...

Name one unjust law that has come around due to political correctness that has had a significant and detrimental effect to your existence?

I'm interested in where this is going.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

If you could remember which mosquito it was that gave you yellow fever perhaps he could answer you.

I have to agree, political correctness is a vicious weapon held in the hands of a smiling face telling us all it's for our own good. It isn't. It's the intentional twisting and destruction of our own language to provide cover for the horrors and ills of their agenda. It's hard to describe the damage done when the very words to do so have been turned in to weapons.

OP, I'd like to join your army.
The language police have reigned in terror long enough.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 07:08 AM
Dude well said,

I consider myself a lefty but left has gone so insanely to the left that I find Im now well to the right of what the world tells me I should be and is normal.
There is a massive disconnect between whats pushed and whats real, everyone sees it, some people just fall further into delusion to avoid acknowledging it and that scares me.

More and more people are waking up but those that wont are digging in deeper, I wonder how bad it will get before it gets better.

P.s God speed in your holy mission brother

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

If you could remember which mosquito it was that gave you yellow fever perhaps he could answer you. 

I suppose that's a fair enough point.

Once upon a time the biggest could simply take what they needed but then damnation came along to say your morals and ethics are wrong.

I'm not claiming to know what's best for humanity but I do know that conflict is ultimately the downfall of human civilisation.

Personally I say # the language police I'd never say a negative word to another human being that I don't have the moral fiber to back up, my word and my balls are all I really have in this world, everything else (including me) is simply borrowed.

Again though, conflict isn't a decent way to make a living in a human society. As I usually mention, I can only speak for myself, I can police myself too. I can't say the same for others.

It's why I asked my question. I'm genuinely interested if the op (or anyone) has been wronged due to political correctness, I'm of the opinion that those who weaponize words should have the human decency to stand by their capabilities of aggression.

I've seen too often words used as bait, it's seldom ever done by the courageous.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Like I said in another thread, Political Correctness is polite fascism.

It is the tyranny of the Polite.

It is censorship disguised as being "nice".

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Compelled Speech would affect freedom of speech - heres an example

Bill C-16

The Canadian Bar Association supported the passage of the bill, by writing a detailed letter to the Chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Speaking for the CBA, the President, René J. Basque, Q.C./c.r, argued that the bill would provide necessary protections for trans-gender people; made explicit the protections for trans-gender people which were already contained in the prohibition on discrimination based on sexual orientation; and did not pose any risk to freedom of expression.[16]

In November 2017, Lindsay Shepherd, a teaching assistant at Wilfrid Laurier University who showed Peterson's critique of Bill C-16 in her "Canadian Communication in Context" class, was reprimanded by faculty members, who said that she had created "an unsafe learning environment" and that she had violated Bill C-16.[17][18] Commenting on the incident, University of Toronto law professor Brenda Cossman noted that the Canadian Human Rights Act (which C-16 amended) does not apply to universities, and that it would be highly unlikely for a court to find that the teaching assistant's actions were discriminatory under the comparable portions of the Ontario Human Rights Code.[19]

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Why are you ignoring the right wing's political correctness? You know, like how you guys whine and moan if we don't say "radical Islamic terrorism", don't stand for the anthem, reject the confederate flag and confederate statues? Or if say we want diversity, talk about reparations, mention "Black Lives Matter", or want to talk about the virtues of socialism? You guys have your own "political correctness" but are too blind to notice it.

And I vividly remember the Bush years when merely speaking out against the neocons and their BS was considered "politically incorrect". Remember the right wing boycott of the Dixie Chicks? Remember that whole "it's disrespectful to the troops to attack the President during times of war" crap? You probably don't remember it because you guys completely threw it out the window when Obama became President.

Also, if people's "political correctness" is really destroying you self proclaimed "own love of diversity", then you didn't love it to begin with. How can someone else's opinion make you dislike something you claim to love? How gullible and impressionable are you?! I live diversity and there's not a damn thing any of you can do to change that. I also love chocolate, cantaloupes, traveling, waterfalls, and pretty ladies, and there's nothing anyone can say or do to make me no longer enjoy those, either. And I hate mayonnaise because it tastes like salty, slightly seasoned, fatty snot cream. And guess what? There's nothing that anyone can say or do to change my opinion of it, either. That's what it means to love or hate something; it's the unconditional acceptance or rejection of something. But you seem like you're only willing to accept something as long as other people are talking about it in a positive way.
edit on 21-4-2018 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 08:07 AM
Sure. Let's go back to segregating black people, blasting the N word anywhere and everywhere, beating gays, and burning witches.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

I'd have to read a load of political jargon to appreciate what you linked, on a hot sunny Sunday in England I'm not willing to do that. However I will repeat what that chap being questioned said in essence.

That discrimination enacted due to hate is fundamentally wrong, we can debate semantics all you like. I don't bash on any group and if I did I'd have the human decency to stand by my preconceived notions even if they happened to be illegal.

I'm not changing my beliefs nor thoughts for another group, I'll change them because I've fundamentally changed as the being I exist to be.

