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School responds to peaceful protest students with a good old fashioned swatting to their thighs ?

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posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 05:21 AM
Does Violence beget Violence ?

Surprisingly, corporal punishment in schools is still a thing. Who knew ? As far as I can gather not in every area but in certain states in the US and in certain public school districts. Having read a little this morning, there is an “ opt out “ preference for parents who may not wish their children to be physically assaulted by educators, so there's that at least !
Making news today is this account of three students in Arkansas who decided to get involved in the walk out protest, and were subsequently paddled for it...or as they call it, received “ Swats “ as a method of discipline for disobeying school procedure. ( ie they neglected to tell their school they would engage in a 17 minute walk out in support of the nationwide organised protest against gun violence in schools. Oh also ..they were given a choice I must add, take the "swatting" or suspension for a couple of days. They chose the corporal punishment. Administered by the dean of students and witnessed by the assistant principal.

There you have it then.
Arkansas school decide that the best kind of reaction to students who wish to protest violence is to offer an option of ….violence ? What ?

Ehh yeah ok.

When will we stop thinking that physical assault against grown up kids actually teaches them any kind of morality ? Seriously....where is the actual logic in this?
Kids, in their formative years, are in school to be educated, not to be physically disciplined. What does this actually teach them ?
If you don't conform to what we want you to do..we will administer pain to your actual body until you tow the line.
What century are you stuck on Arkansas ?

edit on 16/3/18 by cosmickat because: broken link

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

When will we stop thinking that physical assault against grown up kids actually teaches them any kind of morality ? Seriously....where is the actual logic in this?

When I was a kid, mama telling me"Go to your room" just did not have the same scare factor as "go get me a switch".

Seems to me that when they took prayer and butt whippings out of school is when these school shootings really started. Correlation there perhaps? Its your job as an adult to instruct kids or to endure them.

What does this actually teach them ?

Self discipline. To stop and think , "Hey, is this something mom would pull out the flyswatter and spank me for? If so then maybe I should not do it."

I have a family member who does not believe in spanking her kids. She has two of the most rude, ignorant, unruly, disrespectful kids I have ever seen. I hate even being around them. Contrast that with another family member who gave her kids spankings when they were growing up and deserved it. They made straight A's in school. Always put "sir" or "ma'am" at the end of their sentences, and are never disrespectful to adults.

Maybe we would not be seeing this downward spiral of the younger generations if their parents had used a belt on their butts more.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

Rules arent relative and there are ramifications for breaking them.

Fwiw...i was paddled in school. I authorized padddling for my youngest but not my oldest. Different kids and they responded to different motivations.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: Cancerwarrior

Agree to disagree is very appropriate here then.

It is an antiquated and barbaric and ineffectual method of " parenting " Says a lot more about the parent than it does about some misbehaviour by a child.
If we are going to refer to personal experience ...I was phsically "disciplined" both at home and school for mundane and pretty minor infringements of rules. When I got to my later teen years I totally rebelled against the into some pretty dicey situations and had a hellish few years till I reached my early 20's, where I finally succeeded in getting myself sorted out and safe.
I have never got physical with either of my kids...even when they were very small..never a smack..nothing. Instead..we talked to each other..I gave them the benefit of my experience...I parented..kept them safe ..and hopefully mentored them. As they were growing up, I was continually complimented by teachers and other adults my kids came into contact with as to how mannerable and well behaved / adjusted kids I had raised. On my own ( single parent since the youngest was 2 )
I now have 5 grandkids..none of them have suffered any kind of physical form of discipline and they are fantastic kids..all if them. ( biased I know )
I know that in generations to come this physical battering of our kids ....who we purport to cherish above all other things ...will cease to be acceptable. Just a matter of time before this practice is consigned to history along with all the other barbaric things that don't belong in a modern society.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

It is an antiquated and barbaric and ineffectual method of " parenting "

Yet it has been around human society for thousands of years. It is only in our modern society that all of a sudden it constitutes, "abuse" to discipline your kids in this manner.

Personally, I would like to see butt whippings for alot of adults I know.

Sh_thead kids grow up to be Sh_thead adults. That is a fact.

Just because your parenting style seemed to work for your kids does not mean that your parenting style is going to work for all kids. As another poster stated above, what motivates one child may not work so well for others. Nobody should tell you how to raise your own kids, that goes for both sides of this argument.
edit on 16-3-2018 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:25 AM
Kid breaks the rules at school, that's a paddlin'. But it's BAD!!! Everyone says noooo..

Kid breaks into your home, gets shot by Guy McKillin'. That'll learn 'em. Everyone says YASSSS!!!!

Weird how it goes...

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Cancerwarrior

I agree. No one should tell someone else how to parent. Personal experience shouldn't be seen as a " model " for how to parent. Which was why I disagreed with your initial reply...because it is not my experience.
The basic premise of how it is acceptable to inflict physical pain on someone you love to teach them a lesson is wrong.
Are you ok with other forms of domestic violence too ...If not...why not ?