I say to all, go forth and speak your mind. Don't be a proverbial pussy cat. If your actions are illegal then it is clearly the system and the people that are in the wrong.

It's not like the laws governing those of other sexual disposition are draconian... Hell, the same laws apply for all of us. Nobody is free to speak their mind if speaking their mind equals harassment or hatred towards a protected characteristic.

Maybe I'm wrong...

I always feel in threads like this, that people just want to say such and such people are "wrong'uns" and should be drowned at birth, I say what's it to you?

It was always easy to discriminate minorities, I can't support that. Their business isn't my business. Civility is something I do insist upon though.

We've always had compelled speech. Go tell an LEO that he/she should die and that you wouldn't piss on him/her if they were on fire. Such actions never end well.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 08:23 AM
I watched a video of Don Rickles a few days ago. It was some outtakes from him appearing on late night talk shows and roasts from the 1970's.
If I posted it here, I would have to give a warning... NSFW/C.
He pointed out to the audience and asked a lady if she was Chinese, she apparently answered in the affirmative, because he immediately said... "No, you're a Jap!"
Then he pointed to another person and said, "Are you Chinese?" Then he said "If not, you better get those eyes fixed."
He kissed Sammy Davis Jr and then wiped his mouth with his hand and asked the audience if the 'black was all off'.
That stuff wouldn't fly today when people get offended if you assume their gender...even if you got it correct.

edit on b000000302018-04-21T08:24:24-05:0008America/ChicagoSat, 21 Apr 2018 08:24:24 -0500800000018 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 09:36 AM
I'm no fan of fanatical political correctness, in fact before that term was invented it was just called being nice or polite. I feel like people that over zealously rail against political correctness really just wish that they can be an a**hole without being called out for it. They long for a time when their antiquated and hostile views towards those that are different from them could be freely spoken without being chastised by the majority of their peers. Funny and coincidentally enough you find this sentiment in it's largest proportions in the deep south or other isolated rural areas. Also coincidentally you also find these areas to have the most draconian drug laws/sentencing and lower education standards. Not trying to insult the south but their are definitely some area's that need to catch up to modern times.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 10:34 AM
"Politics have no relation to morals"

They killed Jesus, Socrates and Machiavelli for hate speech.
edit on 21-4-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 10:44 AM
Here's a simple test; tell me which term has more emotional value or carries more weight:

Antichristian or Antisemitism?

(funny that spell check makes one hyphenated and the other a whole word)

In today's world it's ok to be one of those but the other is not. Political correctness is a direct descendant of Critical Theory and Marxist doctrine which does not offer anything but the destruction of what once was the dominant culture, economy and power structure. Therein lies the rub; the old power structures have mostly been destroyed but they cannot afford to admit victory otherwise there is no "enemy" left to overcome. This is why all minority and special interest groups get victim status whereby any criticism of them is generally not allowed. Everything traditional is on the chopping block: Caucasians, Christianity, Capitalism and Constitutional government. This can hardly be denied as each of those has been endlessly criticized, marginalized and demonized.

"Whiteness" is a heritage and social construct to be ashamed of. Christianity is middle age sky-god nonsense and the source of endless historical wrongs. Free trade leads to monopolies and creates poor and destitute. Constitutional government was created by White slave owners 200 years ago and times have changed. These are the popular conceptions today, true?

I looked up the figures and atheism has doubled in the last 20 years.
Belief in God had dropped precipitously along with church attendance over the last 50 years:

The role of religion is being replaced by government and Marxist ideology. Life's uncertainties are no longer spiritual matters but public policies with a constant source of blame. As South African President Jacob Zuma stated: "All our problems (in South Africa) began when Jan Van Riebeck landed at the Cape in 1652". So too in the US all our problems today are the result of colonialism, slavery, westward expansion, Christians and capitalism. Hispanics even blame White Americans for the loss of California even though they themselves are of European descent. The evils of slavery are blamed on Whites even though slavery has long existed in Africa and does to this day. These things are overlooked because of minority status making them the eternal victims. Even Black men can never be part of the ever-oppressive "patriarchy".

The government declared war on poverty 50 years ago and has been successful in creating a great deal more of it; turning most our cities in to crime infested warzones where single motherhood and government assistance is the norm. The Democrats have succeeded in retaining power by bleeding ever more from the working taxpayers which leads not to independence, self-reliance and pride but a sad dependency on the state and a perpetual cycle of hopelessness on one side and an impoverished working class with no ability to save on the other.

Though Marxists claim to be tearing down the "old order" they are still more than happy to use the banks, the military, the police and the Congress to get what they want. Their struggle has never been for equality but ascendancy.

These are the sad fruits of Marxist doctrine applied in America and political correctness is the cultural weapon to stop or deflect any criticism. You don't want to be called a ______phobe or ______ist do you?

Why do I hate political correctness? Because it doesn't care about fairness, equality or growth but relies on elevating one group while degrading another. I take people one at a time and try to treat each as a unique individual and I am as strongly against fascism as I am against Marxism. Both are tools of oppressive control.

Great article on the origins of PC -

Socialism/Marxism inevitably leads to this -
I leave you with 2 images of downtown Johannesburg, South Africa:

Before Marxist government -

After Marxist government -

edit on 21-4-2018 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Well done!

When you look at the "10 Planks" they even admit their goals and we are witnessing it now. Yet bringing it up makes you some kind of heretic!

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Jordan Peterson is excellent

That bill definitely has problems, but to be fair it's not the bill's fault that the Wilfried Laurier faculty chose to refer to it in their reprimand.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Jordan Peterson is excellent

That bill definitely has problems, but to be fair it's not the bill's fault that the Wilfried Laurier faculty chose to refer to it in their reprimand.

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

" I will wait patiently for a new Liberal vision that has some real feeling in it."

Good Luck with that Fool .

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 11:33 AM
"political correctness" is a spook, a phantasm, it doesn't exist, but accepting it, is submitting to the idea that there is an inherent/pre-determined "correct/incorrect" "right/wrong" universal inherent "morality" which is false and just moralistic oppression.

there are differences between a racist (bigoted, misogynistic, homo-bi-trans-phobic) remark and a "politically incorrect" remark

posted on Apr, 21 2018 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

And once again, the right wing has its own form of "political correctness" that stigmatizes anything that doesn't fit its narrow-minded norms. And it's absurd how you can say the following:

This is why all minority and special interest groups get victim status whereby any criticism of them is not allowed.

when ATS alone is full of threads where criticism of minority groups & special interest groups is most certainly allowed. Here's a thread where people here were complaining about African American names (HERE). Here's a recent one about racial profiling and knife crimes (HERE). And there are threads right here that include criticisms of LGBT people, gay marriage, and more. And of course, there have been a proverbial boatload of threads criticizing Muslims, Muslim countries & govts, halal practices, Sharia law, etc. How can YOU, a literal mod here, pretend that criticism of minority groups isn't allowed in this society????

Here's a simple test; tell me which term has more emotional value or carries more weight:

Antichristian or Antisemitism?

Has more emotional value to who? Practicing Christians get just as riled up about "anti-Christian" stuff as Semites do about "Anti-Semitic" stuff. But you seem to only see things from your own experiences while ignoring the perspectives of others, even though we've been here just as long as you guys have. Or to be more blunt, which one has more emotional value or carries more weight:

Anti-Muslim or Anti-Christian? Do people on the right wing typically get as emotionally invested when they hear people disparaging Muslims as they do when they hear people disparaging Christians? If not, why not?

The evils of slavery are blamed on Whites even though slavery has long existed in Africa and does to this day.

Maybe that's because we're not in Africa. lol Deflecting to a completely different continent any time people want to talk about our own country's recent history is ludicrous. Or are you trying to deny the massive European-fueled slave trade that encompassed European slave colonies in Africa and the Caribbean, and the slave dealings throughout various European controlled regions in north America, South America, and Europe itself?

I can trace my African lineage here 6-8 generations back, depending on the branch. 4 generations back and before that were actual slaves. Not indentured servants nor sharecroppers; but legally certified slaves with one branch from the Gold Coast. I know the American towns they were in, the American towns they helped settle and build, as well as the names of the slave owners who owned them and their children (and the ones who rented them out to other slave owners). Those towns like Chaires, Florida and those slave owners' lineages are alive right now. And I even have one branch of a slave owner's family on my family tree, though they currently don't acknowledge my great-great-great-great grandmother's children as being "of them", even though all of her kids are also the kids of their patriarch.

I also know the family members who came later that were killed by the KKK & how half of that family branch fled Alabama after that. I also know the family members after that who stayed in Alabama & were caught up in the govt's Tuskegee experiments. And the family members after that who were drafted into WW2 to save Europeans from literal Hitler, just to come back and still be 2nd class citizens who couldn't vote or run for office for another 20 years. I know the family members who fought in the US Civil Rights Movement, some as integrationists, some as churchgoing nonviolent protestors, and some as militant Black Panther types.

My own parents were both kids when black Americans were finally allowed to legally vote countrywide, yet neither went to a racially integrated school until they both went to college. Think about that. Out of the 8 generations of my family tree in America not counting my Creek "Indian" side, my parents were the first generation that was legally allowed to go to school with white Americans, date white Americans, serve on a jury against white Americans, live in the same neighborhoods as white Americans, have access to the same govt contracts as white Americans, etc.

Yet the mere mention of terms like "white privilege", "reparations", or "black lives matter" still sends many of you into a frothing "woe is me" tantrum because it's still politically incorrect to bring up lol. That's why people like me scoff at this "I hate political correctness" crybaby act. Y'all are acting like your traditions are under attack, even though you don't give a crap about how your traditions trampled on so many of our traditions, livelihoods, norms, beliefs, families, etc. And when "others" point this stuff out, many of you literally can't seem to handle it, hence this thread.

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