Also I was drawing from my personal experience to illustrate the fact that corporal punishment did not work for me. I still got into taught me nothing. If anything, it made me buck the system more...So ..... ?
edit on 16/3/18 by cosmickat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

Oh also ..they were given a choice

I totally rebelled against the into some pretty dicey situations and had a hellish few years till I reached my early 20's

Read that first line again. They were given a choice.
So were you. Follow the rules or suffer the consequences. If these kids are grown up enough to make the decision to walk out in protest, they are grown up enough to take responsibility for their actions.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

You RAISE your children. You don't RAISE your partner.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: badw0lf

Some do try to do just that...wonder if they were paddled as they were being " raised "

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:32 AM
You know what’d really teach kids discipline these days, is putting them back to work in the factories and textile mills, damn lazy kids mooching off my taxes.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Ok..not to make this about me..but once again..I suffered the consequences, at school for forgetting homework....or for being late...And at home..for similarly minor things.
I rebelled anyway.
It didn't work.

My question is..what does physical punishment actually teach children ? That it is perfectly acceptable to use physical force to get your message across?

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Also the choice they were given was between corporal punishment or suspension from school.
They did take responsibility for their actions. Read the article.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: eNumbra

Or... as coal is making a comeback...maybe they could get the soot out of the chimmneys ?

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

I did read it and I think you're missing a very big point here.

First, like I said, they and their parents chose the punishment. In school suspension is not like being suspended from the school. You sit in one room all day, but still do classwork.

He offered us two choices of punishment, both of which had to be approved by our parents. We would either suffer two ‘swats’ from a paddle or two days of in-school suspension. All three of us chose the paddling, with the support of our parents.

I believe that corporal punishment has no place in schools, even if it wasn’t painful to me. The idea that violence should be used against someone who was protesting violence as a means to discipline them is appalling.

I can't believe this doesn't stand out to you. HE chose his own punishment. HE AND HIS PARENTS chose the violence but then complains about violence.

Someone's looking for his 15 minutes.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

Which was why I disagreed with your initial reply...because it is not my experience.

Nor was yours mine, hence why I disagreed with your OP.

Also I was drawing from my personal experience to illustrate the fact that corporal punishment did not work for me. I still got into taught me nothing. If anything, it made me buck the system more...So ..... ?

Then I would say you are an example of somebody who did not respond to that type of motivation. Maybe you were the kind of kid that would respond to a good "talking to."

I however, was not that kind of kid. Sometimes the only way to get my attention was a smack upside the head. Maybe that constitutes "abuse" to you but its not like I had some kind of sadistic parents that enjoyed beating their son. My sisters weren't like that. They almost never got in trouble while we were growing up. Thank God my parents loved me enough to whip my arse when I needed it. I did not know it at the time, but I'm a better person for it today.

The basic premise of how it is acceptable to inflict physical pain on someone you love to teach them a lesson is wrong.

I think my parents would have strongly disagreed with you.

You don't want to discipline your kids in this manner then fine, but who are you to tell others that their parenting style in this manner is wrong just because it is not "your experience"?

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

It teaches them the idea that there are consequences for their actions. That seems to be a lesson not taught well enough these days.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 07:13 AM
It is an antiquated and barbaric and ineffectual method of " parenting " Says a lot more about the parent than it does about some misbehavior by a child.

Not true and history Backs that up

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 07:16 AM
I don't have a single adult friend who wasn't given at least one good spanking as a child.

know why? the kids who were never put in their place grew up to be # heads. a bunch of self important wankers who never seem to have any good advice, and don't have any drive to do anything great with their lives.
meanwhile they pump out one kid after another and don't teach the brats any manners. next thing you know they're in school organizing walk outs so they can go trash the local wall Mart.


posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 07:21 AM
I’m very much against corporal punishment, and the “spanking” of kids. Not only because I abhor violence, but I don’t believe it is properly teaching kids real-world consequences.

When you don’t make your car payment, does the loan company come and punch you a few times? No, they take your car away from you. When you don’t make your house payment, does the bank come over and kick your butt? Nope, they will foreclose on you and kick you out of your home.

When you commit a crime, you don’t get a few slaps and get sent on your way, your personal freedom gets taken away and you go to jail, or you may have to lose some of your hard-earned money by paying a fine.

I believe in giving those same types of punishments to kids to teach them what happens in the real world.

I was a good kid and never got into any real trouble, but my brother could be a little turd sometimes and broke quite a few rules. My mom, being very much against physical violence used as punishment, taught him real-world consequences. He would lose material items that meant a lot to him; he would lose his personal freedom for a while by being stuck in the guest room (his room had all kinds of cool things to play with, so he wasn’t allowed in there) - the bigger the infraction, the longer the “sentence”. She even took some of his hard-earned money he made mowing lawns as a “fine” for breaking the rules. He learned what would happen to him in the world as an adult if he didn’t follow the rules. He’s a responsible adult now, and he never got swatted or spanked or hit.

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